I have to say that soy sauce makers are thinking askew to be continued.
[46 Chapter four hundred and seven It’s time to scratch? ]
The long-lost gang war is finally over …
Looking at everything in front of me "on the right track", Zuo Tangtang can’t help getting old! Tears! Longitudinal! Horizontal!
She can say that this group of pit goods playing soy sauce is actually addicted to the chef even watching it! Vietnam War is getting worse and worse. Vietnam War! For those who have always been fond of building hatred and soy sauce in the wild, they have never tried this novelty, which has completely aroused their great interest. Don’t die one by one, don’t even understand the skills, but still be confident. Queue up and swear that you will definitely take it.
Didn’t they see the hanging bottles coming for a long time? Didn’t they see them in black at the moment? !
The answer is-when! However! No! Yes!
In the end, I couldn’t see it for nine days. I ordered Zuo Tangtang to force his way into the chef’s learning interface and drove a group of idiots who were obsessed with it to practice.
[Nearby] Don’t hurry after nine days! ! !
[Nearby] Nine days later, it will be time for the unified judgment in a little while! You can’t call then!
I miss the gang war for nine days, and I didn’t forget to stay awake in the nearby channel when I entered the interface of life skills exchange.
Master Jiu Tian, we really don’t mind letting your gang play two more games for everyone!
Hanging bottles on the side showed sincere little eyes. You know, they fought with a group of scamping goods. They are very happy to watch them quietly here. Are they fighting one-on-one like wave upon wave … A beggar gang? Chef?
[Nearby] Nine days later, Beique!
Alas, the north finch, who was named by the sheet, also dawdled out from one side and sighed. This is for him to urge the rhythm
I can’t help sighing again. He can restore himself to be a quiet wallflower and hang it beautifully on the stone pillar of the gang.
Because the gang friendship war is played with the help of the gang war system, it is not as full of the smell of war as other gangs did before the gang war. The hanging bottles are very patient and wait for the soy sauce to enter the gang so that they can attack from the main entrance when they are ready.
But …
Even in the north finch, there is no voice to urge the soy sauce makers, but they are definitely not as anxious as they see.
be reluctant to part
[Nearby] Beat peas, cats and stars/help pigs ~
[Nearby] Eraser, can we still play logging?
[Nearby] Soft Soft Sugar Ouch ~ Let’s leave this old beggar cook here! ! ! We’re back. Okay, go on! ! !
[Nearby] The round pie is excited/Yes, yes!
[Nearby] Call me the Truth Emperor. What nonsense is that? Hurry! Hurry! Hurry up and we can play after this game is over!
Nine days …
Hang a bottle …
Although the soy sauce makers are asking him, they are actually very happy to ask themselves and answer the questions. After nine days, they have been so angry that they can’t say a word, and the hanging bottles are full of "Nima" in their hearts.
The soy sauce makers are really in a hurry now, but Nima’s attitude of dealing with them quickly and having fun is unbearable! Hanging bottles are collapsing in their hearts. Who on earth is begging for this and who is practicing? How? They come to help with a friendship, and these idiots are still acting like grandfathers in front of them? !
You know, they’re busy, too, okay
Hanging the bottle body and angrily lifting the table
However, after all, their Wang can still stay there as calm as if nothing happened, and they can continue to maintain a light and polite attitude.
Anyway, it’s a friendship gang … Hmm! Yes! Friendship gang!
Hanging bottles are heavily nodded, and their Wang can be unwavering in front of these idiots. They, as members of the body gang, must not let Wang lose face.