The former fragment warden looked at the image data of Lin’s cell, that is, fast forward and then fast forward, and hurried past where he injected it. There was also a place where Lin picked out the mutated meat from the nutrient solution.
Now the warden of debris hits Lin’s cell again, and it’s no longer about eating. He noticed that Lin would be lifted with his eyes wide open every time he woke up, and then he would do his thing.
I don’t see anything about this … I gave a detailed explanation to the warden of the debris in front of the forest for him to see for himself.
The debris warden now pays special attention to the situation of forest drinking water.
Debris warden looked at the image in which Lin finished eating the nutrient solution and put the plastic bottle on the faucet … At this moment, debris warden reached out and pressed the slow play button on the screen of light and shadow.
Video of the first day in prison!
Lin held a plastic bottle with a little residue in his left hand and put it on the faucet. His right hand put it on the faucet and gently rotated the faucet at a constant speed. It took just one second to finish beating the faucet.
Rush …
Clean tap water doesn’t rush at all and slowly falls into plastic bottles.
When one second goes by five seconds, the speed of turning off the tap is almost the same as that of turning on the tap, and there may be a slight gap.
In seven seconds, the water in the plastic bottle was just half full.
Lin gently shook the lid of the plastic bottle and poured the water inside into the mouth.
This is the process of drinking water in forest.
After reading this paragraph, the warden of debris will quickly jump to a paragraph!
After reading three pieces of forest drinking video data in a row, the warden was very surprised. "This god of food is simply a robot!"
When the faucet is wrong accurately, when the water is injected by mistake accurately, when the faucet is wrong accurately!
The key is accurate!
The fragment warden put two pieces of video materials together and watched them synchronously … It was like editing them from the same video material. He repeatedly played them dozens of times and found different places.
Its accuracy adds up to an error of less than one thousandth of a second.
This is the powerful ability of body memory!
This is the powerful copying ability of body memory after the third special training for more than 200 years.
The warden of debris is not interested in the life of Lin prisoners. It is impossible to watch carefully and watch some special things. Otherwise, if the warden of debris can treat the forest video data like a film, he will find that the life of Lin is a bit regular, just like replaying and replaying.
Soon the warden of debris saw the video of Lin drinking water this week, that is, four days ago
There is no change in the forest movement, or draw water and drink water in seven seconds.
For the first time, the warden didn’t see anything unusual.
There was still no second time.
Until this time recently, nothing was found to be normal!
It’s not surprising that the warden of the debris can’t see the abnormality. It’s half a bottle of water in seven seconds … The water gap between the first time and the latest time is only two millimeters. It’s really not something that ordinary people can see. The warden of the debris is watching it step by step, which is even more obvious.
Fragments of the warden’s voice appeared in Lin’s cell again … This time a little angry.
Lin can hear the fragment warden from the fragment warden’s voice. Now the fragment warden is in a mood of being played and cheated … Lin shook his head. He still overestimated the fragment warden a little. Except for the rigorous thinking of scientists, who cares about the difference between two millimeters of a glass of water and two millimeters of water, that is, a few grams of water?
This shard warden is not a scientist, even his original identity is not an elite, but a small leader.
Before the fragment warden could continue to talk, Lin said first, "Take a screenshot of yourself and then analyze your brain … Your eyesight is really average!"
The difference between two millimeters and ordinary masters should be able to see that eyesight is closely related to strength, and you know that two millimeters is probably the distance between life and death.
The warden of debris still believes in his eyes, but he also knows that he has some problems with his eyesight. Although he is very impolite, he listened to Lin and made a screenshot analysis.
This analysis can neve hide that fact that has just been ignored by my own eye!
"There is less water!"
"How few!"
"The gap of a few millimeters … is still getting bigger."
"How did this happen … something really went wrong with the energy!"
"Damn … what should we do now?"
"If there is no energy, all the equipment in this prison will stop running, and the nutrient solution synthesis equipment will also stop running. The robot will not continue to deliver food without energy … The most important thing is that the water will be cut off soon!"
"Starved to death?"
"Still poisoned?"
"I didn’t even have a choice. I was starved to death … no, I can still commit suicide?" The warden looked at his cell. There are still many ways to commit suicide, but if he would choose to commit suicide, he would have committed suicide long ago.
Lin just spoke and couldn’t help repeating these words one by one in his mind. If they fall into the ears of other prisoners, there may be nothing, but if they fall into the ears of this warden, it will slowly happen, what is happening now and what will happen in the future … Scenes are completely presented in his mind.
What should we do?
Without hesitation, the warden of debris immediately handed this question to Lin "What should I do?"
Lin said happily, "What should I do?"
"Without energy, we don’t need to die in this prison in a few days. What do you think we should do?"
"What can I do if I wait to die!" Lin’s head turned and was pulled to face. "Come in here to die! It’s just a matter of dying early and dying late! "
"You …"
"I have prepared a lot of mutated meat. I believe that I can’t digest my stomach without mutation!"
"You …"
"You should also have a toilet and even a line in your room … all good tools for suicide!"
"You … what do you want?"
The warden’s voice softened Lin Cai’s words without interrupting him again, so that he could finish a sentence completely.
"Do you want to leave alive?"
"that line will tell me everything you know!" Lin just sat up from the bed and said seriously, "I need 10,000% real and certain information. You know that the door of this cell is actually not very strong and can be broken, but outside the cell, there are robots equipped with laser weapons. Their body energy is energy bars. Even if the total energy consumption of the prison is dry, they can still operate normally for a long time, and sometimes this time is enough to trap us in the cell!"
"But I don’t know what news there is?" In the opinion of the warden of the debris prison, this prison is perfect and can’t escape.
"Let’s talk from those robots outside!" The importance of information need not be emphasized again and again. Lin himself knows it very well. The more information he knows, the more he will get me out of this prison.