The undead in claw are undead in the undead hell. Their source is the claw demon in the devil, which belongs to the demon that became undead after the claw demon died. Their most powerful attack comes from their ossification, and their claws are as agile as before.
After having a huge undead army, there are two roads in front of the Bones Devil. The first one is naturally to go to the Devil’s lair to find Kiki Guerra and convince her to rush to the ground world with her troops. But Latamius estimates that after he appears outside the Devil’s lair, the biggest possibility is to attract the demon lords inside to fear the siege, and maybe they will be summoned by the demons to take charge of Mezavalo at night and then kill him. After all, he just sacrificed the demon Lord Samoru not long ago, and the summoning is still forbidden in the demon world. Therefore, this road was directly rejected by him. If his skull was not broken, he would not go to the devil’s lair, and in his opinion, he could complete the second road by his own strength.
What is the second road? It’s very simple, that is, dig a tunnel blocked by rocks and head for the ground world alone. Of course, this road is also very dangerous. Because he is not careful, he may encounter Waterloo again. The Bones Devil still thinks that there is another road, that is, to find other roads leading to the ground without digging rocks. This one is the safest in Latamius’s eyes, and there are some dwarf undead in his hands. Although they have little memory, they can still find a road leading to the ground after synthesis.
However, after sending more than a dozen waves of undead to explore, the Bones Devil tragically found that the third road was even more unrealistic than the second road. There were many roads leading to the ground, but more of them were destroyed. At the same time, after inquiring about the routes, he found that the so-called roads leading to the ground could eventually merge into two roads, one of which was discovered not long ago and the other was the road that Chen Kai had to travel to the underground for less than half a month.
The most important thing is that the road was probably destroyed in an earthquake. After the soul exploration of the demon with few bones, it was found that the road was blocked for at least 100 meters. It is estimated that it would take half a month to move those rocks alone. Relatively speaking, it is faster to dig the road leading to Dongcheng District. The most important thing is that Latamius is a demon, although he is a dead undead demon, there has always been human fear. There is no demon to fear human things. Latamius would rather risk being destroyed again and head for Dongcheng District, so pieces of rocks will be knocked down by a hundred-eyed giant and dug by the undead.
Actually, let the demons choose this direction, and the spellcasters have released directional seismology to other places. If the Bones Devil really chooses other places to leave the lava city unless he turns in the direction of the devil’s lair, he will need to dig more than ten kilometers of landslides wherever he goes. If the rocks face the east, he will just have to dig dozens of meters of rock layers. In this case, Latamius will make a wise choice if his head is not pumping, but he has no choice. He doesn’t know that the previous small-scale vibrations are caused by the directional seismology of the spellcasters on the ground. After all, who has nothing to do to make artificial landslides
The first volume Chapter 469 Roar! Dragon knights (2)
When Latamius, the Bones Demon, had no choice, he slowly dug up the road leading to the eastern city, but the excavation process was very slow, because he felt that his strength was not strong enough, so he collected the whole lava city to find the remains of the bodies, and then helped the undead caster to summon the dead world and the undead hell to strengthen his hands.
Of course, this short-term reinforcement can’t have an effect on the high-level undead. The Bones Devil hopes to strengthen the low-level cannon fodder so that it won’t be killed in an instant. After all, nearly half of the more than 30,000 undead summoned by the Bones Devil are five or six levels of garbage. If the former Bones Devil must have crushed and absorbed these undead, now he can choose to strengthen these garbage and turn them from low-level cannon fodder into high-level cannon fodder.
However, there is another idea in Bones Devil’s heart, that is, to summon those undead hands from the ruins of Dongcheng District after digging through the tunnel, but this is obviously unlikely because the dwarves or the guardians guarding the tunnel will not leave themselves trouble and danger. If you want to find the trail of undead, hundreds of players will flock to beat them up and turn them into slag completely.
For some players, the ruins in Dongcheng District of Lava City are the best place to search for treasures, because here you can find a damaged dwarf magic weapon, and you can make a lot of money if you find a handle. Actually, after the victory of the battle or the disappearance of the hundred-eyed giant from the earthly world, many players scavengers tried to enter the ruins in Dongcheng District, but most of them were stopped by the dwarves until the dwarves left most of them in the ruins and collected the materials they could find.
Although many players are very dissatisfied with this, after all, lava city is a dwarf’s territory, even if lava city has become a ruin at this moment. After the dwarves cleaned it up, players turned the whole lava city ruin upside down again. All the rock materials that can be found were collected by players, and the rocks were sent back to the spellcasters to reinforce the wall metal materials, while they were sold to dwarves or Berkner Town for gold coins at low prices. At the entrance to the lava city ruins, hundreds of players held up cards to buy various things. Whether it’s magic weapons or all kinds of materials, it’s better than the blood left by Baimu Giant. However, it’s good to find some of the former, and even if it is found, it’s hard to put it away. The most important thing is that the blood of Baimu Giant contains power, which is very evil. When ordinary players get close, the only feeling is that they want to kill people around them. Therefore, most players who find blood are not necessarily lucky, and they may become very unfortunate.
Up to now, there are more than a dozen players who have found the blood left by the Baimu Giant, but seven of them have survived and successfully sold none of them. Most of the time, these players are dragging their wounds and slowly moving to the entrance, reporting the location of the blood to the two paladins stationed here in the morning temple. Even the paladins in the temple dare not approach this blood full of strong evil breath. Although the battle has passed for almost half a month, the blood of the Baimu Giant is still very fresh and there are few ordinary people. The blood turns black after it dries up like that, but even if it doesn’t dry up, the blood of the hundred-eyed giant is still black, and it is still as black as ink, which will dye the rock like coal.
At the same time, there are not many rocks that are found to be covered with the blood of the hundred-eyed giant, because the evil breath in the blood of the hundred-eyed giant is so strong that even if the bishop of the temple of dawn blocks them to block the breath, the magic will be polluted into black in a short time. Only after sealing the rocks covered with the blood of the hundred-eyed giant in a special material box can they be transported, and dozens of seals engraved with gods must be added in those special material boxes to prevent the evil breath from leaking out. When forging, the materials for making boxes are constantly infused with divine power. Therefore, when these materials are successfully made, they will almost naturally emit a strong sacred atmosphere. The Dawn Temple is dedicated to placing important objects and sealing evil objects. Each temple has this technology. The only difference is that the sources of divine power are different when they are blended into metal. At the same time, the boxes made by different divine forces after they are blended into metal also have special effects. For example, the temple of life has a very powerful effect on keeping living things.
For example, now the dwarves come to protect the old king’s body, and the source of the coffin is the temple of life, which is full of life and divine power. Metal can protect the old king’s body, but it should have enough magic power. It should be said that his body will not rot for ten or twenty years, even for one hundred or two hundred years. Of course, it was covered with the old king’s body before. If the coffin cover is not hit, then after more than ten years of protection, it will suddenly come into contact with air, and there will still be some decay.
It took Chen Kai a lot of money to get the coffin of the dwarf king in the chapel of the Lord’s Mansion in Berkner Town. After all, the temple of life is not a place to produce coffins, and this kind of metal and material containing the divine power of life is not used to make coffins. If Rola Chen didn’t want to get this coffin, let alone spend money, even if he exchanged the top magic crystal, he might not be able to change it, and maybe he would be spat on his face.
There is a faint sacred light in the chapel, which is the result that Chen Kai and Su Wan have been praying. Both of them are the knights of the Temple of Dawn, especially Chen Kai or the knights of God’s grace. The prayers of the knights of the stars have generated a constant blessing. After such a long time, the whole chapel has accumulated a lot of sacred power, which is enough for low-level small demons and undead to smoke in an instant when they step in here. Of course, there can be no small demons or undead in the heavily guarded Berkner Town Lord’s House, and there are two dwarf kings in heavy armor at the exit of the chapel. It is difficult for others to get close to here except Chen Kai to come
Of course, Chen Kai is not in the chapel now, but in the highest dragon nest in Berkner Town, beside him, and Andre Bass. The reason why they want to be in the dragon nest is simple: they are waiting for someone.
"Andre brother! Is there a mistake? It’s been almost an hour. Why hasn’t it arrived yet? " Chen Kai looked up at the distant horizon with his head up. There were no visitors in his sharp sight. Not far away, Donnie slapped his paw on his mouth and yawned. Then he slowly got up from the ground and stretched himself. The tail flicked and the air was hissing.
"Keep waiting!" Andre didn’t look at Chen Kai, but his heart has put Gavalon? Cook cursed several times, at the same time, he slowly flew to Berkner with twelve dragon knights, and the dragon knight Gavalon? Cook sneezed several times in the middle of the class, and the cold air in high school blew in his ear, and his cloak was blowing in the Gangfeng wind and clung to his armor.
"mom! That guy Andre must be scolding me! Ficker blames you for eating so much last night! " Gavalon? Cook patted himself on the back of Feilong, but his words attracted Feilong’s dissatisfaction, and the dragon roared with anger in the middle.
"all right! All right! Ficker, I know I drank too much and I don’t blame your head office when I was delayed!
"Listening to the ear roar from the mount, Gavalon looks a little depressed. After all, the dragon knight can generally hear the roar from the mount, especially after ficker’s roar, the dragons around him are making a low roar as if they were United for Gavalon.
"Ow ~ ~ ~" seemed to hear Gavalon’s apology. Feilong ficker growled and then swooped to the side. At the same time, he led twelve Feilong knights to appear in Berkner Town from high altitude through thick clouds.
At the same time, the ground had just prepared the stairs, and Donnie seemed to hear something. He raised his head and made a loud roar toward the middle, drifting toward the middle with a strong breath. Then Donnie waved his wings and jumped into the high dragon nest and flew directly into the middle. At the same time, after Donnie flew up, another flying dragon, Xiaojin, also jumped out of the room and followed Donnie’s wings to meet the sky. At the same time, he showed Berkner Town his territory and found two flying knights who swooped down from it.
However, when ficker heard Donnie and Xiaojin roar, his eyes suddenly lit up, and it seemed that he remembered the owners of these two sounds. For dragons, although they were called rich and vigorous in different growth periods, there were some special things that would not change like human accents. Although ficker had not seen two little guys for a long time, after hearing the sound, Ma recalled it and sent a loud sound to the side from the middle. Long Ming was like seeing two little brothers and sisters for a long time.
Ficker sounds like a floodgate, and dragons roar one after another in the whole day, and ll and they also saw more than a dozen figures in the sky, but at the moment, add Walloon in the middle? Cook was depressed and wanted to make a gorgeous debut. As a result, now he is sitting in ficker and greeting two little guys. He braked directly in the middle and spun around. If he called, he didn’t get a response. ficker simply ignored him, and so did other dragons.
In the end, a dozen flying dragon knights finally landed safely. Of course, the area of the dragon nest is limited, which can accommodate several flying dragons. Therefore, more flying dragon knights directly let their mount friends land in front of the Lord’s House in Berkner Town. Little Square has set up a number of huge food troughs specially for flying dragons in Little Square, but there is a flame dish cooked by the poor dwarf. Because Chen Kai found that two little guys like this food very much, he thought of this dish to entertain these flying dragon knights, and their mounts were Chen at the same time. Kay is also very much looking forward to those dragon knights eating this kind of flame cooking, because most of the time, if they have never eaten anything, their master dragon knights will eat some by the way and eat it first
Gavalon also looked at being brought to the plate. His face was a little strange. Although his nose smelled good, he always felt that Andre and Llewellyn were smiling strangely. However, when he looked at ficker’s expectant eyes, Gavalon chose to cut a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. Then Gavalon felt a fierce fire element burst out of his mouth, and then he could not help but open his mouth. A slender one was more than a flame and jumped out of his mouth directly.
"This md something! Ahem! ! !” Gavalon kept coughing. It was the first time he ate this kind of food. He was unexpectedly caught in the preparations. In fact, not only he but also other dragon knights were caught.
"This is a good thing! Black dwarf flame cuisine! Only when there is a festival can you eat extreme cuisine! " Andre teased Gavalon, then cut himself a piece of barbecue and put it in his mouth to chew slowly. He cut a small piece of meat because he had eaten this kind of barbecue, and he felt the element of fire churning in his mouth, and he felt a small flame spewing out from his nostrils.
"What a good thing! Can this thing be eaten? " Watching Andre’s nostrils emit flames, Gavalon’s face became very strange, but he soon found that there was a scuffle behind him. It turned out to be several dragons fighting for barbecue. While the Dragon Knight repeatedly advised him to stop Donnie and Xiaojin from picking up two huge animal legs and running away. For the dragons, this kind of food with the power of fire element is extremely to their taste. Of course, Chen Kai will not prepare too many flame dishes, even if Berkner Town has more money, it can’t stand the consumption of 50 kilograms. In the end, there are more than 30 kilograms of meat pieces that can eat waves. It is really not cost-effective. The most important thing is that once these meat pieces are cooled, they contain fire elements, which will naturally dissipate and have no taste after reheating.
"Of course you can eat! All right! Welcome to Berkner Town! " Although Andre is not the owner here, he still reached out to Gavalon and hammered him hard in the other side’s chest.
"You’re not the host here. Why do I want you to welcome me? Right! Kaichen! " Gavalon slapped Andre’s hand and then tried to slap Chen Kai’s shoulder. As a result, he found that Chen Kai’s three-meter-tall body was beyond his reach.
"Welcome! Gavalong Pavilion! " Chen Kai naturally knew that Gavalon was embarrassed. In fact, Bath tried to slap him on the shoulder several times, but he was extremely depressed and gave up. Only when he made the spell shrink himself could Bath get past the addiction of slapping the half-giant’s shoulder.
Just as Berkner Town is welcoming a group of dragon knights, some players in the ruins of the lava city in the world are closing in on their fighting power near the exit of the crack tunnel. After repeated sweeps by players, the chances of finding good things here are very low, but there are still many scavengers who are willing to take pains. After all, compared with grabbing things from monsters through fierce fighting, the number of things picked up is much higher. The most important thing is that you need sharp eyes and run fast enough, so you don’t need to have too strong strength.
Most of the players here are organized by teams, and each team has its own fixed search territory. In order to compete for territory, it often leads to a series of fights. However, the closer you get to the collapse channel, the fewer players will search, and these players will be more careful. Although there is almost no news of the undead for a long time, no one knows whether the other party will appear in front of you at a moment.
"how about it? Did Lao Wang get anything? " A middle-aged player looked around and asked another middle-aged player.
"There is a fart! They were all picked up by those dwarfs! " Although the middle-aged player in wang xing says this, raising his eyebrows shows that he is still in a good mood at the moment, because he just picked up a curved axe, which is not high in quality, but it is also a dwarf who produces magic weapons and repairs them, which can definitely make a big profit.
"See you are dishonest! If you don’t get anything, you will laugh and your tail will be tilted! " The talker was obviously familiar with his friend and couldn’t help saying a few words. Just then, a small rock rolled down from the exit of the passage not far from where they were, making two middle-aged players who were chatting jump up.
After hearing the movement, the two men shrank behind the rock for a long time and found that there was no new movement. Then they slowly leaned out from behind the rock and looked at the falling rock. The two middle-aged players had a feeling of being scared by themselves.
"mom! Scared me to death! I also dug it up when the undead came! " The wang xing player patted his chest and was relieved, but when he looked up, he found his friend looking at his back with his eyes wide open.
"I depend! Lao Song! Don’t scare me! " Looking at his friend’s eyes, wang xing players really don’t want to turn their heads, but in the end, he turned his head and saw the undead crawling out of a dark hole behind him.
The first volume Chapter 47 Roar! Dragon knights (3)
"da da da!" A tooth fight sounded from the mouth of a middle-aged player named Song, which was so clear in the quiet environment and gradually spread to the player’s body and to the middle-aged player in wang xing who tilted his head opposite him.
"Odbo, can you stop … fighting … with your teeth!" The wang xing player slowly turned his head and looked at his friend in front of him, but at the moment, the Song player could not hear anything. In his eyes, there was a white figure that gradually climbed out of the black hole.
"pa! !” With a slap in the face, the wang xing player severely slapped the Song player’s face, and then there was a series of slaps. In a few seconds, he dumped the other party for three or four slaps. These slaps were loud and heavy, and the Song player’s face was red, but there was no doubt that he slapped the Song player awake.
"Pharaoh! Why did you hit me! " Covering his swollen cheeks, Odbo resented staring at his old friend in front of him more than the undead nearby, and he temporarily forgot it.
"What are you doing? What’s that guy in the back! It’s the undead! Why are you still stupid? Run! !” Lao Wang looked at Lao Song angrily, but in a moment he was cursing, because in front of him, Lao Song turned his body around very quickly and ran back instantly. This speed made Lao Wang have the idea that this guy ran so fast, and this idea was replaced by regret for a moment, because if he didn’t wake up, he might have been left behind as a shield, but now he is left behind, so Lao Wang has the idea of slapping himself hard. Of course, his horse left this idea behind and ran all his strength towards the eastern passage with his legs.