At present, the destructive power of Chen Kai’s magic to make the flame is close to 15 o’clock, and it is still extensive. At 15 o’clock, the flame that rushed out of Chen Kai’s body has almost three or four cubes, and the magic required to make such a flame is only 5 o’clock. Chen Kai only needs to pay 1 magic per minute, and 500 magic points make all the torches cause 75 damage, and it is still continuous. At the same time, with the experience in Chen Kai’s experience tank, this flame power is not constant. Stop and strengthen the burning flame, which is constantly summoned from Chen Kai’s hands and splashed around. The flame made the lady extremely frightened because she could feel the looming danger in these flames, which could do harm to her life. Her consciousness retreated and she forgot to command her ghouls to intercept and escape. Chen Kai even forgot to intercept the mercenary scouts who got up from the ground.
The surging flame makes Chen Kai look like a torch in the dark. He is more and more controlling the sacred flame in his hand. In a loud roar, he directly raises his hands and throws the flame gathered in his hand toward the ghoul behind him. Although this method is stupid, these torches may dissipate in a short time without magic control.
However, before the flame dissipated, they had severely hit the two ghouls who fell behind Chen Kai. The level of the elite template was as high as 69. The ghouls had nearly 70,000 health points. However, after being hit by this burning flame, the attached flame surrounded the two poor ghouls in a short time and instantly adhered to their skin. The raging flame could cause nearly 12 terrorist injuries every second. In less than 6 seconds, the two originally very powerful monsters became slowly blown by the wind. Chen Kai was also pleasantly surprised to find that the original burning experience tank had stopped. At the same time, he was depressed to see that it hung in the field of vision and walked crazily for a minute during the countdown. It was definitely not short to say whether it was long or short. In this minute, Chen Kai made a magic step for about three times in two seconds, and then he could run out of 15 meters at most every time, and he ran out of 50 or 60 meters before the countdown. If he was in a busy city, he could escape from nearly 2 meters. Let Chen Kai easily reach a commercial street. Unfortunately, he just hangs around the slum, not to mention 200 meters. He may not be able to walk to the bustling commercial area after running five more 200 meters. Therefore, Chen Kai’s escape road is still very difficult.
The most dangerous thing is that when the flame in Chen Kai’s hand is released, the lady can’t feel the danger that Chen Kai has brought to her. So for Chen Kai, the most dangerous enemy is about to make a move, and from behind, the magic of terror knows that it will not be a ghoul but a terrible advanced spell. Of course, it is true. A bunch of horrible black flames are flying in the lady’s hand. If a senior mage sees it, he can feel a trace of dark forces with destruction from the flame. As the spell ends, the flame will turn into a range of black salamanders, and then it will jump in the direction of Chen Kai’s escape under
Generally speaking, spell casting is the release of vision, so you can avoid spell attacks if you want to escape the capture of the mage’s vision. However, some spells can track the target. If Arihoshi’s spirit guides this spell, it won’t hit the wall or the ground and then explode and chase after Chen Kai’s ass. This black flame snake is naturally such a spell, and its spell level is as high as seven. Once Chen Kai is hit, it is absolutely dead residue, and his spell resistance and health value can’t withstand the spell attack of ten thousand spell energy units. Unless the spell hits the limbs, Chen Kai still has a certain chance of survival, but the black flame may
So Chen Kai found that the poisonous snake chasing the black flame behind his ass would turn in the middle and then run after his ass, and then directly hit a broken house in a slum, and then quickly passed through the room. Finally, he crashed out of the broken window of the house, and threw a large piece of wood back when he crashed out, and collided with the black flame snake chasing behind him. A huge black and red flame suddenly broke out from the slum hut and swallowed up the whole room in a flash. At the same time, Chen Kai’s face became more ugly because he was avoiding the waves when he was casting spells. It took a full 15 seconds, and the countdown to the end of the sacrifice was only less than 24 seconds. The same look was not good, and the lady’s manipulation of spells required the mage’s entire mental department to invest in it. With the help of spells, he could clearly see what the wood that Chen Kai threw out was like.
There is a craft made of wood in Nobi, which is popular among widows and ladies who have no husbands. It is directly regarded as a boudoir furniture. On its rough outer surface, important things are hidden in wood. Chen Kaiyuan just saw the exquisite appearance of this wood craft, but he didn’t know its meaning and actual way. When he bought it for collection and threw it out, he felt distressed, but it was just a wave of dozens of silver coins. But for the lady Chen Kai, throwing it out was definitely an insult to her. It’s not an insult for a married lady to throw a corner in her face and then run away with a smile. Although the lady’s appearance is dissolute, her heart is very conservative. It’s just to get eternal life. That doesn’t mean that she is willing to be a yin rogue. After seeing that thing, her forehead is filled with black lines.
Of course, Chen Kai didn’t know all this because he was too busy running for his life to pay attention to what he threw out. He just swept a backpack and found the one that could be taken out with one hand and then thrown out instantly to block the spell. After throwing the thing, he smiled and laughed at nothing after discovering that he was safe, but sometimes misunderstanding happened like this. Of course, even without this misunderstanding, Chen Kai and Lady Chen Kai couldn’t make peace. After this misunderstanding, Chen Kai had to face not only spells, but also those dozens of strong, fast-moving and tenacious senior ghouls.
After becoming a ghoul, human beings still rely on their legs to move, but their legs are stronger and stronger, and the impact and moving speed of ghouls are faster when they are transformed by the magic of death. At the same time, their endurance is longer, and they are not worried about their lack of endurance and exhaustion. The most important thing is that after becoming a ghoul, their strength has become very terrible, and like the old Sam, these ghouls have certain special talents, such as mastering certain elemental strength or simply possessing certain special skills, which pose a great threat to Chen Kai. It is difficult for him to be killed.
Chen Kaike heard gasps in his body, and his lungs kept expanding and contracting to extract air from the surrounding environment, and his legs were jerking in exchange for high-speed movement. However, as time went by, Chen Kai felt that his strength was gradually losing from his body, and his physical strength value dropped rapidly in a short time, which caused all this. After sacrificing the experience value, the speed of physical strength loss increased by one minute every second, and his speed decreased a little. Now Chen Kai has run 47 meters, and it took more than 2 minutes to sacrifice. The timing has long since ended, so the secondary appearance has become more and more clear, but he is still hundreds of meters away from the busy street, and there is almost nothing around him except the slums of the old people. But now there are people living in these slums, but there is no one in the area where Chen Kai just talked to Lady Chen.
But it doesn’t make sense for Chen Kai, because there are ordinary people who have no power living in slums. They can’t. Chen Kai ran out to stop those ghouls. For them, the aborigines and civilians, it was definitely a death row. Of course, another bad news for Chen Kai was that he turned to look at the back when he was running. After wearing a cloak, the powerful lady helped herself. The terrible magic power slowly came towards Chen Kai. Her every step was so elegant as if it were night. Ghosts usually pass through the streets of slums for a second. She is still more than 100 meters away, but she has advanced more than 10 meters in a second. Every time she appears, there is a breeze. People who see her will feel that they are seeing ghosts instead of people. Those who get up and open the window to check the situation when they hear the noise will speed up the window for a moment, because they are all afraid of the power of ghosts 2.
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.
"Why don’t you run? Keep running, Lord Berkner. How do you feel after burning your soul? Are you very weak? You really surprise me. I didn’t expect you to be so extreme. Aren’t you afraid of burning your soul too much and never coming back to life? " A hoarse and strange voice came out of the mouth of the lady wearing a black cloak. Chen Kai knew that it was caused by magic power changing the voice, and all this was just to cover up her identity.
"What do you think is what? I’m going to take me back and imprison me for half a year. Gee, it’s a pity that I’m not the only one who knows your identity now. That mercenary scout runs much faster than me. I think he has told others your news, so you didn’t catch me. "Chen Kai lay on the ground and gasped. Now he even feels tired when he exhales because his physical strength has fallen to the yellow area, and his physical attributes have decreased by nearly 10%. In a weak state, this attenuation continues until Chen Kai’s physical attributes become 10%.
"No, you’re wrong. The mercenary generation don’t want to talk about it. Don’t you know that you will be infected with ptomaine after being bitten by a ghoul? The poor mercenary either didn’t return to the hotel. If it is estimated that your friend, the poor businessman, and other mercenaries will be * dropped and will be unguarded, "a little scary smile will be broadcast from the lady’s mouth in spells. This smile will become as ugly as Owlman, but Ll’s face will become ugly not because of laughter, but because of her words.
"You poisonous bitch" Chen Kai growled angrily at each other, but he was weak. His cry was so slight that it could only be heard by a few people around him.
"Poison woman is what? My horse will succeed in winning the whole territory, although it is only a small town, but at least it will be in my hands, and then the whole territory will become our world, a world full of dark forces, and your poor temple knight will spend a long time in the dungeon until I succeed in completing my plan. Of course, I will come to see you from time to time. "The lady’s white and tender little hand holds Chen Kai’s mask cheek and smiles impudently, but no one sees all this."
Chapter 42 Escape
Chapter 42 Escape (for recommendation)
"Sorry! Chen Kai has a smile on his face, because he found that he can burn his experience again in exchange for strengthening skills, but this time the burning experience will be doubled, which means that Chen Kai can only achieve 5% strengthening after burning 200,000 experience, and at the same time, the vice will be strengthened at one time. He needs several more trips to completely cure his negative state, but Chen Kai would rather get his freedom in this way, but the idea is really good, but it makes the time extremely painful. The second sacrifice of experience seems to be like pulling out Chen Kai’s bone marrow.
A little bit of pain from body and soul made him almost want to shout out, but his mouth couldn’t make a sound, which could clench his fist and make his muscles tense up. At the same time, a white sacred flame rose rapidly from the palm of Chen Kai’s hand and quickly turned into a big burning flame, and the whole protective spell was surrounded by this sudden terrible flame, although her body surface quickly produced a defensive spell, but it was in a hurry. The resistance became very poor, where Chen Kai suddenly attacked the thin layer of spell protection with divine power, and collapsed instantly after the explosion, but this was enough for the lady to release the flicker and escape.
When Chen Kai was completely surrounded by the terrible flame, the lady’s face was livid and appeared more than ten meters away. Her face was extremely ugly. Although the magic power escaped Chen Kai’s attack, the conflict between the flame and her strength attribute was too great, and the most important thing was that her youthful body was obtained by dark magic, so she was only slightly provoked by Chen Kai’s flame, and her beautiful and sexy face instantly became another kind. Her breasts became two charred meat balls, and her beautiful and sexy lips became two. A piece of dry, charred meat has now lost its appeal to men, at least until the residual sacred power in the body is dispelled and the vitality of others is restored to their youth.
"Ah ~ ~ my face is damn temple knight. Look what you have done. I won’t let you go, Lord Berkner. You don’t want to escape from this city. Don’t even think about it." Like a night owl, the shrill voice sounded from the slum, but the lady of the Lord ignored it. Because she knew that Chen Kai was lying dead, his body gradually became a little bright light and gradually disappeared from the ground. This is a disguised form of protection for suicide players. Of course, it doesn’t mean that he killed himself casually. It immediately put your spirit. Of course, in general, the default is that the more painful the player commits suicide, the faster the soul will be transferred, just like Chen Kai, who died at the scene and released the flame. It is absolutely terrible that a large number of flames poured into his body and burned his body, causing pain. The faster Chen Kai died, the faster the soul will be transferred, which made it impossible for the Lady of Lordship to capture his soul by dark magic and lock it up.
However, I have learned the resurrection position of the player after his death. Lady Chen will naturally know that Chen Kai will be resurrected there. Of course, she has no way to do it herself. That’s all she can do before her face returns to its original state. The only thing she can send to deal with Chen Kai can be the ghouls, and the only thing Lady Chen can do is to say that before Chen Kai fled the town, Lord Nobbi blocked the streets and could not arrest Chen Kai. In that case, Lord Nobbi may be suspicious. However, the Lord has been confused, but there will be exceptions to everything. If the Lord doesn’t have a public verdict, he won’t take the initiative to provoke a military knight, and if Chen Kai doesn’t do anything that humiliates the noble family, such as kidnapping the lady of the Lord, he won’t be wanted by Lord Nobby.
"Wow, MD hurts!" Chen Kai was depressed and hit the life-sustaining hatch cover. Although he only committed suicide in the game, the flame burned his body and the pain still made him feel very uncomfortable. In reality, his body seemed to be shaking constantly because of that fear. Fortunately, the life-sustaining hatch has subconscious massage and hypnosis functions, so when Chen Kai woke up from the life-sustaining hatch, his memory and pain about the suicide had become very vague.
"But then again, I hope the lady didn’t disfigure herself. Well, fortunately, I recorded her sample. It is estimated that putting it on the Internet will attract a large group of perverts." Chen Kai smiled and retrieved all the recorded videos from the life-sustaining cabin from the time when the lady appeared to the time when he hung up, including the other yin* Of course, he also recorded the part of the gangsters, and the most important thing is that those gangsters were sucked dry of the essence of life. After close-up, this part is definitely comparable to a classic scene in a horror movie. Of course, no matter which angle is close-up, Chen Kai tries to show the face and figure of the lady as much as possible. After all, only in this way can we attract those sperm idiots to buy and pay for the video, Chen Kai can earn enough rmb. Although Chen Kai is not short of money now, his own dream is to earn more cash. When Chen Kai handles all the images, he can put the whole video title of the lady’s
When Chen Kai was busy earning his own cash online, the progress of the game didn’t stagnate because he was offline. The lady underestimated the willpower of a creature. Although the mercenary scouts were only a virtual character, from the moment they were born, he had almost the same consciousness as the real people, but this consciousness was that he recognized himself as being in another world. When the mercenary scouts were running, his strength was also rapidly passing away, and at the same time he could clearly feel his physical changes. It was a gradual corpse. It may only take less than ten minutes for him to completely change from the living to the dead, and he may also become that kind of horrible ghoul, but he still didn’t stop and ran resolutely towards the hotel because he had to deliver a message to let his head of delegation leave before he died, and he believed that his head of delegation would definitely let him rest in peace.
"Let’s go" appeared in the hotel with a hoarse roar. When everyone was getting ready to enter the room and wanted to sleep, the sound of mercenary scouts disrupted all the steps. Even if the people in the hotel were dull, it could be seen that the man dressed in mercenary clothes had become a bloated and tall scout. Although his ideology was still there, his body had been completely ghoulsed by the dark forces. "Kill … my head ~ ~" This was the only will support of this dedicated mercenary scout to say the most. When the last word falls, the dark forces devour his brain, and perhaps in a second, he will become a ghoul puppet unconsciously manipulated by the dark mage.
"Damn Nomus, who made you like this?" Sadri, the head of the mercenary, roared angrily, but soon he found that his shouting root was meaningless. His hand completely died after he breathed his last breath and became a gradually twisted corpse. This corpse is slowly regaining its vitality. In one second, it will be completely resurrected and become a human horror-eating corpse puppet. His hand completely lost the consciousness of strangers. His head, NuoSadri, had to make a painful decision. He pulled out his tomahawk in three seconds and then slammed it on the head of the mercenary scouts, completely cutting off the spread of dark forces, so that his hand and head had to keep the
"Bastard that is the Lord? Didn’t he say there was no danger? What will my hand die? "Nuo Sadri angrily grabbed the old businessman Ruhanard’s neckline and wanted to drag him up from the ground. Those mercenaries and caravan members who heard the noise ran out and saw it constantly twisted the ghoul’s body, still with their eyes wide open but with a smile. Mercenary scouts’ heads.
"I think he is dead! Or a traveler’s way ended a life. "Nohanard took out a broken doll from his pocket. This is a special way for him to attach it to Chen Kai when Chen Kai was not paying attention. The only thing about this doll is that the whole doll will suffer the same damage when the released person is injured or dies. This is a magic alarm device to let some people know the life and death of their loved ones. When Chen Kai committed suicide, the doll originally placed in the arms of the old businessman spontaneously ignited and then became like this.
"Who killed him?" The head of the mercenary group looked at the doll in the hands of the old businessman. Although the order of ll was two orders lower than that of him, he knew that the fighting capacity of the other side was worse than that of him at most. If it was in a desperate situation, the head of the mercenary group might not have a level of 50. In his opinion, such a temple knight was forced to commit suicide by the flame, so it was absolutely terrible and frightening for him to meet the enemy.
"I don’t know, but I think we have to leave this hotel at once. They will never allow us to live in this world." The old businessman sighed. He felt that his nephew’s desire for revenge was about to be shattered. A knight who committed suicide by killing or forcing a traveler’s temple was definitely depending on imperial law, and she was hiding her eyes in a huge conspiracy. Thought of this, the old businessman seemed to feel a little cold in his back. He turned to look at the back, and several black shadows outside the door that were hit by mercenary scouts slowly came out of the shadows.
"Is a ghoul? I didn’t expect that there would really be those people here. Mercenaries told you to get ready to run for your life. By the way, take my old buddy Sam and his granddaughter behind the goods. Don’t take the three carriages. If the first two carriages are not ready for you in ten minutes, then die in this town with the old man. "The old businessman sighed slowly. He knew that if he really wanted to take all the goods away from the town, all of them might die here, so he could abandon those worthless things, although it would bring some losses, but it was better than taking them away at all. At the same time, he denied that he would die.
"Come on, you scum who have climbed out of the dark cemetery, let Master Lu Hanard tell you who the old man is who is delivering goods in a temple." The old businessman Lu Hanard slowly took out a stick from his cloak wrapped around his body, rather than a staff, and it was a hammer of a god official. Chen Kai always felt that the old businessman Lu Hanard had a smell similar to Bishop Ron, but if he was in the hotel now, it would be white. What is that smell except the morning temple fighting god official? No other professional knows this kind of hammer and staff weapon, and the old businessman’s body naturally smells fragrant in the temple after praying for a long time. However, the old businessman’s rank is not high, and his strength is only sixty-five. He has not entered the rank of combat gods, saying that he is a reserve combat god officer. The hammer in his hand is very different from Bishop En’s, only the volume is twice as bad. Plus, the old businessman is old, and his physical strength has gradually gone out of fashion after he entered the rank field in the peak of his life. For a combat god officer, although its main attack mode is still magical, the release of magical power still relies on strong body, and without the physical support, he will be able to become an ordinary temple priest or sacrifice in Xu Bule for many years, and then slowly grow old and die in the years.
But now the old man can still fight, and his body can still release terrible offensive magic. These magic skills are all attached to the hammer chain. At the moment when he waved the chain, the mercenary leader Nuo Sadri was angry at him. He looked at each other dully because he found that he had just tried to threaten a combat god officer. Of course, he soon suppressed his fear to the deepest part of his heart because he knew that although most combat god officers were very fierce, it was only for heresy, and he had more important things to do now, which was to harness horses for the carriage and then leave the town with everyone.
"Boom" appeared in the rotating chain with a little white light. At this moment, the original black staff was completely surrounded by golden splendor, and as the old man turned, he drew a series of arcs and scattered a little bit of golden debris. For the combat gods, the greatest source of their combat effectiveness was the hammer staff. This staff not only killed their enemies, but also continuously blessed the magic to enhance their defense. The fact that the magic staff not only increased the attack power, but also carried a lot of sacred power. For those who keep approaching the ghouls, such staff suspicion is a deadly weapon. Although these ghouls are stronger than the old, they are inherently restrained by divine forces. The most important thing is to command them. The mage is now busy restoring his youthful appearance. Without the command of the mage, the ghouls are just a group of moving and killing puppets. Their dodge ability can be at most half that of the original body, so they are easily hit by the whistling staff.
The hammer with powerful divine power burst into a terrible roar at the moment it hit the target, and the huge penetrating force directly created a football hole on the surface of the ghoul’s body. The most important thing is that around this hole, a trace of sacred flame is constantly fighting against the dark forces in the surrounding flesh and blood, burning them and touching all the flesh. However, compared with the ghoul’s huge body stick, it is too small to create a wound in its belly without breaking its head, so that it can continue to represent the old. Of course, if there is no follow-up attack, only penetrating the roots can’t kill the ghoul, but the chain doesn’t stop because it passes through the body. Instead, it turns around the waist of the ghoul after stretching straight. Finally, the old merchant pulls the chain with divine power and tightens it completely. On how powerful its physical strength is, it is still rapidly tightening like a struggling chain, and a large number of generate torches burn around the body and then completely burn it through the waist in a minute.
"Roar" roared in a mixture of pain. The ghoul was completely cut into two tight chains, and its lumbar spine was cut, directly turning its body into two shaking chains, constantly throwing all kinds of bone debris and black meat burnt by divine power. Its two bodies could still move less. Before its head was completely broken, it was still alive, but it moved.
"It seems that I am still old." Ruhanard sighed, because in his original expectation, it took three seconds for the ghoul to be chained to the waist, but now it took him five seconds to achieve this goal, which took longer than he thought. All the reasons were only because his strength declined. Although magic can help burn through the body, it can help him completely cut the body of the ghoul. Of course, no matter how old he is, he is also a fighting god, not a priest who can only release magic and needs protection. He is getting closer and closer to the ghoul, but he has no idea of retreating.
"Come on, you guys, climb out of the graves and let Grandpa Ruhanard teach you what fighting is." With the hearty roar of an old businessman, his body broke out with unprecedented strength, and the divine power came out of his body like a rising sun in the dark.
Ask for recommendation-
Make up for last night, and then there will be another chapter later, and I will continue to work hard.
Chapter 429 Bad news (a)
Chapter 429 Bad news (a)
"Sorry! Chen Kai has a smile on his face, because he found that he can burn his experience again in exchange for strengthening skills, but this time the burning experience will be doubled, which means that Chen Kai can only achieve 5% strengthening after burning 200,000 experience, and at the same time, the vice will be strengthened at one time. He needs several more trips to completely cure his negative state, but Chen Kai would rather get his freedom in this way, but the idea is really good, but it makes the time extremely painful. The second sacrifice of experience seems to be like pulling out Chen Kai’s bone marrow.
A little bit of pain from body and soul made him almost want to shout out, but his mouth couldn’t make a sound, which could clench his fist and make his muscles tense up. At the same time, a white sacred flame rose rapidly from the palm of Chen Kai’s hand and quickly turned into a big burning flame, and the whole protective spell was surrounded by this sudden terrible flame, although her body surface quickly produced a defensive spell, but it was in a hurry. The resistance became very poor, where Chen Kai suddenly attacked the thin layer of spell protection with divine power, and collapsed instantly after the explosion, but this was enough for the lady to release the flicker and escape.
When Chen Kai was completely surrounded by the terrible flame, the lady’s face was livid and appeared more than ten meters away. Her face was extremely ugly. Although the magic power escaped Chen Kai’s attack, the conflict between the flame and her strength attribute was too great, and the most important thing was that her youthful body was obtained by dark magic, so she was only slightly provoked by Chen Kai’s flame, and her beautiful and sexy face instantly became another kind. Her breasts became two charred meat balls, and her beautiful and sexy lips became two. A piece of dry, charred meat has now lost its appeal to men, at least until the residual sacred power in the body is dispelled and the vitality of others is restored to their youth.
"Ah ~ ~ my face is damn temple knight. Look what you have done. I won’t let you go, Lord Berkner. You don’t want to escape from this city. Don’t even think about it." Like a night owl, the shrill voice sounded from the slum, but the lady of the Lord ignored it. Because she knew that Chen Kai was lying dead, his body gradually became a little bright light and gradually disappeared from the ground. This is a disguised form of protection for suicide players. Of course, it doesn’t mean that he killed himself casually. It immediately put your spirit. Of course, in general, the default is that the more painful the player commits suicide, the faster the soul will be transferred, just like Chen Kai, who died at the scene and released the flame. It is absolutely terrible that a large number of flames poured into his body and burned his body, causing pain. The faster Chen Kai died, the faster the soul will be transferred, which made it impossible for the Lady of Lordship to capture his soul by dark magic and lock it up.
However, I have learned the resurrection position of the player after his death. Lady Chen will naturally know that Chen Kai will be resurrected there. Of course, she has no way to do it herself. That’s all she can do before her face returns to its original state. The only thing she can send to deal with Chen Kai can be the ghouls, and the only thing Lady Chen can do is to say that before Chen Kai fled the town, Lord Nobbi blocked the streets and could not arrest Chen Kai. In that case, Lord Nobbi may be suspicious. However, the Lord has been confused, but there will be exceptions to everything. If the Lord doesn’t have a public verdict, he won’t take the initiative to provoke a military knight, and if Chen Kai doesn’t do anything that humiliates the noble family, such as kidnapping the lady of the Lord, he won’t be wanted by Lord Nobby.
"Wow, MD hurts!" Chen Kai was depressed and hit the life-sustaining hatch cover. Although he only committed suicide in the game, the flame burned his body and the pain still made him feel very uncomfortable. In reality, his body seemed to be shaking constantly because of that fear. Fortunately, the life-sustaining hatch has subconscious massage and hypnosis functions, so when Chen Kai woke up from the life-sustaining hatch, his memory and pain about the suicide had become very vague.
"But then again, I hope the lady didn’t disfigure herself. Well, fortunately, I recorded her sample. It is estimated that putting it on the Internet will attract a large group of perverts." Chen Kai smiled and retrieved all the recorded videos from the life-sustaining cabin from the time when the lady appeared to the time when he hung up, including the other yin* Of course, he also recorded the part of the gangsters, and the most important thing is that those gangsters were sucked dry of the essence of life. After close-up, this part is definitely comparable to a classic scene in a horror movie. Of course, no matter which angle is close-up, Chen Kai tries to show the face and figure of the lady as much as possible. After all, only in this way can we attract those sperm idiots to buy and pay for the video, Chen Kai can earn enough rmb. Although Chen Kai is not short of money now, his own dream is to earn more cash. When Chen Kai handles all the images, he can put the whole video title of the lady’s
When Chen Kai was busy earning his own cash online, the progress of the game didn’t stagnate because he was offline. The lady underestimated the willpower of a creature. Although the mercenary scouts were only a virtual character, from the moment they were born, he had almost the same consciousness as the real people, but this consciousness was that he recognized himself as being in another world. When the mercenary scouts were running, his strength was also rapidly passing away, and at the same time he could clearly feel his physical changes. It was a gradual corpse. It may only take less than ten minutes for him to completely change from the living to the dead, and he may also become that kind of horrible ghoul, but he still didn’t stop and ran resolutely towards the hotel because he had to deliver a message to let his head of delegation leave before he died, and he believed that his head of delegation would definitely let him rest in peace.
"Let’s go" appeared in the hotel with a hoarse roar. When everyone was getting ready to enter the room and wanted to sleep, the sound of mercenary scouts disrupted all the steps. Even if the people in the hotel were dull, it could be seen that the man dressed in mercenary clothes had become a bloated and tall scout. Although his ideology was still there, his body had been completely ghoulsed by the dark forces. "Kill … my head ~ ~" This was the only will support of this dedicated mercenary scout to say the most. When the last word falls, the dark forces devour his brain, and perhaps in a second, he will become a ghoul puppet unconsciously manipulated by the dark mage.
"Damn Nomus, who made you like this?" Sadri, the head of the mercenary, roared angrily, but soon he found that his shouting root was meaningless. His hand completely died after he breathed his last breath and became a gradually twisted corpse. This corpse is slowly regaining its vitality. In one second, it will be completely resurrected and become a human horror-eating corpse puppet. His hand completely lost the consciousness of strangers. His head, NuoSadri, had to make a painful decision. He pulled out his tomahawk in three seconds and then slammed it on the head of the mercenary scouts, completely cutting off the spread of dark forces, so that his hand and head had to keep the
"Bastard that is the Lord? Didn’t he say there was no danger? What will my hand die? "Nuo Sadri angrily grabbed the old businessman Ruhanard’s neckline and wanted to drag him up from the ground. Those mercenaries and caravan members who heard the noise ran out and saw it constantly twisted the ghoul’s body, still with their eyes wide open but with a smile. Mercenary scouts’ heads.
"I think he is dead! Or a traveler’s way ended a life. "Nohanard took out a broken doll from his pocket. This is a special way for him to attach it to Chen Kai when Chen Kai was not paying attention. The only thing about this doll is that the whole doll will suffer the same damage when the released person is injured or dies. This is a magic alarm device to let some people know the life and death of their loved ones. When Chen Kai committed suicide, the doll originally placed in the arms of the old businessman spontaneously ignited and then became like this.
"Who killed him?" The head of the mercenary group looked at the doll in the hands of the old businessman. Although the order of ll was two orders lower than that of him, he knew that the fighting capacity of the other side was worse than that of him at most. If it was in a desperate situation, the head of the mercenary group might not have a level of 50. In his opinion, such a temple knight was forced to commit suicide by the flame, so it was absolutely terrible and frightening for him to meet the enemy.