"Won’t someone else tell me?"
I smiles to say
"Are you sure someone else told you?"
She sneered and remained silent. I looked at her carefully and laughed
"If you are sure, then you will go back to another question. Who told you the secret of this dream island? Naturally, you won’t tell me. Then I’ll guess one. Your mysterious father told you."
Suddenly she looked at me in horror and showed incredible eyes. I smiled and light way
"Does your father have a famous name called Tiansheng King?"
She finally unbearable surprised way
"How do you know? You-"
I smiled and remembered the day when I touched my chest in the process of taking the sword from the extreme north. Your eldest brother, the flag, the rising sun, was not the holy king of heaven, but he sent someone to pretend to be the killer of the Three Saints to kill Xiaobai after the wolf by mistake. I have sworn a blood oath, so I have to do it because they are not a group of beasts in my heart, but a group of creatures worthy of respect. When I do what I should do, I will accept your punishment, even if you leave me, I will not regret it.
Apricot has restored calm, but I feel that there seems to be a faint murder in her eyes and she laughs.
"Apricot, shall we continue?"
Chapter DiYiJiu Guessing
Female indifference language around me silently looked at her light way
"Apricot, you are actually not suitable to be a boss because you will eventually give up your lust."
She sneer at a way
I nodded and smiled to say
"Because you can’t let go of your lust, you will be exposed. How can leaders of high political figures put their selfish desires in front of everyone?"
She sneer at a few light way
"It seems that you are proficient in scheming?"
I shook my head wry smile way
"Apricot, you are ridiculous. In fact, you and I are on the same side."
She sneer at a way
"I can’t afford it."
I light way
"You and I are the same kind of people who seem doomed to fate without losing their efforts, but there is still a slight difference between you and me."
She sneer at a way
"It’s a thousand miles away, which determines that you and I are completely different."
I smiled and nodded light way
"Apricot you’re right, but it’s better than those thousands of miles away, right? You don’t want to know what is the difference between you and me? "
She sneer at me with a smile interface way
"You live by enmity and I live by enmity."
She Zheng gawk at me I don’t know after a long time, she long give a sigh light way
"maybe you really know me in this world."
I silently say
"Apricot, if you want white hatred, it is the doomed fate. If you can’t even break this fate, you will talk about changing your destiny."
Women around for a long time suddenly she sneer at a way
"You said these are not to me and you, the dragon enemy is to us to bury the hatchet with each other, or to prove that the universe needs to understand the package, right? Even if you are hurt by poverty, forgive those who hurt you? "
I can’t help but feel a pain in my heart, and I can’t help but grab her by the shoulder.
"Apricot, why are you so stupid? You will bring more harm to yourself and hurt your back more. You are a woman and a kind woman. Don’t you think so? "
She sneer at a way
"I’m kind? I am the president of the largest gang in Japan, and I killed him, and I died, and there were countless players. What’s worse, what about me? Let go of your hand! "
I took back my hand with a wry smile and wanted to go to sleep in saussurea involucrata. Don’t you have to wait for everything to be saved before you know you regret it? Heart is not a dim light way
"If we never meet again, I just want to do my part."
Her silent language suddenly cold way
"Do you really want to give me a hand?"
I suddenly remembered that her once casual gentleness was so sighing and loving, so what’s not worth trying to gain? I nodded heavily and heard her cold way.
"Go on with your guessing. After the mystery is over, do I think you have this qualification?"
I wry smile a light way
"Where did we guess? By the way, we guessed that your father was indeed a great man, and the Three Saints organized the Heavenly King. "
Apricot cold hum a I smiles to say
"In fact, your father has another identity."
She was a surprised busy and sneer at silence I see in the eye light way
"Your father Nakajima’s family, if I didn’t guess wrong, should be Ichiro Nakajima, the highest-ranking seven-star wanted man who threatened mankind 30 years ago and almost destroyed the whole sun by starting the ultimate super-giant quark weapon system."
Apricot remained silent, but I looked at her expression and smiled.
"Your race is really interesting. The population is so small, but you want to dominate the human world and enslave all other human races. However, I still have a little appreciation for your father. He is so courageous that he wants to destroy you Dihuang together."
Apricot light way
"Actually, it’s not like this. My father did this just to attract a big bet from our country. If he really dared to do this, my uncle wouldn’t support me."