After all, the name of the terror blade was cast by the black blood on the ground. After all, it didn’t make a particularly terrible move. Just relying on the terror combat knives in hand, more than 2,000 players were killed. This kind of fighting power and terror was cut out with one knife and one knife. Of course, half of these players were thrown into chaos after being attacked, pushing and crowding each other and finally being killed. If they resisted in an orderly way, maybe Sabinin would not be so easy.
Of course, it’s hard for players to see Sabinin now, because he is now curled up in his lair and has become an otaku. At the same time, the monsters in the whole dark nest have searched for troops, and they have been cleaned up by Chen Kai and other players’ teams before, and there are no mobs in the monster hall and passage.
However, if players want to enter the back passage, the monsters are almost lined up and appear in front of players, and in Sabinin, they are controlled to regroup. There is an obvious occupation distribution, that is, the cooperation between the meat shield melee fighting monsters and the long-range attacking monsters appears, so that the losses of players in the dark nest become even greater, even a wave of mobsters may cause more than a dozen casualties.
At present, the dark nest is more dangerous than Kia Bora and Sabinin at the same time, so the number of players staying here has gradually decreased with the passage of time. After all, the shadows accumulated by players after several days of failure make it difficult for them to rise into the dark nest and continue to challenge their mood. In this case, it is very normal for the original players to scatter, but although there are fewer people, Chen Kai and his private equipment are still very smooth, and they are almost not in a good mood, and more than seven waves of players are running. It’s a pity to ask about the price. Although there are many players, there are very few real deals. After all, all the armor and equipment add up to nearly 500 sets, and all of them are of good quality. There is no shortage of fine equipment, especially those three sets of knight armor with half-step sanctuary level. If it weren’t for Chen Kai, their own armor would be better. They all want to keep themselves.
Of course, the price of these three sets of armor is also the highest because in the violent state, Chen Kai’s terror, brute force and accuracy are not much damage to the armor body compared with fencing. The three sets of armor are very complete, and even the weapons are extremely intact. The price of a whole set of armor can be as low as millions of gold coins, and only the armor does not include the three top-level excellent swords. In their view, Chen Kai’s three half-step holy areas only make the top-level excellent swords a little wronged. Of course, if they make it a first-class martial art, It is estimated that ll will cry. You know, if he is just a little short, ll be killed directly by the other side’s dying counterattack. If the other side’s weapon is the first level of holy creation, then he will definitely be killed by the other side’s dying blow when ll kills the first half-step knight of sanctuary.
Although it’s only advanced and sophisticated equipment, it’s absolutely no problem to sell hundreds of thousands of gold coins. After all, whether these three weapons are sharp or their attributes are extremely good, except that the texture is a little worse, they are almost perfect. Although they have a high price tag, they have made a very smooth move. All armor and equipment have gained tens of millions of dollars for a group of people. Of course, they are still a little less than what they got from Baron Zoru’s purse. At this time, Chen Kai had to think of the word "getting older and digging more"
Of course, although Chen Kai has marked a high price for these armor, it is actually because the body of the armor is damaged and some of the damage is serious. If all the armor is brand-new and intact, it will certainly be more expensive to sell. On the whole, Chen Kai is very satisfied with the gold coins when he looks at them. Of course, if possible, he still hopes that the things of the former Baron Zoru have not happened. After all, in Chen Kai’s view, these gold coins are far less real than the magic scrolls in the hands of ancient wizards, but the magic scrolls are not so easy to get.
Quietly staying in the tent, Chen Kai spent another quiet night outside the dark nest. Of course, most players are resting at this time. After all, even if the dark nest has changed now, the night is still very dangerous, even more dangerous than in the past. No one will run to the dark nest at night. Although Chen Kai and his men are bold in their skills, now the black dwarfs have left their overall strength, so they have no extreme impulse to enter the dark nest. Even after dawn, a group of people did not rush in as they did in the past, but waited for the sun to rise and then slowly stepped into the dark nest with the big army.
"yo! Isn’t this the top ten in combat power? Why don’t you just rush in! " When Chen Kai and others walked into the dark nest, there was such a sound in his ear. Of course, Chen Kai directly chose the visual cause for such a sound. If he really wants to pay attention, it is estimated that there will be a lot of waves when arguing with people.
At the same time, because he ignored these sounds, they soon disappeared behind his head. Although ll was once in the top ten, these players also knew that they would definitely fight. They would never be opponents’ mouths and then they left.
After entering the dark nest, Chen Kai and others followed the huge crowd of players and quickly went deeper into the nest department. Of course, Pang Dake actually had less than a thousand people. The first wave of scout players was not particularly strong. Many of them rushed in with the idea of hanging up the players’ equipment before entering the nest to pick it up and earn some extra money. Of course, some of them were thinking of getting some information and selling it.
After crossing the deep passage, they soon arrived at the sacred area once set up by themselves and others. Of course, less than one tenth of this area is still in the sacred power, and a lot of filthy blood has completely polluted this area. Even if Rola Chen purifies the sacred power again, it is estimated that it will take more than half a day to restore its original state. Chen Kai will never leave the time wave here.
After a short rest, the group of people quickly moved deeper into the dark nest, but behind them, they followed some guys who wanted to pick up bargains. Of course, these players didn’t mean to pick up bargains when Chen Kai and others fought in the fiercest time, but to pick up dead bodies after Chen Kai and others were hung up. These players are called corpse-picking parties, a group of people who make a fortune by picking up other players’ bodies. Of course, sometimes they don’t mind acting as robbers to kill injured players and then collect things that burst out of bodies.
All these players’ camps are biased towards chaos, neutrality or evil. When these players came here, Chen Kai had discovered them with the ability of the stars and eyes, but for these players who were in chaos, neutrality or evil, they were not very easy to deal with. After all, the other party just wanted to pick up the body and didn’t do anything to them. The party could speed up and try to get rid of these people by taking advantage of the dense forked passages in the dark nest. Fortunately, of course, they had many maps in their hands and they had been in the deep nest themselves. The map of Chu Tong automatically records many passages in caves. Compared with these activities, Chen Kai, a player who collects players’ bodies outside caves to make money, is more familiar with the dark nests than those who often move here.
Watching Chen Kai disappear, several Luohan Empire players looked at each other and sighed very naively, because they found that if they kept going, they wouldn’t know the way. It sounded sad, because they had been active in this nest for nearly a month, but they hadn’t been deep into the nest. Recently, the number of monsters in the nest decreased greatly, so they had the opportunity to enter the nest and move within 500 meters around the entrance.
After getting rid of those malicious players behind them, Chen Kai soon met the monsters in the dark nest, just as they received the information. Now the monsters are showing a professional cooperation trend, looking forward to the appearance of a monster with a carapace. The memory in the mind of a group of people is not so good. The dark carapace reminds Chen Kai of their defense ability, abnormal knives, feet, magic spiders, evil spirits and giant scorpions, while those new monsters behind them are directly attacking from a distance to welcome Chen Kai and their intruders.
The dense-bone arrows were transformed by these monsters and released from the launching port. The power of the arrows flew like a crossbow, and they were very straight and fast. Almost immediately before these monsters attacked, they appeared in front of Llewellyn. This transformed monster was not Abaraj, but just acquired the ability to transform evil spirits. Sabinin, of course, relied on those transformed evil spirits’ blue left by Abara to transform again, which not only consumed little evil spirits’ power, but also transformed them very fast. In just a few days, hundreds of such remote attack evil spirits were transformed.
Ll: They encountered only a few remote evil spirits, but Mibi Arrow gave them a kind of archer or crossbowman with crossbows in front of them. Generally, the most important thing is that these bone arrows are extremely fast. If they are not like meat shields in front of Ll: warriors, professionals, that is, Zhao Tiezhu, have been standing in front and quickly lifted the shield and released the earth shield. It is estimated that those who don’t respond later will definitely be recruited.
Even when Zhao Tiezhu released the earth shield, there was still a shot, but the bone arrow grazed the defensive position of the energy shield method and went towards the back. Everyone’s dull eyes hit the caster behind him. Fortunately, Xu Fei habitually blessed a lot of protective spells after entering the dark nest. This kind of protective ranged weapon spell is almost everyone’s. Although the arrow is powerful, it can still be blocked by protective spells after hitting the target.
Of course, after ll they react, these monsters give a surprise, which soon turns into a line of people’s anger, especially a cold sweat. Zhao Tiezhu feels depressed and annoyed at the thought that he actually released the earth shield in his conscious situation, but for Xu Fei behind them, Zhao Tiezhu released the earth shield, although it is a little wave, but it is still enough, because if he doesn’t release the earth shield, it is estimated that the blaster and the arrow will be more, and then the professionals in the back cloth robe will definitely get hurt and may be accidentally killed. Hang up because Wang Xuewen was almost shot through the head by a blaster in front of him. Fortunately, the spell effect of protecting against ranged attacks is still quite strong, and at the same time, this position of the head is the most powerful place for spell protection. Although the blow still directly shattered the weak spell shield, the residual force was that Wang Xuewen’s head was a little more red, which failed to break the skin, let alone blow his head off.
Return to absolute being, people quickly entered the battle position, and Zhao Tiezhu, who was at the forefront, was attacked first. The melee evil spirits came at him directly and consumed a lot of defense ability and energy. The earth shield was directly shattered. This rushed monster was not recently transformed, but there were sword and shield evil spirits in the past. Of course, these sword and shield evil spirits were strengthened by Sabinin. The most obvious feature is that the arm holding the shield became heavier and the shield became bigger. Although their bodies became uncoordinated in this way, the huge shield increased a lot of defense and their physical combat effectiveness did not decrease much.
The most important thing is that in Sabinin, these sword and shield evil spirits will cooperate with the attack. Although the movement is a bit rigid, every time the weapon is waved, three or four weapons are waved together. As a result, the attack power on Zhao Tiezhu is much higher than that on a single occasion in the past. Just one blow turned his earth shield into a khaki magic flying all over the sky. But in a second, these sword and shield evil spirits directly adjusted the fighting mode and the defense results. Chen Kai and his attack fell on the iron shield and directly shocked his arm.
Fortunately, the group cooperated very well. Seeing that the melee method gained advantages, the spellcasters quickly released two flash spells, that is, arcane flash and secret flash, which fell on the monster body at the same time, causing the other body to fall into a short-term paralysis. Then, a few thick spikes suddenly rose from the ground. These spikes rose from the ground and directly lifted the face shield evil spirits to reveal the body protected by the shield. The result was directly hit by ll and their weapons as targets.
It’s a pity that those long-range attacking evil spirits continued to harass those lasers while Chen Kai waved their weapons, and the arrows were almost inseparable from Chen Kai. Fortunately, everyone’s armor was extremely strong, and it was because the arrows carried the impact force and were not light that they were constantly hit. Chen Kai felt a burst of pain from the skin surface, but in the end, Chen Kai and they finished killing these evil spirits, because this wave of monsters was actually a crippled monster.
There should have been less than 10 swords, shields, evil spirits and 15 ranged attack monsters, that is, a full 25 monsters formed a defense patrol. However, when Chen Kai met less than 11 monsters, the number of teams was less than half. Obviously, it was only when the monsters were maimed that this could be the case. Of course, Chen Kai and his team were lucky, but unfortunately, because the dark nest was controlled by Sabinin, although the monsters were slowly replenished and consumed, when one place was attacked, they would quickly transfer monsters from other places together. Come on. When Chen Kai and his team killed these evil spirits, because the number of evil spirits decreased here, there were already two teams of evil spirits rushing past, and some evil spirits followed behind them, that is to say, more than 60 evil spirits were rushing.
When Chen Kai bit the dried meat to recover his strength, their ears heard the ground vibration without looking at Chen Kai. They also knew that something seemed strange, because if it was a human being, the roots would not be so heavy, so everyone quickly entered the battle position than swallowing food in their mouths.
In the dark nest, Chen Kai and others quickly took some photos of crystals in Bidiu, and the original dark environment quickly became bright because of these photos. At the same time, the ecliptic also quickly sang a spell and raised two earth walls on the ground to stop evil spirits from assaulting.
"Greasy! ! !” As Vivian’s mantra was sung and the earth wall was released in the ecliptic, clouds of greasy grease turned into an oil blanket, which was generally spread in the direction of sound. At the moment when the greasy technique was completed, everyone saw monsters rushing out of the dark passage. Of course, in one second, these guys fell to the ground directly with the sound of squeaking, and more than one fell at the same time, because there were too many monsters rushing over. When they fell in front, they were still rushing forward. As a result, they directly pushed the falling guy forward from the oil layer to be continued.
The first volume Chapter 372 Fighting in the dark ()
Listening to the footsteps ringing in their ears and playing slippery sounds, Chen Kai’s heart suddenly loosens a little, but they know very well that the effect of greasy skill is limited. In fact, many wizard players regard greasy skill as a spell to get rid of chasing troops or frame others, or as a fire element mage to cast spells with spells.
However, listening to the sound of falling and slipping in the passage, Chen Kai, they found that Li Wen’s greasy release seemed to have a good effect this time. Unfortunately, greasy release is not a lethal spell, even if it slips, it will have a particularly good effect unless it is extremely bad luck. When you fall, you will directly smash your head or be pierced by someone behind you, but even if this effect occurs, when the target of attack is these extremely powerful evil spirits, even if your head is broken, they can come alive and kicking.
Although Chen Kai kept hearing monsters fall, climb up and fall again, they also saw the figure of rolling and crawling on the ground, but these evil spirits were hurt very lightly, but one second after the singing of the white salsa spell was over, when these monsters gradually approached the earthen wall, flames broke out and roared directly into the dark tunnel.
The magic of the Ministry is transformed into the fire element, and such an attack has always been around Bai Shasha. The small flame suddenly skyrocketed into a terrorist flame storm. In a short time, the fire oil spread along the ground, and the rotating flame broke out with even more terrorist power. Because of the channel, it directly formed a terrorist than a flame storm.
At the same time, dozens of injury records broke out in the battle record of Bai Shasha. Unfortunately, the monsters covered by flames are just injuries, and the hot flames are not enough for these monsters created by evil forces to die directly. The killing effect of flame spells on these evil spirits is far from high for necromancers, but the outbreak of flames always produces damage, which is not as ineffective as ordinary chopping.
But also because of these fires, the greasy ground disappeared, so that those monsters who kept slipping finally rushed over on the hot ground. It was because of the greasy ground and the flame impact that when these monsters rushed out, their original formation became very chaotic. The melee sword and shield evil spirits and remote evil spirits were mixed together, and they were already ready. Chen Kai broke out at almost the same time, and their weapons in their hands were a heavy blow to the monster’s head.
Fierce quarrelling broke out from Chen Kai’s giant sword, directly splitting an evil spirit creature that was about to lift its own arrow tube to attack in half from head to toe. This remote evil spirit creature shoots bone-made feather arrows, but its body defense ability is not particularly high, even though it is covered with some black shells in some places. However, Chen Kai’s blow was sharper from the other side’s head than the giant sword, and the sacred quarrelling broke out directly, destroying the other side’s defense force from the department and finally causing the effect of cutting in half.
Of course, if it’s those sword and shield evil spirits that estimate the method to achieve this effect, but they almost always look for remote attack evil spirits at the same time besides blocking the impact of sword and shield evil spirits, because everyone knows that these guys threaten the highest number of dense bone arrows, causing fatal damage to those behind them. Looking at the huge monster, Chen Kai, they are a little anxious. Although they killed at least five remote attack evil spirits at the first time, as more and more monsters rushed out, their pressure gradually increased.
Fortunately, Chen Kai, relying on the ecliptic to release the earth wall, restricted the entrance of the passage, but these earth walls will become extremely fragile if they lose their magic, and it will take a lot of magic to maintain the earth wall. This is still the case that these evil spirits will not hit the wall, so the magic will increase exponentially if they hit the ecliptic. Fortunately, Chen Kai and his team hardly made the pharmacy in the previous battle. Now Huang Daogen is not worried that his body will produce drug resistance and restore the magic medicine. It is not enough to pour it into his mouth like no money, because if he does not drink medicine, his roots will not last long.
When the ecliptic constantly pours the magic potion into the mouth, Chen Kai and others have been waving weapons and mixing with the evil spirits of swords and shields. Although the word "mixed together" is a bit ugly, in addition to carrying the shield as the protector of the caster, Hulan and other melee personnel in Zhao Tiezhu helped him rush into the monster pile, and at the same time, two flying dragons also appeared in the narrow passage, but they were too big to help Zhao Tiezhu fill the position in the periphery and resist the evil spirits who crossed the defense line. They attacked the caster who was releasing spells.
Of course, the environment in the passage is too narrow for the two flying dragons who have become big guys, so they feel quite uncomfortable, but there is no way to stop the possible enemy, Chen Kai. They can summon the two flying dragons and their attack ability is also very good. Every time the flying dragons with heavy armor slap their claws, they can directly shoot out the evil spirits rushing to the front, and the sharp claws wrapped in metal can break the defense of the other side, which is a pity that the flying dragons can attack with pure physical force. If they breathe, Chen Kai and them may be hurt together with monsters.
In ll they rushed into the monster team and wanted to rely on their own strength to kill the long-range attack evil spirits first, but they got into trouble because of the number of the other side of nearly 50 or 60. Although the number of these evil spirits was higher than that of ll they faced Baron Zulu’s private Serenade, it was even more difficult to deal with compared with hitting the key, which would cause serious injuries and even death to human beings.
Although Chen Kai’s quarrelling is the best thing to destroy these guys, his total amount of quarrelling is limited after all. Even with Alisha’s torrent of energy, it is impossible to kill all these guys. The most important thing is that if you just make a card for a mobster, then if you encounter a more difficult guy, Chen Kai, they will have no card to make.
Sharp weapons constantly collide with the evil spirits of those swords and shields and forcibly rush into the monster group to attack. It is not a good thing to be surrounded by monsters at this moment. Chen Kai, they have this confidence because their armor is strong enough, but similarly, if they don’t think they are strong enough, they probably won’t dare to do that. Hulan and Yuan feel that they are not strong enough. Although he is already very good compared with other players, his strength is still at the bottom of the whole team. Actually, even Wang Xuewen, the underage and cheap nephew, is stronger than the two of them. Unfortunately, that guy is not yet an adult, and he is limited
However, in such an environment, Hulan and Yuan can still exert their normal fighting capacity. Their fighting capacity is much stronger than that of the guy waving the ruling blade like Yu. How to say that the professionals in the Temple of the Goddess of Evening are still very powerful against evil spirits, at least much more powerful than other non-temple professionals. In fact, Zhao Tiezhu’s defense is quite easy, and the shield in his hand has hardly wavered. At the same time, the hammer in the other hand holds the earth bear and slams on the ground, relying on the shock wave to directly overturn the evil spirits near the sword shield.
What Hulans and Yuan need to do is to fight against each other when the Zhao Tiezhu shock wave overturns the enemy, which will cause a lot of damage, not to mention good luck, and may also cause double cooperation combo damage. However, such cooperation combo requires both sides to have a very tacit understanding, and it is also very clear about their own combat skills. Although Chen Kai and his colleagues have a good cooperation, they are only good, and they can always cooperate and extend their cooperation in the battle. Players have cooperated with each other for a long time, and only one eye can know that the other’s thoughts are there.
But even so, the defense situation of the three people cooperating with each other is enough to stop the evil spirits who rushed to the sword and shield. Although in the rear, they have already returned to absolute being and attacked the evil spirits remotely. The arrows are rapidly being attacked with bone arrows, and the arrows are constantly coming to give way to Zhao Tiezhu and others behind them, so that they can sing spells. In this case, Xu Fei has to take out his own fake scarlet staff and stimulate scarlet rays.
Of course, this time, he released the energy contained in the scarlet staves, and Bai Shasha and Li Wen kept the staves in their hands. The scarlet light still had a horrible killing effect, which satisfied everyone. The monster’s physical defense ability was not very strong, but it was also directly penetrated like a string of candied fruit. In order to increase the shooting density, the evil spirits ate the bitter fruit themselves and killed nearly five evil spirits in just two attacks, which was closer than ll and them.
Because now Chen Kai and them are almost blocked by monsters, all the attack routes are surrounded by evil spirits carrying huge iron shields. Although their weapons are enough for them to blow up the shields after several attacks, the problem is that these evil spirits are not vegetarians. The most important thing is to surround Chen Kai, and there are many evil spirits in their swords and shields. When a sword shield is shattered, the horse will have a new top to lose the shield, and the evil spirits will attack with their weapons.
Although Chen Kai’s armor is not low in defense, relying solely on defense can completely offset the chopping impact of the opponent’s weapon. As a result, Chen Kai’s armor has not been broken, but they have all suffered a lot of injuries. In this minute, they almost have no way to attack the evil spirits from a distance, even the sword and shield evil spirits around them are solved by law. Of course, it is absolutely no problem to kill these evil spirits when giving Chen Kai a little bit. However, if those evil spirits who constantly release bone arrows continue to attack, even if Chen Kai kills all monsters, the spellcasters may be injured and may be killed.
If the former Chen Kai and others felt that the dark nest was a little troublesome through video and written records, then there is no doubt that the group of people really felt this trouble now, and it is not a little because the danger number of spellcasters has risen rapidly, and if they are not careful, they may be shot and the arrows will be killed. In the battle, the team needs to put more people on the defense of this long-range attack surface, and at the same time, the spellcasters themselves should constantly supplement their own protective arrows.
At this time, Xu Fei thought that the protective spell scroll of the back dark nest might sell well. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for him to copy the scroll for sale. It is very troublesome to copy the protective spell because of the protective arrow. The most important thing is that Xu Fei doesn’t want to sell his limited time in copying the scroll. Even if he copies the scroll for a day, it is estimated that he can’t sell much money. In this way, it is far from beneficial to meditate and accumulate magic or learn ancient mage literature.
As Xu Fei continued to shoot with the scarlet staff in his hand, the number of evil spirits dropped rapidly. Of course, this drop was not particularly obvious because the passage was not straight. The number of evil spirits appeared in Xu Fei’s field of vision was not large, but also because the passage was narrow, the evil spirits came from behind and then kept pushing in front. Chen Kai and them slowly retreated to let the two dragons take a breath for a charcoal roast.
The hot dragon’s breath rolled and rushed into the cave, which was more than twice as high as the temperature of the flame shock wave released by White Sasha. The dragon’s breath directly turned the evil spirits near the sword shield into charred creatures. When the dragon’s breath disappeared, the melee personnel once again braved the high temperature that did not disappear and rushed into the cave, but they did not directly cut with weapons. Instead, they threw a few drops of frost magic liquid containing the ability of horror frost and fell into the monster. The magic liquid quickly evaporated and sent out a cold current of terror for a second, near the place where the magic liquid fell. Evil spirits have directly experienced body expansion and fragmentation in this extremely hot and cold alternating environment, which is beneficial to the physical phenomenon of heat expansion and cold contraction. Chen Kai and others quickly destroyed some evil spirits shields near the periphery, and lost their shields to protect them. As a result, the evil spirits of the swords and shields are naturally not much to say.
In just half a minute, Chen Kai cut off several evil spirits who lost their shields and swords, and then kept accumulating magic. Rola Chen released the sacred purification and kept flashing, causing considerable damage and being shrouded by the sacred power. The long-range attacker naturally quickly took aim at the bone arrow target in Rola Chen.
The arrows shot from the dark passage kept falling around Rola Chen. Fortunately, these arrows were resisted. Three people held shields to resist the arrows coming from the cave. These arrows made of bones were ignited by the divine power in the middle, but even so, they kept hitting the shield. Of course, these attacking evil spirits were quickly rushed to them. Chen Kai and them were killed because there was no sword, shield and evil spirits to protect them.
When the last monster with an arrow launcher was chopped to pieces, Chen Kai and his team finally had a little rest. First, before Chen Kai and his team took a few breaths, several people heard a more encrypted vibration. Because those monsters in the dark nest would attack quickly after being attacked, in fact, most player teams died not in a wave of monsters, but in a continuous rush. Before they killed the previous wave of monsters, the monsters rushed back again. At the same time, because the players quickly killed the evil spirits and biological methods, the players who should finally occupy the number advantage were piled up alive by monsters.
Of course, this is not particularly correct. After all, even if a wave of monsters comes, the number of players is still much smaller than that of some players. However, the number of players facing the monsters in the narrow passage is not large, and the players at the same level can hardly fight the monsters at the same level. If you add those behind you who constantly attack the remote evil spirits, it will be even worse. The worst thing is that the casters will be hit by arrows first, even if these casters protect arrows, they will not wrap themselves into flashing shield balls.
The end result is that the players were killed by the secret monster. Of course, Chen Kai, who is relatively strong, cleaned up the two waves of monsters. When he heard footsteps and vibrations, he sometimes turned and ran away. Then Li Wen directly released the greasy technique to delay. Others did not hesitate to clean up the battle. Although this was a little embarrassing and humiliating, they quickly turned around and ran away. Even if Chen Kai was ashamed again, God knows how many monsters were rushing to be continued.
The first volume 373 Resurrection of Abala?
Fortunately, there are few people around Chen Kai and they don’t intend to publicize such a stampede. Chen Kai and they are worried about being laughed at. Of course, for Chen Kai and them, being chased by monsters behind them is far more depressing than being laughed at. Although Li Wen has been greasy, the ground has become very slippery and she will release it again every time after a while.
However, the greasy technique can’t completely stop the pace of those monsters. A large number of monsters still swept in the direction of Llewellyn’s escape like a torrent. But in the end, Llewellyn escaped these monsters, although the sinister way was to directly lead the monsters to other players. Of course, this is not correct, because Llewellyn didn’t know that there were players in that channel who led each other in that direction with the help of a fork. As a result, those monsters collided with the players in the channel soon after.
Hearing those players scream, Chen Kai sighed and quickly turned around and ran away. Of course, Chen Kai didn’t know that those monsters chased behind them hit the players. He actually knew them, and there was still a period of bad communication before. These players were Cossack Knights players, but they just turned back a wave of monster attacks, but they were chased by Chen Kai, and they rushed to the team. This loss can’t be called miserable. It should be said that it is terrible. Because there are at least one hundred monsters chasing behind Chen Kai, they directly tore the defense line of this player team.
Listen, Chen Kai can already imagine how miserable the attacked players are. Of course, in the end, Chen Kai still didn’t want to help them. After all, these monsters were led by them carelessly. If Chen Kai and them appeared, they might be suspected, but the most important thing is that a group of people are exhausted now, and they haven’t stopped to rest and recover their consumption. Naturally, they don’t want to and can’t run to help. If they don’t help, they will be killed by those monsters, so Chen Kai will be tragic.
Actually, it’s not just Chen Kai who chose to be a little puss-head. There are still many players in the whole channel, but they all chose to wait quietly rather than lend a helping hand. First of all, it’s probably that the Cossack Knights’ group style is not very good. What you need to know is that they are attacked, and the players have chosen to hide far away because they know that they are going to help. Maybe after killing all monsters, they will be killed by these Cossack Knights in the name of fighting for war benefits. Similarly, if they don’t help after appearing, the result may be met by the other side. The revenge afterwards is to be a little familiar with those players after hearing their cries. Players will choose to hide far away and move in the dark nest. Few players don’t know about this guild.
When they were attacked, no one went to help them. Of course, there was no one watching. Those players who were not afraid of death would crouch around regardless of the danger of retaliation, because they knew that although the Cossack Knights were more arrogant, they were also less arrogant. Their equipment was very good and they were all rich, but these players who wanted to pick up the bodies forgot one thing, that is, if the Cossack Knights were not able to hold such a monster, they would be killed if they rushed in to pick up things.
Chen Kai and others did not stop to rest after entering another passage, but walked along the road to the periphery of the dark nest for a certain distance until they reached the area without danger. Of course, when Chen Kai and others rested, they would pass by some players from time to time, but these players didn’t care much about Chen Kai sitting on the side of the road. Because of this, there were many players in the dark nest. Of course, more players were not even sent to the underworld for coffee.
Because a lot of drugs were used in the battle, Chen Kai and others rested in the security area for nearly an hour. Of course, if the upgrade is approaching, Chen Kai and others may not put the time wave in the dangerous area of the dark nest at all, but it’s not over. Chen Kai and others are also beneficial to the monsters in the dark nest to hone their ideas. Not only do they want to fight to improve their consciousness or understand their quarrelsome attributes with good luck, so as to cross the threshold.