What’s more, my professional skills are not up to level 15, and I can’t learn the master skill of level 15 Ranger. A hidden skill has insight into the key points of mutant monsters. Forget it. Although this guy is not better than the Green Sheep Monster in my eyes, people there are considered fighters in hooligans. Endure Yoshiko Oshimi’s broad days and endure it, and feel refreshed.
It’s so hard to upgrade the ranger’s career. It’s so hard to die. It’s crazy to lose half your experience at a time, plus cosmic coins and accidentally drop equipment. I turned my head and walked towards the door of the medical palace. I heard a mocking sound behind me. I secretly called "I endure, I endure, I endure, I endure your death!" "
"bang!" Another big force hit me. Thank God! I took precautions. I didn’t play the mud-eating exercise this time, but I stumbled and was knocked back four or five steps. I *! The sandals on my feet are almost rubbing and catching fire, and it’s even more like a flood of laughter. I pretended not to hear a spat in my hand and rubbed my hands back and forth for a few times. I secretly called one.
"I don’t believe this evil must hit this door when I cross the rubicon."
With luck and hard work, I rushed over again and laughed even harder. Suddenly, I heard a crisp voice say
"This ranger friend, you wait."
I got on an emergency brake and turned around. I saw a charming and beautiful woman wearing a white dress inlaid with light lotus flowers and blushing, and she was pretty behind me. There was a hint of unbearable and panic in her intelligent eyes. I was a little surprised if my eyes were distracted, I asked
"What are you doing?"
She heard a little surprised and said
"You are a male player, you can’t enter this medical palace alone, and you will be hit by a protective cover."
When I listen to silly eyes, my heart is even more depressed, and I stare blankly at myself.
"What should I do? This damn "
"I’ll take you in. If you want to go in, you must be brought by a doctor professional player. Of course, there is no restriction on male players and other female non-doctor professional players."
I’m completely stupid. That’s the rule. Slow down, said God.
"Then how do you get in?"
"If you want me to hold your hand, you can go in with your eyes closed."
She said with an angelic smile, I suddenly heard the bitter soldier suddenly run to her and said eagerly just now
"Small element what are you doing? How can you bring such rubbish in? Isn’t it dirty your hands? "
I was filled with humiliation and anger, but I couldn’t help my friend, I said in a low voice
"Thank you for your kindness. I’ll keep it in mind. Don’t do it."
Suddenly she said to the sharp soldier
"I don’t care about my affairs. It’s good for everyone to do so!"
The soldier listened to a stare blankly and said
"yes! I can’t say that you can do whatever you like. "
Turned his head and said to me.
"Small! You be careful! I’m Daodu. Please give me your name if you have something to do. We’ll find a place to do it. "
I secretly scolded this little girl for squeezing soft persimmons to eat. Don’t lose your ranger demeanor in front of beautiful women. My horse was about to give me my name. Suddenly, I was gently caught by a pair of jade-cut hands, and I heard this girl called Xiaosu by a sharp soldier say, "Ignore him and let’s go in."
I’ll put the words on my lips and go back to learn the spirit of Han Xin. Of course, I won’t learn from Gou Jian. That person’s life style is too cruel. It’s good to give away a beautiful woman like Xi Shi. Just be cruel to a man, but don’t be too cruel to be mentally deformed
This time, Enron was led through the position where he was just hit. Curious in my heart, I quietly opened my eyes and suddenly felt that I was hit by the stream. When I shook my body, I heard Xiaosu say
"Close your eyes!"
I scared the horse to close his eyes. What kind of thing is that? Do you want me to open a ranger and turn a blind eye? I heard her smile and said
"I know you will definitely peek at my brother and you."
"Your brother?"
I am short-sighted and confused.
"Yes, didn’t you meet just now?"
I see a soldier with a sharp face in my heart. Their brother and sister should have answered that sentence. Beauty and beast are brothers and sisters! I secretly sigh when I heard her microstrip uneasy little asked
"You won’t be angry with my brother, will you?"
Wry smile said
"Brother Dao, if you talk directly, simply say that you have helped me a lot. I don’t know how angry I am if I thank you."
"Hee hee, thank you so much. I didn’t expect you to be such a ranger. My name is Xiao Su. What’s your name? Let’s make friends."
Generous to just hold my hand in front of me, I also heroic to hold my hand with her and said
"My name is Star Wave, but you can call me Wave. I’ll make friends with you!"
Silver ling said with a smile
"After that, I called you Brother Xing?"
Embarrassed to say
"Don’t call me by my name or wave. It’s disrespectful to you."
"Come on! That’s what I like to call Brother Xing! Brother xing! Brother xing! Hey! You answer quickly! "
A wry smile said
"Yes, yes, Miss Xiaosu."
We talked and laughed and walked to the NPC in the hall. I was ecstatic. This time, it’s okay: Isn’t this NPC the great woman I’m looking for in Nanjiger? I said with a bow.
"Dear lady, I’m a star-devouring monster coming to see you."
Beautiful and holy Ms. Nanjiger said slowly.
"I understand your purpose. Please team up and find a friend of the opposite sex who is your best doctor. You have to answer me three questions."
I gave a wry smile and looked at the side of Xiaosu and said
"She asked me to find a professional friend of yours to answer her questions together. Can you help me?"
Xiaosu smiled and promised me that my horse and her team would hand in the answer application, so I felt unable to move, but my thoughts and meanings were completely awake.
I heard Ms. Nanjiger say