Everyone looked at her purple rose and continued, "NPC life once, I think our goal should be to prevent a special NPC from dying as much as possible. After all, there are too few special NPCs. If one dies, we will lose an acceptable object."
They silently nodded contemplating in my heart.
Fang Yu nods, "This is true. A considerable number of special NPCs in the Three Kingdoms will die only after they appear. If they don’t die, we will accept a lot of doubts. It’s a pity that Dong Zhuojun cut Hua Xiong and other brave people down by feathers. If we don’t stop Cao Cao, he will die in the future. Is this what we are happy to see? These are the unique figures in the Three Kingdoms, no matter who gets these figures in the end, the first thing is to let them live so that everyone has a chance. "
They slowly talked about this discussion, and the purple rose discussed it.
A Cai laughed. "I think it’s not only to stop them from dying, but also to stipulate that players should not kill special NPCs. Do you think?"
After a long discussion, everyone finally reached an agreement.
The 10th Route Army reached the Tiger Prison Treaty. All players have the obligation to save and protect the lives of special NPCs. They must not kill or maim special NPCs for no reason until they are taken over by players. This treaty is binding on all players. Those who violate this treaty will damage the public interests of all players. They can gang up and attack.
After the signing of the treaty, the 10 th Route Army has the most basic common interests. In addition, they have tried to reach other agreements, but their views are different and the difference is too great, so they coordinate and disperse separately.
The next day, Cao Cao called the warlord rebel army to discuss the invasion.
The atmosphere of the big account princes and players sitting on both sides was somewhat solemn, but the players were still whispering and laughing. "What do you think they will say later?" "I think they must perform the play according to the romance of the Three Kingdoms." "I can recite their words like water."
Cao Cao coughed and stared at the idea of self-discipline. The rebel leaders and the players immediately said nothing.
The satrap Wang Kuang rises to the Avenue "Today, if you serve the righteousness, you must establish an ally; Listen to the constraints and then invade. "
Cao Caodao said, "Yuan Chu IV, Sangongmen, and many old officials from the Han Dynasty, can be the leader."
Lombardi pretended to refuse again and again, and all the NPCs advised that "it must be early" and Lombardi agreed.
This time, there will be no players. Everything is a process. Everything is decided by the ten-way princes directly. The rebel army is purely a decoration.
The next day, the platform was built on the third floor, the five-party flag was set up, and the flag was printed. Yuan Shao went on stage to burn incense, worship the alliance, swear and shed blood, and made an impassioned speech, which moved all the governors to tears. All the players cried loudly, and they were moved by their enthusiastic department, generate, to see Yuan Shao.
Blood-shedding table
Sit on the vassal’s side according to rank and age, and the player’s side according to rank of army.
There’s going to be a drama
Cao Cao looked at the rebel leaders and said, "Today, the leader has been established, and everyone should act according to the rules. Especially the rebels should remember that there is no discipline."
"Got it" A Cai lazy way
Yuan Shao: "Since everyone elected me as the leader, I will be rewarded for my meritorious deeds and punished for my crimes. Everyone must not violate military discipline, otherwise don’t blame me."
Everyone’s "life is to listen"
Yuan Shao went on to say, "My brother Yuan Shu is in charge of the owner of the grain and grass, and now he needs a pioneer to go to Si Shui to challenge the rest of the troops to stick to their dangerous positions and do their support."
The first mistake of Tiger Prison War appeared. Yuan Shu will detain Sun Jian’s grain and grass. This is something that all players know, but who will stop this from happening? Can the players really stop looking at each other but still keeping silent? Not necessarily. If a few words can change history, then they will not do so much.
At this time, behind the player leader, a player debuted "I object"
Yuan Shao wondered, "What are you against?"
The player said, "I’m opposed to Yuan Shu being in charge of grain and grass. I’m sure he will detain Sun Jian Grain, Grass and Tiger Prison and lose the first battle."
Yuan Shao was furious. "Shut up and dare to pull out the morale of trouble and cut it down." Yuan Shu was equally furious. "Is it outrageous to slander me and Sun to detain food and grass after slander?"
After the player was dragged out, he still made a hullabaloo about, but no one dissuaded the governors from saying discouraging things when they got cold feet and made them taboo.
The leaders of many players will not finish this, but they will arrange an experiment to see if NPC will reconsider its strategy because of the player’s warning. The experiment obviously proves that NPC governors don’t take their advice seriously for a while.
Sun Jian stepped out and said, "I’ll be the striker."
Yuan Shao said, "Wentai can be a striker, Yuan Shu. You heard the man just now. You must never detain food or grass, or you will be killed."
"it’s the leader"
Sun Jian led his troops to Si Shui.
The crowd dispersed, and the player leaders took a tacit look at each other. It’s time to work.
The seventh volume levy day Chapter 47 Caught three fish
Changsha satrap Sun Jian led his troops to kill Si Shui, and all the players’ leaders also withdrew from the camp gate.
A Cai said, "Jibei Xiang Bao Xin will send his brother Bao Zhong to kill Hua Xiong before Sun Jian, but Bao Zhong was cut by Hua Xiong. Who are you interested in saving Bao Zhong’s life?"
Purple sword east and sneered "Bao Zhong? If it is Hua Xiong, you may be interested. Which onion is Bao Zhong? "
No one answered at half ring.
A Cai laughed. "It seems that no one here will be interested in Bao Zhong, but I estimate that there will be other small players rushing to save Bao Zhong. At least Bao Zhong is a special NPC. We need to prevent small players from fighting and avoiding the fight, which will hinder the rescue of Bao Zhong."
Wei Dongling said, "Brother Cai’s proposal is very correct. Why don’t we take action to save NPC from Bao Zhong starting point exhibition? What should we do specifically?"
"Ha ha issued an announcement urging all players not to fight, and everyone led some troops to watch the game, which can not only deter them, but also observe the fighting capacity of Hua Xiong."
"So be it."
The 10th Route Army mobilized its troops without following Yuan Shao’s orders.
The vassal Bao Xin, who was afraid that Sun Jian had taken the lead, secretly sent his younger brother Bao Zhong, who led three thousand people to copy the path in front of Sun Jian and came to Si Shui to fight. A large number of players had already ambushed nearby for the war between the two sides, while the Ten-Route Rebels, such as Zhanqi Army, each led some cavalry to watch quietly on the distant hillside.
Bao Zhong’s 3,000-man division is a 7-level soldier, and Hua Xiong’s 9-level general is an iron rider.
Sure enough, Hua Xiong led five hundred fighters to rush out and drink angrily. "The thief will leave!"
The thunder thundered against Bao Zhongjun’s steeds and scared them back three feet.