After letting Scorpio get up, Longye also got up. Seeing that Scorpio was depressed, I couldn’t help touching its head and comforting, "Good boy, I like you very much. Let’s cheer together."
Looking at Scorpio, Longye couldn’t help but say something very passionate.
"Wow ~" Scorpio called for a while and then jumped at Longye.
After determining the short-term method to get rid of the habit of Scorpio, the good elf ball in Longye put it away. "Do you have the same hidden attributes as Kojiro? Remember that guy, the elf always jumped on him. "
When watching the animation, I felt that Kojiro was always bitten on the head by his fangs cage (catching cordyceps) and always held by Naiya in the desert. It was funny, but it was really his turn that Longye realized that this taste was bad. At this time, Longye really envied Xiao Zhi’s superhuman physique, which could easily lift 72kg horizontally.
Although both elves are put into the elf ball, Longye can’t always put them in the elf ball. How can I explain the origin of these two elves to Dad? Longye was in distress for a while.
Don’t tell your parents to secretly put the two elves in the courtyard, but after all, the courtyard is so vast that no one will notice the two elves coming out, but Longye doesn’t want to keep them like this, especially when will Magikarp evolve into a Tyrannosaurus rex if it doesn’t pay close attention to training?
"Dad, I want to learn to fish. Can you find me a fishing rod?" Longye said to Dad early in the morning.
"Haha, of course, no problem. You can practice your fishing skills on those Magikarp targets in the river."
"Then you prepare two more elf balls for me. If I catch carp, Wang wants to collect it."
"No problem, you can have these two red and white balls," Fujiwara said with a smile.
Longye sat quietly by the river and threw the hook into the river.
"Wow, I caught Magikarp. Let’s go into the Poké Ball." Longye threw the elf ball and directly accepted the Magikarp without flashing.
"I accept Poké mon!" Longye made a gesture of "Go You".
At this time, a scorpion suddenly fell from the sky and hugged Longye. "Hey, funny elf, you like me too, right?"
Longye threw the elf ball again, and Scorpio suddenly appeared as before, and it was collected without struggle.
"Mom and Dad, I took the elf." Longye ran into the villa with an elf ball in one hand. "It turns out that the elf is not difficult to catch at all!"
Not to mention that the carp king and Scorpio are the elves drawn by Longye in the system.
Come on, this thing just passed, but the scene of Longye receiving two elves made the housekeeper in the villa see it. When he told others about it, Longye received the deeds of two elves without fighting, and then they came.
As everyone recounted that the original ordinary story slowly became full of myth, saying that "Fujiwara’s young master was favored by the creator and had an unusual affinity for all kinds of elves", the news appeared.
Chapter 5 Family Core Area
After the appearance of the carp king and Scorpio became reasonable, Longye trained the two elves.
It’s said that two elves are actually a Scorpio, because Magikarp doesn’t know how to train Longye himself. According to his understanding, Magikarp can learn skills before evolution. There are three skills: splashing, bumping and dying. Even if the skill machine is made, it seems that there is no way for Magikarp to learn other skills.
For this reason, Longye let Magikarp move in the river by himself, as long as he didn’t run out of the courtyard. You know, although Magikarp is an elf with very poor strength, Longye has his own plans, even if he can’t beat other elves, Magikarp can always be good for Magikarp, right?
Longye gave an order to Magikarp himself, that is, to keep fighting with other Magikarp in the river. Even if you lose, Longye can earn points anyway.
Although Longye didn’t command Magikarp to fight (saying that there is nothing to command in terms of three skills …), Longye or Magikarp prepared other things.
Joey from Orange Islands raised the giant Magikarp from childhood, but Longye was impressed. When ordinary Magikarp grew up, it was about one meter long. But Magikarp grew to an astonishing three meters long and evolved into a Tyrannosaurus rex, which was also a giant figure.
Therefore, Longye is also prepared to cultivate his Magikarp to that size and then let it evolve. In the past few days, Longye has been coquetry with his mother to get regular calcium tablets from her hand. Magikarp, an elf who is nothing but bones and scales, is absolutely indispensable if he wants to talk big.
Compared with Magikarp Scorpio, it makes Longye worry more. Without evolution, it has 43 racial values. The strength of the elf Scorpio makes Longye very satisfied.
"Scorpio poisoned the green caterpillar." As Longye ordered, Scorpio hung upside down on the tree and immediately sprayed a purple flying needle on the ground. Because it was an undeclared war, the green caterpillar was hit by a poisonous needle without any response.
I’m still ready to wake Scorpio, and be careful of the green caterpillar’s counterattack. The green caterpillar discovered by Longye has turned into a mosquito-repellent eye, and Scorpio has finished killing with one blow.
"Well done, Scorpio" Longye encouraged an elf. This was the first battle where Longye and Scorpio trained. Longye was careful to deal with a green caterpillar and even attacked it.
Although Longye knew that the green caterpillar was weak, he didn’t expect it to be killed as soon as it was killed. "It seems that all the green caterpillars in this area can be brushed again," Longye thought shamefully.
Longye didn’t want to accept the fallen green caterpillar. This elf is too weak to evolve into a butterfly and make all kinds of powder. However, when watching the animation, Xiao Zhi released the butterfly, but Longye was moved. He didn’t experience such sentimental separation. Longye thought it was better not to have the green caterpillar.
The green caterpillar fainted and was not poisoned. After a while, it woke up and ran away quickly.
Seeing the green caterpillar run away, hanging upside down in the tree, Scorpio glided and pounced on Longye. Don’t say that Longye was attacked by his tongue again. You are a Scorpio. You are not an elf like Lickitung. Why do you always like licking people?
In fact, Longye doesn’t understand how the Scorpio theory can all fly for a while, but the ground+flight attribute has no poison attribute. Can you believe it?
At this time, it turned out that the data finally changed. After defeating the green caterpillar, Longye got 2 points. Although the number is small, considering that the green caterpillar is almost fighting, Longye is also very satisfied with this result.
"Hey, Longye, stop playing and come back quickly."
Just as Longye was about to let Scorpio sweep the green caterpillar department in the courtyard, Dad suddenly called him over.
"What is it, Dad? I’m training my elf."
"There will be opportunities for training later. Come with me today. I will take you back to the core area of the family."
The core area of Fujiwara family? I heard Dad describe the Fujiwara family so well before. This time, I can finally see those rare elves. I’m here. Although Dad has said that those elves can’t be given to Longye now, it’s good to have a look.
Is mini dragon really that cute? Is Yukira really 72kg? Longye can’t wait to find the answers to these questions.
"Dad, let’s go."
"Ha ha, let’s go!"
Uncle Magikarp was surprised to see him coming out of the villa garage with a suspended car.
"Shall we go there?" Longye was surprised and asked, although he knew that the technology of the pet elf world was developing very strongly, even Meow Meow could make all kinds of robots, but he had never seen anyone like this suspended car in the animation! Does this mean Chinese black technology?
"This kind of suspended car is issued by our family according to the suspension characteristics of elves, and it has not been promoted by the family department. Come on, Longye. If you want to go to the core area of the family, you must go through those grasses and forests. It is the most convenient to have this kind of suspended car."
Longye took the suspended car and found that it was no different from an ordinary car. If it flew lower, it would be no different from an ordinary car. However, it was just after Longye sat down and felt that Longye felt different immediately after the suspended car really started driving.
This is the most direct feeling of Longye. If you don’t see the scenery fading away outside the window, you really can’t feel it driving. The second feeling is that you are driving fast on the vast grass, and you don’t have to worry about what you will hit. The speed of the suspended car has reached the extreme.
After about half an hour, the speed of the suspended car gradually slowed down. I told Fujiwara that the core area of the Longye family had arrived.
Through the window of Longye, I found that there are many guards in the courtyard here, and the grass is no longer the former green caterpillar elves. There are more elves wearing mountain rat and Nidoran.
After another ten minutes’ drive, Longye finally saw a large group of buildings.
"Come on, the core area of the family is here." Fujiwara Masayoshi stopped the suspended car. "It’s best not to take the bus when you go forward. If you go there by car, you have to go through a lot of questioning. Let’s just walk there."
"Hello, good master, chief of the fathers"
"Good patriarch"