I didn’t expect to be able to encounter such a thing. Longye became interested in this fighting Dojo. Although according to Longye’s knowledge, this fighting Dojo should have failed in the competition later, but Longye still wanted to see it.
You know, in the future, there is no official recognition that the fighting hall can understand the fighting style of a fighting elf now, which is also a good way to improve.
According to Miss Joey’s instructions, Longye found this fighting hall, but I didn’t expect this fighting hall to be next to the Super Power Hall.
When Longye came here, the gate of the Dojo was already crowded with people.
"Did you hear that the Super Dojo Hall mainly competes with the owner of the fighting Dojo Hall, and the winner will get the title of official Dojo Hall in Golden City?"
"What, there is an official Taoist temple title in a city? These two Taoist temples are very powerful and they are the pride of our golden city."
"Anyway, there is a good show today."
The discussion around him made Longye understand the cause of the incident, and he was also very interested in this Dojo trainer battle. You know, this kind of battle is not easy to see.
Squeeze into the front of the crowd. Two middle-aged people stand opposite each other. One person wearing a hand should be the owner of the martial arts venue, while the other person wearing a suit is the owner of the Super Power Dojo venue.
Seeing this Western-wearing man, Longye, confirmed his guess. Indeed, the owner of the Super Power Dojo is not Nazi now.
"Foreign interface attributes restrain you. Sha Walang must beat me, Alakazam."
"Don’t talk nonsense. Yutai is a fighter and I will never give up fighting."
"Then come on, let me see how you Sha Walang breaks the Alakazam teleport," Yu Tai said confidently.
"Say more benefits. This time, the number of official Taoist halls will not let you easily succeed. Sha Walang has made millions of tons of flying legs."
Sha Walang suddenly extended a million tons of flying legs and kicked them directly to Alakazam. Being able to freely extend and retract its legs is a secret weapon of Sha Walang. Its long strike range makes it easy for it to gain the upper hand in combat.
After being kicked to the moment, Alakazam disappeared into the original place.
Chapter 21 Fighting Dojo Sha Walang
Alakazam, the owner of Yutai Pavilion, is really exemplary in teleportation. He can still avoid the opponent’s attack by teleportation in the near-azimuth attack situation in Sha Walang.
At the same time, Alakazam can seize the opportunity to make the skills such as fantasy light and fantasy chop fight back. The super power will double the damage to fighting and make Sha Walang’s physical strength gradually consumed.
But this Sha Walang did not give up.
The owner of the foreign interface museum is worthy of being an excellent fighting elf trainer. When it is difficult to hit his opponent, he tries hard to find opportunities, and he sees through these skills. Sha Walang has been in a state of gas in the venue, and Alakazam will be hit hard if he reveals a flaw.
Alakazam kept attacking Sha Walang with teleport and mind, but Sha Walang wouldn’t make a hasty move when he didn’t find the opportunity.
At this time, Alakazam teleported and made a mistake. It teleported itself to the attack range of Sha Walang.
"It is now a million tons of flying legs."
Sha Walang’s leg suddenly stretched and kicked Alakazam hard, which made Alakazam fly out like a sandbag. However, Sha Walang did not let Alakazam go so easily and directly attacked him in close combat.
The former was consumed by Alakazam, so Sha Walang was exhausted. Now the idea is that Li’s final physical strength will knock Alakazam down in an instant.
"The last blow flew knee bump" Yosuke shouted a.
However, just one second before Sha Walang’s knee touched Hu Di, there was a green light on Alakazam’s body, and Alakazam successfully recovered himself at the end.
Alakazam was hit by Shawa Langfei’s knee and stung to the ground. At this time, Sha Walang finally fell to the ground.
Alakazam, who was attacked continuously, got up from the ground little by little, and recovered himself at the last moment, which made him recover some physical strength and survived the last flying knee collision.
Looking at the strength, Alakazam Sha Walang’s eyes reveal a thick, almost a recruit!
Bang! Sha Walang fell directly to the ground.
Sha Walang!’ Yang Jie ran to Sha Walang’s side and directly picked it up. "You are good. You didn’t lose the face of our fighters."
Yosuke turned to hold Mrs. Hu Diyu. "I lost the title of official Dojo and it’s yours."
Say that finish after the foreign interface directly sent Sha Walang to the elf center.
Yu Tai’s mood of winning is also very complicated. In such a big situation of attribute restraint, the other side almost turned over. I have to say that Yosuke is really strong in fighting elf training.
"Trainers who want to get the gold badge from the sky come to our Super Dojo to challenge," Yutai said to the surrounding audience.
"It’s too tough!" Fang Longye sighed that he had never thought that the master duel was so fierce. It seems that he still has a lot to learn.
Today, this war can be said to have caused a sensation in the whole golden city. The battle for the name of the official Taoist temple in the former golden city has aroused people’s interest, and now this war has completely ignited people’s enthusiasm
Although the Super Dojo won the official Dojo title, the foreign-made fighting Dojo also attracted most people’s attention, and some fighting elf trainers secretly decided to go to the fighting Dojo for training.
Early the next morning, Longye came to the fighting Dojo. He wanted to have an elf duel with Yosuke.
"Hello, I’m Longye from Zhenxin Town. Please give me some advice."
"Little fellow, you should know that our place is no longer the official Dojo. Even if you win, you won’t get a badge," Yosuke said gently.
"No, no, no,no. I won the badge just to participate in the Shi Ying League competition. I came to you to make myself stronger."
"Well, I accept your challenge, but Sha Walang was seriously injured in yesterday’s game and can’t play. Today I will fight with Abilene."
"no problem"
In the face of this battle, Longye directly sent the Scorpio King and also the Scorpio King to have a fighting force under such circumstances.
Aibilang punches fast, but this kind of high-speed attack won’t last long, and Scorpio King, a small faerie dragon wild with a meat shield, is confident that he can fight Aibilang.
It is necessary for "Scorpio King makes sword dance" to improve its attack power first in such a battle.