Unfortunately, this is still not enough for him to get out of the defensive tower.
Just when everyone was worried about whether Lu Zhan would live, Casadin’s death showed up.
"LPL and Wind killed LCS and peke!"
It turns out that just now, the soldier’s damage was enough to take away Casadin!
When peke realized that something was wrong and retreated, six beams of light had actually hit him and got his life.
This symbol is lit up for the second time in today’s competition, and peke has been killed by Lu Zhandan for the second time.
I didn’t expect Casadin to die before mantis.
Peke smashed the desktop hard, and the opportunity was fleeting. According to his idea, Lu Zhan didn’t fight back until he got out of the defense tower. In that case, it was too late anyway. Who thought that Lu Zhan actually resisted in the tower?
Peke had to wait for the blow from the defensive tower to replace Lu Zhan, and it was not a waste for him to come all the way.
Two people in the middle of a single wave has dropped all the flashes, so neither of them flashed.
But when the defensive tower was ready to shoot, mantis suddenly shook its wings and flew outside the tower.
It’s slow to say that it’s only a few seconds before a land exhibition kills a blind monk. It’s impossible to recover the mantis level E for 2 seconds.
So where did Lu Zhan’s e come from?
“……!” Peke put his head in his hands and watched mantis move in shock. At this time, he remembered that mantis wings had grown out.
Every time mantis evolves, its shape will change. Evolution Q sickle changes. Evolution W spike grows. Evolution R skin turns red.
Evolution e is to grow wings!
E skill jump comes from the evolution of big moves!
Killing or assisting after the evolution of e will refresh e skills, and mantis is equivalent to having a second e.
So now that Casadin is dead, he immediately flies out to the outside of the tower!
So when did he have the evolutionary e skill?
Peke’s heart was cool and he recalled when Lu Zhan was invisible just now.
At that time, he guessed that good professional players would choose to run backwards, even if ordinary people were few, they would choose to walk to one side. After all, a big move and a 4% increase in running speed should be the only chance to escape.
But Lu Zhan chose to stay where he was.
He didn’t move from stealth to appearance.
That’s when he had such a pair of wings.
At that moment, Lu Zhan chose not to escape, but to evolve in situ stealth.
Peke slumped back in his seat. Stealth evolution often means that no one will go to the base.
Because although the big move is written as 1 second when it is invisible, evolution also takes 1 second and mantis needs to stay still.
It seems that the two are equal, but in fact, the hand speed is delayed. At the end of stealth, evolution is often a little short of completion.
It’s risky to be invisible in such a dangerous situation!
It’s not that peke didn’t see that Lu Zhan’s mantis has grown wings. It’s urgent that he can chase it, and when he realizes it’s too late.
He can’t die himself, so mantis can’t trigger the effect of refreshing e skills, but …
Peke realized that although he had attached great importance to Lu Zhan, he underestimated him.
The speed of learning big moves, pressing big moves and evolving E in an instant is extraordinary, and so is IQ.
Evolution e instead of increasing damage q or stealth increasing resistance r proves that Lu Zhan has already planned all this.
He knew for a long time that he would escape by e-refresh, which means that every move of peke was counted by Lu Zhan.
With this kind of courage and command, you can count all the players you have seen in peke’s long career.
"China team has such a strong single …"
Peke remembered Lu Hong, who crossed the front line. Lu Hong was very strong, but he won in stability.
Lu Zhan’s style of play is harder and more thrilling than Lu Hong’s.
It turns out that every time he has a thrill.
Time flies. From Casadin’s death to Lu Zhan’s flying out, it was also a moment when the defense tower shifted the target horse to shoot a beam. Lu Zhan actually flew outside the tower.
Katzke, the virtual predator, escaped from the prison after killing three people!
After the play, it went according to the idea of Lu Zhan.
The field was shocked.
Mantis is still not dead after three kills.
"snapped …"
In the commentary, the audience clapped their hands at the land exhibition.
This bold move made the audience feast their eyes.
Many people still don’t know what Lu Zhan can do. After all, not everyone knows how to observe the shape of mantis and see its evolution. They are very excited to see the three kills.
They didn’t get white until the slow mirror playback was explained.
According to the rules of Zenith Arena, when a player asks for a drill in this competition, the commentary will lead everyone to call his name together.
The French commentator took the lead and the audience shouted "Wind!" like a mountain calling a tsunami.
More than three spectators shouted at the scene, which shocked the momentum of the stadium.
The ID of the land exhibition was finally remembered by foreign audiences.
Chapter 634 Still have to rely on yourself
Despite wearing headphones, Lu Zhan heard the audience calling him, and vaguely recognized from the sound that it was calling his ID.
Some people shouted this way when introducing the contestants before the game, but obviously it was not so loud, but now his strength is more and more recognized by the audience
Lu Zhan’s tour made the China team rely on three more heads, and the ratio of heads on both sides changed from 4 to 2, and the economic gap was also pulled to more than 1 yuan.
In addition to Mo Li’s blood, China team has a single Xiao Chengjiang who died once. It can be said that the situation is very good
Because the other three were able to keep the tower and all died, the duo didn’t come to China. The three bloody teammates took off the other tower together.