Face? She laughed at this thought. Hum, it’s not a deadly drug, but it’s enough for him to suffer for a while. She must get some sulfuric acid. How many bad hearts have you grown? I’ll leave a few marks on your face with such a face. Can you still do bad things everywhere?
Chapter 46 Thinking
Finally, I had a thrilling escape back to the North Liuyin Xiao of the Post Office. I slapped my hand on the console table and shook the teapot and teacups. Is it that today is a bad day for everything? How come both plans have been disrupted?
The face is not comfortable again. Bei Liuyin Xiao took a face, and the blue yarn lit up the candle in the bronze mirror. The silver needle was as thin as a dime, and hitting the face was a tiny little blood, which would not affect him from going out to see people, but he looked at his right hand, but it was a little red and swollen. If we deal with it from time to time, we will meet people with a pig’s head.
Xuewu people generally have some precautions against these ordinary drugs, except those who are unique in hidden weapons. They must seek an antidote from the original owner. Beiliuyin Xiao looked at the water in the copper basin, which was obviously clean and cool, so he leaned over and cleaned it slowly. He dug out a porcelain bottle in his bed for a long time to pour out some liquid and patted his face.
This is a gift from the head of the company, saying that general toxins can be removed as soon as possible. This is the first time he has done this for so many years!
After two quarters of an hour, the feeling of numbness and itching in the face gradually disappeared, and it was cool and comfortable. Looking down, the skin of the hands returned to its original color.
I have been followed several times for my outstanding flying skills; I want to take advantage of the road, but I caught that girl. Is it true that I can’t play from West Vietnam?
His aunt is neither too hot nor too cold, and there is no ambition of Beiliu’s family. Even that Li Wei is not necessarily loyal to Nangong Yifan. It is somewhat bloody that he still has some eyes on this cousin in his heart. In his subconscious, people like Ye Lingfeng and Nangong Yichen are qualified to be his opponents. However, West Vietnam has just recovered its stability, and such a neighbor with no danger is enough for him to make great efforts.
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With the country, are you still worried about not having a beauty? But looking at the woman, she was firmly in his heart. I didn’t expect her to have such a thing. Ye Jia is not a family. Ye Xihua is also a weak student. But how can this leaf dress escape his plot? In the head of this thing has always been in case of loss, how can she not be affected at all? Also, the strength and angle of her silver needle theory are very sharp. If it weren’t for her quick reaction, these eyes might have been ruined. The more I think about it, the more I am dying. Fortunately, Ye Lingfeng didn’t come back. Otherwise, his west Vietnam is a joke, and it will soon be full of noise. Father will have to take care of his name even if he likes himself again, right? Come on, let’s think of a plan. The fox didn’t hit a coquettish thing, but it can’t happen again. Bei Liuyin Xiao secretly warned himself that there were too many things to do personally. Let those people come forward to work. It’s impossible to keep them forever.
I’m depressed, but I can’t sleep. I want to close my eyes. That’s the face that makes him dream. He rubbed a finger. If it had been faster just now, he would have touched the smooth skin. If you can’t do this, you can still take some advantage.
Nangong Yichen has quietly counterattacked the border robbery, which has not been as effective as before. Although this guy didn’t send heavy guards, he made the people’s strength very good. Every group of soldiers will form a pair with the people and firmly control the Gulan defense line. If there is a sign of trouble, they will immediately sound the gong to warn the West Vietnamese. Instead of taking advantage of it several times, they also took many koo lives. In the long run, they will be softened up. Is this the truth of winning without fighting?
This man is also a coward who is immersed in love, but he sees unyielding and hope in the eyes of Nangong Yichen. The little woman who is with him is more handsome. Did her aunt kill a salt-like woman? The nangongshan escape dust points is some hungry! It’s a pity that a woman like this wouldn’t be the best in his ladies-in-waiting, and he won’t bother to talk to such a person. The Nangong Yichen will always be self-effacing, but I didn’t expect that he would come back with such a good plan after a trip to Ning. Will Yi Nangong admit her mistake? If you don’t come to Gulan yourself, I’m afraid you will be devastated. It’s not the Nangong Yifan, but they have been secretly supporting Nangong Yifan, right?
The more I can’t sleep, the more things happen in my mind. Does Bei Liuyin Xiao feel that his head is going to explode and want to unify the sky so elusive? In fact, their Beiliu family should be the ruler of this day. Even if he can’t do this, he will make his country map broader. After all, it is not easy to do this.
North Liuyin Xiao has been in this dream, waking up for a while, dreaming that he is high-spirited and calling to arms, and the picture is full of him and his clothes. This girl finally obediently leans over his shoulder and listens to him with a smile. Occasionally, she smiles at him, and her hair falls across his cheek. Others and his heart itch together. Behind her is that soft carved big bed. He holds her hand and slowly walks past.
Lying on the bed, she said to him, "You are everything to me."
He smiled and bent over to peck at her red lips.
But just now, the amorous man suddenly changed his face, pointed to him and cried, "Why don’t you come and kill this rogue and tyrant?" In fact, it should be the Beiliu family man who should be cursed the most. They climbed the 95 th position on their sister’s body. Is there anything more cruel and bloody than this? "
Countless people came out of nowhere, all holding weapons in their hands, and they plunged into him unceremoniously. Blood dripped on the ground, as enchanting and weird as blooming red berries.
A scream north liuyin Xiao rolled over and sat up in cold sweat.
Chapter 47 This day and the woman are all him (thanks to the rain)
Sitting in bed for the first time, I was scared by a nightmare. Although most of the ancients were superstitious, he was an exception. Who sees the living suffer? Those sages who have achieved great things have left their heads behind, and which one has not wronged the dead souls? He thinks day by day and dreams night by night. He admits that he has a wild dream about Ye Nishang. Er, it shouldn’t be so ugly. It is more appropriate to fold flowers straight, but the latter things are not what he wants to happen.
Are you playing with fire and setting yourself on fire? Beiliu Yin Xiao’s veins stood out. He still believes in the latter’s fate and strength. After several generations’ efforts, he has fallen behind, and the West Vietnam has not regained its vitality. In 20 years, he will make this country stand proudly again. He is not satisfied with other countries’ progress. Even if he hits the wall, he still wants to try the taste of salted fish turning over.
The winner is the eternal truth, just like those small animals deserve to be delicious tigers. If it is destined to punish Beiliu for his mistakes, he will have to fight with fate. Where are so many fates? If this sentence can resolve the feud for several generations, wouldn’t it be natural for the Eldar to be forced to die and live away from the world? Did his phoenix family burn more incense in front of the Buddha? Why should they be blessed by heaven?
This day and this woman, he is determined, but his whereabouts seem to have attracted attention. Who can that ghost haunt him?
After sitting for a long time, I feel more and more sleepy. On a good day, I will change my identity and go to the Nangong Yifan or Li Ruore Palace to find out what happened. Are you afraid that she won’t attach herself to her? After all, men and women are not just the exchange of strength and beauty. What about holding her in your heart? Her vision may be broader than your heart! Once you can’t satisfy her, it’s just a passing joke! He despises those who fall in love with women but are extremely contradictory. I hope he likes that woman, so that they won’t have so many obstacles.
For many years, I have been keeping close contact with Li Re-ruo to come to the north. Liu Yin Xiao naturally knows that if I get in touch with her as soon as possible, the harem guards will easily touch into Li Re-ruo’s palace when the Nangong Church is on the agenda.
"Report to your Empress, you told Scutellaria baicalensis early in the morning that the stewed chicken was crispy. Would you like to drink it now?" North liuyin Xiao Chou a sneak into Li Re bedroom around people is a good opportunity to talk.
Scutellaria baicalensis? Isn’t it that there is a West Vietnam that will produce a large number of medicinal materials? And when did she order this greasy tonic soup?
"Who are you?" Li Re if alert eyed "her" the maid-in-waiting strange never looked up.
"I can’t believe that this easy operation even blinded the aunt and other fine people," said Bei Liuyin Xiao proudly.
"North Liuyin Xiao?" If Li Re is frightened to disgrace, even if he is desperate, he can’t bring trouble to her like this!
Busy with the palace door, she lowered her voice. "What’s so urgent that you broke into the Gulan Palace in the clear sky?" She hasn’t even been to Li Wei these days, and everything about this nephew is really known from.
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"It doesn’t matter, but I miss my aunt and drop in." North Liuyin Xiao’s dissatisfaction aggravated the tone. Is she going to let him stay like this?
"Oh, you sit down." If Li Re has lost his discretion, the hand that pours tea for him by himself will tremble uncontrollably.
"My aunt seems very reluctant to see me?" North liuyin Xiao gently asked
"How?" Li Ruoruo forced a smile. "It’s not so easy to meet my family. The thing is that my aunt’s identity is shameful. If possible, how can I live incognito in a foreign country?"
Whether she says it’s true or not, Liu Yin Xiao doesn’t have any sympathy in her heart. Compared with those other women in Beiliu’s family who have been sidelined everywhere, if Li Re lives like a fairy, shouldn’t she return?
"It’s not difficult for my aunt to appear openly. When my father and nephew have settled this day, I will welcome my aunt to her hometown in Shili Pavilion".
Pacify the sky? Li Re breath a mouthful of air conditioning, he really dare to say! The people of West Vietnam have only lived a prosperous and peaceful life for a few days, and their father and son have bred such ambitions. Such an ambitious monarch is really a disaster for the people of West Vietnam!
Looking at her face, rain or shine, her face is uncertain, and North Liuyin Xiao won’t feel comfortable. No one except father understands him. If he doesn’t do something earth-shattering, no one will take him seriously.
"Aunt, is this the ability to believe in concealment?" North liuyin Xiao gloomy face more ugly.
"naturally, the wonderful thing is that I don’t know if the strength of West Vietnam alone is like the enemy of the Three Kingdoms?" Li Re asked if worried.
"Hum that purple Chu Simon has killed Lian Po, who is too old to worry about. That Yuncanghai is not a resourceful and easy to deal with. This ancient Lan Ruo is my cousin in charge of the day, and we must be good neighbors and friendly." North Liuyin Xiao Kan Kan talked about it as if it were as easy as taking something from the bag.
Fortunately, he didn’t count Yifan in. Li Re is a little relieved, but she really can’t believe this nephew’s words. Will Beiliu’s family pay attention to family ties? Even this first sister is calculated in the bone. This is separated by a layer of nephew. Can they be sincere? Thanks to her, she didn’t come back until she saw them in blood. Now it seems that it’s just because he is better controlled than Nangong Yifan. This is not a good thing for Gulan, but will it do more harm than good to Nangong Yifan? If Li Re is not sure at the moment.
"Hidden Xiao you forget? It’s not certain who Ning will fall into! That cloud flying is full of latecomers! And that Ye Lingfeng, you have seen the famous Simon’s crazy killing, but it was defeated in his hand. This person wants to be tough, "Li Re said carefully.