They all said nothing, and they each drew their weapons.
Suddenly a cold light flashing in the cold wind.
The wind seems colder.
Lin Yi knew that the ambush was so large that the other party must have planned it for a long time.
Then there must be a first person.
Who is the leader of this operation?
Lin Yi suddenly said to the left in the forest, "Come out!"
So a man flashed through the forest on the left.
The man was dressed in black with a black mask on his face.
He has two guns in his hand and several guns in his back.
It was the haystack that ambushed Lin Yi, the master of double guns.
As he flashed out of the Woods behind him, there was a shadow
Soon more than 200 masked men with guns in black came out one after another.
They separated the men in black with two guns, left and right, and behind them
These men in black are full of murder, staring at Lin Yi’s gun and cold light flowing.
Chapter 11 The largest ambush (3)
When the haystack ambushed, Lin Yi competed with the man in black who made the double guns.
The opponent’s marksmanship is high, his skill is deep, and he is not an ordinary person.
But this person was never seen again in the ambush.
Men in black with double guns looked at Lin Yi and said, "South King, we meet again."
Lin Yi said to him, "So you are in charge of this ambush?"
The man in black with two guns said, "I planned for seven days, and it took me twenty days to coordinate all parties. At the same time, I ordered people to spy around and track down your ambush plan. It depends on the situation at any time. I didn’t expect the South King to go to the capital, so I booked the ambush site here."
Lin Yi stared at the humanity in black and double guns. "It seems that you are a big shot?"
Black double gun humanity "yes!"
Lin Yi said, "It’s really hard for you to plan for so long. Hehe, how many times have you been plotting back and forth? It’s perseverance. "
Double-gun men in black said, "Most of those ambushes were sent to accompany the Southern King to relieve boredom. People are all generations. They are just tired and confused by the Southern King. This time, it’s true. This time, more than 600 of us are strong, and more than 100 people are strong in one hundred. You have to take care of a three-year-old child, the Southern King, and you have to be distracted and hard to display martial arts …"
More than six hundred people!
There are more than 400 people now.
Lin Yi service road "all let out! I’ve seen this trick many times. "
The man in black with two guns whistled.
So more than 200 people poured out of the forest on the right.
There are fierce kings, beasts and other Taoist priests, and there are dozens of Mohist masters in Mofeng.
Lin Yi said to Mo Feng, "Look at Miss Yun and my wife’s face. I don’t pursue Mohism’s refuge in the North Devil! It’s also a chance for you Mohists! But you Mohists are really stubborn, and you are a reckless thing! "
At the moment, Lin Yi is trapped on all sides.
Ink maple bravery also strong.
Mo Feng has been mentally abnormal since he came.
In recent years, the spirit has been very difficult to stabilize, but since Lin Yi took Su Jiner away, he has been stimulated and his spirit is not good.
Ink maple look very ferocious because of excitement at the moment, just like a crazy mad.
He shouted at Lin Yi, "Lin Yi, you took my bead! Where is she now? Give it back to me … "
Lin Yi said, "Zhu is my wife and you don’t want to admit that you are deceiving yourself! Poor! "
Ink maple random way "she is a bead! She is not your wife … "