"When will you give it to me?" Her own tool?
Suddenly an idea came to her. Did she have her own tools before she came out? Then where are those tools?
Yan yuanqing coughed, "your hands are small and your strength is light, and your tools are different from mine."
Said Yan Yuan has put her in the seat.
"I set my tools according to your current level. Since I want to rebuild, don’t care about past achievements."
Yan Yuan is bilingual.
Royi hasn’t done it for nearly a year, and now she can pick it up so quickly because of her talent.
"Okay, I’ll try."
Yan Yanxiao is not entangled with her. Everything should have been handled too much. The girl will take her gloves and watch the things on the table.
Yan Yan didn’t bother her. She took two steps back and came to the table frame to brew two cups of tea.
Yan Yuan’s workshop is very clean and bright. Most of the things that can be sent here are famous collectors or museums. Every cultural relic here is paid a lot.
He is one year older than Royi, but he entered the business earlier, and he travels around all the year round and knows more people.
This fuming tripod is actually Yan Yuan’s. She deliberately sought to repair the difficulty and generally wanted her to practice her hands first.
Yan Yuan sat not far from her and looked down at her once in a while for a few sips of tea.
Royi’s enthusiasm for cultural relics has not changed before or now, and this investment is particularly attractive to her.
Yan Yuan looked at the lip angle and quietly raised it. That’s how he was attracted to her.
Yan Yan found Yan Yuan looking at her when her attention was taken back from Xunding.
Eyes zheng each other and will look back "have a rest"
"Isn’t this carving pattern too delicate? I need to relax my eyesight.
Yan Yan said jokingly
"Is this work to make money?" Yan Yuan will gather his eyebrows and take a sip of tea.
"How do you know?"
Yan Yan smiled at him with a sour shoulder.
Yan Yuan’s expression is usually different, which is a long tone. "I also know that you want to make money and buy a house on your own."
Yan Yan looked as if he were not angry.
Pointing her finger at the table, she said "Yan Yuan"
Yan Yuan’s eyes drooped and he said, "Yan Yan just stays the same. Don’t tell me what you want to do."
He knows what she wants to say to him.
Although he doesn’t like Ling, he has to say that he has the upper hand here in Royi.
Such a sentence made Yan Yan swallow everything in his stomach.
Yes, Yan Yuan never said that he liked her and wanted to be with her except for a hug.
Maybe he really appreciates her and can’t see her career fall?
It would be a little strange to say rashly that she likes another person.
Yan Yuan saw that she seemed to give up any idea and looked at her watch and got up from her seat.
"Yan Yan"
"It’s getting late. Let’s go home."
Yan Yan is a little reluctant. "But I’m almost there."
Yan Yuan chuckled "Come back tomorrow"
Yan Yan put things away. "
Yan Yuan thought for a moment and turned to look at her and said, "If you really want to make money, I can take you somewhere in a couple of days."
Speaking of which, she immediately came to nature
Sure enough, following Master Yan is right.
"A colleague asked me to take an archaeological team before, but I didn’t agree to their offer because of my hand injury. If you are interested, you can come as my assistant and I will give you all the commission."
Yan Yuan fingered a number.
Yan Yan took a deep breath in surprise. It’s sky-high. She can buy a house in one breath with half of this.
For Royi now, nothing attracts her more than having a place of her own.
But on second thought, she was a little embarrassed. Although Yan Yuan took off the gauze, it must be very hard to go to the scene because of his arm injury.
"But it will be a little hard, and you need to take care of me when you press the key."
Yan Yuan held his arm and said a face of seriousness.
I can see that the girl’s face is tangled, but Yan Yuan knows that she will promise.
I’m really a little moved. "Even if I go, I won’t give it to me, but how long will it take? Are you really okay? Will it delay your work?"
Yan Yuan smiled and shook his head. "Five to seven days. The characteristic of our business is freedom."
Especially at his level.
Yan Yan’s line of sight slipped from his arm and thought of Ling telling her tonight that he would give him two days.
Should I tell him if I go?
My mind is a little wobbly. "I’ll consider one."
Section 29
When they went out and locked the door, Yan Yuan said, "I’ll call again later and ask them if they have set a time again."
Yan Yan nodded with no opinion.