Lin and Herrick looked at Lin Ze’s back and shook his head naively, suddenly crushing the blue interference crystal in his hand …
Chapter 449 Day Expulsion
And just as the two people disappeared in the dark porch, they kept circling and didn’t attack. The expellers finally moved! They waved their swords neatly and suddenly thrust at Lin Ze, who was only one person left.
But have been wary of how Lin Ze could be stabbed so easily! Body has been repressed ghosts and gods power finally broke out …
"The ghosting ghost Kaijia, please lend me strength!" Lin Ze murmured, and his body instantly bloomed with a few deep and remote blue lights. A blue ghost appeared behind Lin Ze, and Lin Ze’s body seemed extremely unreal at this moment.
See Lin Ze’s body quickly leaned forward and made a running appearance. At this moment, several swords pierced Lin Ze’s body, but they all seemed to hit the virtual general. At this moment, Lin Ze has made a "ghost step" that can only make ghosts and gods skills when calling Kaijia …
Then there is the dark porch of the whole world. By the way, it is black as thick ink, and then two cuts across the dark scratches appear … That surrounds Lin Ze and the expellers seem to be a dead thing. Those two cuts across the dark mark cut them off.
Ghost flash!
Seconds kill Lin Ze one outbreak has destroyed all the expellers in the first stage of the dark porch …
The TEDA three also ended the eviction battle in Lin Ze at the same time, but they were far less crisp and agile than Lin Ze.
Lin and Herrick at the gate of Tiancheng appeared in the eyes of all …
"Is a war college! The War College has given up the challenge … "It is a sigh of relief to see the figure appearing from the gate as a contestant of the War College.
Although they already know that Obers has won, the host of Apocalypse College gave up and continued to challenge before the opponent gave up. This does not seem to be very good. Now that the war college people left Tiancheng first, it also means that Apocalypse College really won this time.
The old headmaster of Apocalypse College was slightly ups and downs when he saw Lin Attack and Herrick coming out, which he expected! This time, the Apocalypse College finally defeated the War College, the first institution in Arad mainland, and he was very emotional.
When Sia saw Lin attack them, she also knew that they had given up and continued to challenge! Although it is a pity that they lost in the end, it is already very good. The emperor will not blame them.
However, to everyone’s surprise, the gate of Tiancheng was knocked out of the War College, and then two people fell into calm again.
What’s going on? What war college came out with two people?
"Lin hit Herrick! What about Lin Ze? What, just the two of you? " See Lin Ze didn’t appear passively looked at two people asked.
And Herrick and Lin know that the eye-catching center is not looking at himself. Herrick nai shrugged his shoulders and stood his hand and said
"Lin Ze, he wants to stay in the dark porch for an interview alone. Can we come out before we can hold him back there?"
People here in the War College were shocked by Herrick’s words, and they wanted to attack the dark porch forest alone. Herrick turned out to be a drag. What was Lin Ze thinking?
At this moment the apocalypse college people seem to have found abnormal shouted.
"Look at the war college Blu-ray hasn’t dissipated yet. There is another person in the war college in Tiancheng. Can he pass through the dark porch alone? "
Although Apocalypse College is not a camp with the War College, the idea is very similar. It is a long talk that Lin Ze wants to pass the dark porch alone.
"Is Lin Ze, the Emperor of Western Asia, ready to go on alone?" The old dean of Apocalypse College approached West Asia and asked
With the eyes of the old headmaster of Apocalypse College and the students of Apocalypse College, they are also curious about what kind of answer the War College will give
West Asia secretly spit out Lin Ze’s sentence in her heart. I hope I don’t fall too hard in the end.
"Well old headmaster! Lin Ze is still unwilling to give up what he hopes and try it on his own. "
I heard that Sia definitely answered that the apocalypse college was boiling over there, and it was as they guessed that the leader of the war college was so arrogant. How could he break through the dark porch by himself with all three of them?
Bite one’s teeth! Most people have such an impression of Lin Ze in their minds … But do they have an impression of Lin Ze and Lin Ze?
Linze doesn’t care about the impression of Apocalypse College on himself, for example, he is still waving his sword and charting the road.
The second stage of the dark porch is a group of axe expellers, a group of knights who use axe weapons and armor. This time, Lin Ze didn’t make the ghost flash again. After all, Kaijia’s skill of mass destruction will still burden Lin Ze’s body many times. The original Lin Ze’s body entered a weak state because of blood gas diversion and fluctuation. Now it is natural that it can’t be overdrawn …
And there is Lin Ze looking for strength in this city! How can he stop here? While making "death resistance", Lin Ze absorbed the spirit and physical strength through the sapphire rattan and green leaves, and naturally there were others to help Lin Ze solve this group of axe expellers.
Pi Nuo Xiu and Clogher, who had been in Lin Ze for a long time, finally got a chance to play again, but this time they were still accompanied by two little girls, Healty Lin Ze, a little girl, dragging this tired body and leading his girl army to sweep the axe expellers in the dark porch.
The physical problems that plague TEDA three people are not a problem for Lin Zelai to finish. At this time, he doesn’t need to fight and needs to recover! And these lifeless armor knights have no roots in front of the little girl with the flame and frost, and see that the little girl Healty easily summons vines from the ground to tie up the feet of these axe expellers, and these armor knights become a good target in the eyes of Pi Nuo Xiu and Clogher …
Fireballs and ice cones seem to be launched from the hands of two little girls for free. From this secret offensive, Lin Ze can feel that Pi Nuo Xiu and Clogher resent these two little girls, and they are not satisfied with Lin Ze’s keeping them for so long … They and Healty, the maple elf, have already concluded a camp. The three little girls are in the same boat at this time, and they are all in the ring by their master Lin Ze for so long.
Looking at the three little girls pouting, Lin Ze also felt a tingle in her scalp, but fortunately, it seems that this group of axe expellers three little girls have a good vent object, and the three little girls will vent their anger on Lin Ze to them.
Lin Ze is a little grateful to these axe expellers like rain.
At this time, Pi Nuo Xiu and Clogher’s strength has reached level 25 and become a five-star sorcerer. Lin Ze has become accustomed to the growth rate of these two little girls’ strength. It won’t be surprising to see them once even if they break through to the trainee magician Lin Ze …
Compared with Lin Ze, who led three little girls to easily mop up the second stage axe expellers TEDA Boehner, Obese Roshbach and Kenna gracia, many of them were embarrassed. Even TEDA, who has been full of fighting spirit, was a little war-weary. At this time, the three men’s physical strength has reached the end. They are now in a state of defeating the dark porch Lord-the day expellers.
"Hey, Obese, are we going to continue fighting?" Has been silently Kenner walked with his bronze shield panting asked.
Even in his heart, he was very tired. He knew that Obese had the "final decision" among the three, because TEDA and he would always spoil the only girl. He did not ask TEDA, the strongest of the three, but asked Obese.
At this time, when Obers just entered, it was a little awkward compared with Huamei! Girls who have always loved beauty are a little reluctant to dress themselves up, so you can imagine how hard they fight.
TEDA also looked at Obese expectantly when he heard Kenner’s words. He also didn’t want to fight. Strong men sometimes got tired.
"We should have won the war college, and it is impossible for three people to pass through the dark porch. Our speed must be the first to reach the dark porch! So we’ve won, so we don’t need to spend any more effort to get rid of it, do we? Don’t obeys, do you want to be beaten by the outcast before you go out? It won’t be beautiful. "
TEDA also persuaded Obers to give up the idea of challenging the expellers. Indeed, they were too tired.
Kenner makes a lot of sense. Obese’s heart seems to be shaken! However, TEDA dialect seems to stimulate Obers. Obers really doesn’t like his embarrassing appearance, but TEDA dialect has played an anti-Obers role this time, and he doesn’t like the expeller who embarrassed himself.