Just because no one has seen it doesn’t mean that no one has noticed here, such as Mu Feng and mad cow.
"Luo Ba Ba ….." Mu Feng looked at the three gangsters dallying with the rain glass fist, but it was really a blessing that the mad cow had more ingredients to steal music. Just when she couldn’t figure out a way, the three gangsters went to the rain glass. The beautiful hero in the mad cow’s heart was the best way to win beauty since ancient times. How could it be so clever for Mu Feng to meet it today? Is it providence?
At the same time, the mad cow is also wondering whether to take this scene with a mobile phone.
"Ah, Mu Feng, God gives it to you …" Just then, the mad cow felt that her eyes suddenly lit up and her glasses were gone. At a moment, he found that his glasses were in Mu Feng’s hand. Mu Feng calmly waved a hand to him and said, "You will come back when you bring something back to my horse."
Say Mu Feng wore mad cow sunglasses and walked over to Yuli. When he walked over, he "borrowed" a black hat from a young man who was immersed in eating. Mu Feng gently pressed the brim of his hat and walked over to the three gangsters.
"Wow, Mu Feng, this is going to be true." Crazy cow looked at Mu Feng’s back and said stupefied, so Mu Feng, but he had never seen him. Mu Feng is a hand-tied otaku, but who can think …
"Snapping ….." Mu Feng slowly came to the rain glass, and three gangsters who were going to pull the rain glass stood aside and turned their backs on the rain glass and said, "Go …"
There are three hooligans in Mu Feng. I didn’t expect to see the rogue leader squint at Mu Feng and say, "Brothers, don’t be ignorant. Have you heard of it?" I advise you to mind your own business! I’ll give you three seconds to get out of here, or else … Ah … "The rogue leader is still threatening Mu Feng, and he will see that Mu Feng suddenly slammed a punch and hit the rogue leader" cough up … "As soon as the rogue leader’s nose bone rang, it seemed to be broken …
"Hua …" The rogue leader was beaten by Mu Feng, and suddenly a backward Hua fell behind the desk and chair and knocked down a bunch of things, while the other two gangsters didn’t react until the rogue leader fell, howling and calling Mu Feng.
"Gap ….." Mu Feng a flicker to catch a gangster fist is a twist suddenly to bone fracture sound Mu Feng heart a surprised have to make wrong? When did you become so powerful? I don’t feel much power. How did it break?
"Ah …" The gangster felt that his wrist was boring and he couldn’t help crying. At this time, because the rogue leader fell down and the gangster shouted that the people around him were suddenly dispersed, and the passers-by nearby were far away from Mu Feng. A pair of three fights, ah, and it seems to be a hero to save the United States.
"Pa …" Mu Feng dodged and was not punched by another gangster. Mu Feng felt a pain in the corner of his eye and a hot liquid flowing from his eyes.
"Grass actually wears a hoop." Mu Feng felt that this guy was wearing a hoop hoop.
Mu Feng’s hand continued to push the gangsters in his hand and threw them at the rogue leader who was climbing up again. When the rogue leader was not stable, he felt that a person descended on himself, and the two embraced each other in a mess.
"Shout …" Mu Feng was short and escaped the gangster’s second punch, so he quickly approached and grabbed the arm. Mu Feng was ready to fold to the joints in the opposite direction. Mu Feng knew that he had just done this thing. Now he can do it, but at this moment, Mu Feng hesitated to fight before himself, but there was nothing so cruel and broken. He had never done it, but what was so cruel today? Suddenly Mu Feng saw the rain glass panic expression. Yes, these guys dare to flirt with their rain glass and kill and forgive!
"Garba ….." Just hesitated for a second. Mu Feng held Mu Feng’s hand with both hands, holding the gangster’s arm in the arm position and violently reversing Garba’s arm instantaneous fracture. "Ah …" The gangster suddenly shouted and collapsed.
"Watch your back!" Mu Feng just put it in that gangster and saw the rain glass pointing to him and shouting behind him, while the surrounding crowd also made bursts of exclamation.
"Click …" Mu Feng felt his back ache fiercely. Mu Feng quickly turned around. He saw the angry face of the rogue leader and his hands stained with blood and glowing with a white knife.
Chapter 524 Wound healing
At this moment, Mu Feng hesitated to fight before himself, but it was not so cruel to break his hands and feet. He had never done anything, but what was so cruel today? Suddenly Mu Feng saw the rain glass panic expression. Yes, these guys dare to flirt with their rain glass and kill and forgive!
"Garba ….." Just hesitated for a second. Mu Feng held Mu Feng’s hand with both hands, holding the gangster’s arm in the arm position and violently reversing Garba’s arm instantaneous fracture. "Ah …" The gangster suddenly shouted and collapsed.
"Watch your back!" Mu Feng just put it in that gangster and saw the rain glass pointing to him and shouting behind him, while the surrounding crowd also made bursts of exclamation.
"Click …" Mu Feng felt his back ache fiercely. Mu Feng quickly turned around. He saw the angry face of the rogue leader and his hands stained with blood and glowing with a white knife.
"Ah …" Mu Feng yelled at the rogue leader and punched him with anger. The rogue leader was beaten head first. "Boom!" He fell down and never got up again.
"Snapping …" Mu Feng dropped his glasses in Mu Feng. Looking at the broken glasses, he couldn’t help but smile gently. Hehe, crazy cow, you just bought glasses and lost them.
"Ah … you’re bleeding. Call an ambulance when you wait for my horse … How are you? Please hold on to the ambulance and the horse will arrive …" Mu Feng suddenly heard the rain glass scare behind him, and then Mu Feng felt the rain glass come to his side and grabbed his arm and asked himself.
"I’m … I’m fine …" Mu Feng quickly continued to press the top hat. At this time, Mu Feng felt that he seemed to be more worried than his injury and recognized his problems.
As soon as Mu Feng finished speaking, he felt that there was another person around him. He turned his head and looked at himself anxiously. From his face, Mu Feng also saw the expression of remorse. The mad cow was blaming herself for something far away. What would make Mu Feng go to the mad cow alone? I didn’t expect the other person to bring a knife. When he came to help Mu Feng, everything was over. Everything happened so fast.
"Quick … take me away …" Mu Feng said to hold his mad cow, mad cow hesitated, or lifted Mu Feng from behind and walked out quickly. At the same time, Mu Feng and mad cow heard a police car alarm.
"Hey, where are you going? Come on, ambulance … "Rain glass looked at the sudden arrival of a person holding hands to save one of their own, and then walked out and immediately chased her. She didn’t understand why this person was leaving. Rain glass had a feeling that this person was avoiding himself.
"No, thank you … I’ll go to the hospital myself …" The man said to her with a heavy body on his back, and at the same time accelerated the pace of leaving. Rain glass was a little dull … What was this? That’s when she saw it. She saw the face of the helper later. Crazy cow? Why does this man look like a mad cow? Yuli heard that mad cow lives with an arrow now, and that an arrow and Jiyue live with Mu Feng again. If this person is mad cow, save yourself. This is a person … Yuli was shocked, and when she wanted to see those two people again, they had already taken a taxi and left …
"Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo …" The strong alarm divided the onlookers into rain glasses and watched her father rush to her side anxiously, and then a group of policemen rushed over to arrest those gangsters who were no longer dangerous, and at the same time, they shouted like a pig.
Looking at the daughter Jiang, who was scared to stay a little, raised her heart in agony and held her in her arms tightly, raising her own remorse. "I’m sorry, I’m sorry, my daughter. It’s all because of me …"
Listening to my father’s voice, Yuli was in tears at this time, and I kept asking myself, Is it Mu Feng? Is it Mu Feng? Was it Mu Feng who saved his own life just now … was that Mu Feng? Yuli’s heart is very contradictory at this time. She wants to save her own person is Mu Feng, but she doesn’t want her own person to be Mu Feng … because he has been stabbed in the back now.
"What Mu Feng you don’t go to the hospital? Your back is bleeding. "Crazy Bull shouted to Mu Feng because he actually heard Mu Feng say he wanted a car just now and he didn’t go to the hospital.
"What do you mean I’m not dead yet? I can feel it." Mu Feng looked at the mad cow contemptuously and said.
"What do you mean, it’s not heavy? You can’t see it. What can you feel? No, you have to go to the hospital! " Mad cow retorted that judging from the blood behind Mu Feng, it’s definitely not like Mu Feng said, "It’s not badly hurt." Mad cow insisted on taking Mu Feng to the hospital. Mu Feng cocked his head and looked at the outside of the car. It happened to pass by their home, and Mu Feng immediately shouted to stop the car, otherwise the driver and mad cow would stop the car.
"I’m fine. Come home with me. I’ll show you my wound. I’ll be fine if I say nothing!" As he spoke, Mu Feng took a taxi, and the mad cow couldn’t stop him from paying the fare and followed Mu Feng home.
When I got home, I didn’t see an arrow and Ji Yue coming out. Mu Feng suddenly rushed into the health. The mad cow was one leng one leng. Just now, I needed to help people. How can they be alive and kicking now?
"Hua Hua" water came from sanitation, and in a moment Mu Feng came out naked from sanitation. His hair and body were smeared with a long hair backwards. Mu Feng stared at the mad cow and then revealed his trademark evil smile. "I don’t want you to know about the mad cow, but if you know it, you must keep it a secret, ok?" Said Mu Feng will body turned around.
"Ah … Mu Feng, this …" Mad cow suddenly cried out in surprise. At this time, Mu Feng’s back was bright, clean and white, and there was a faint drop of water. Where was there any trace of knife wound?
Mu Feng was satisfied when he heard the mad cow scream, and then he turned around and said slowly, "I didn’t expect it. This is a secret of mine. At present, you and my sister know that I can heal the wound automatically."
"Oh my god, are you kidding me? Automatic healing? You’re … you’re really not hurt? I saw that guy’s knife was so heavy and … and you lost so much blood? " Crazy cow is a little incoherent. I can’t believe it