The enemy goblin engineer snickered, but verbally agreed.
[Everyone] The goblin engineer can’t make a crazy tomahawk in melee. It’s better to go home and sell sweet potatoes
The enemy shadow demon went out of Midas’ hand and continued to mix the lines to make money. As a result, demon witch shook the ground and killed the gods and cows.
[Everyone] Kardel Sharpeye Shadow Devil quickly made a point of gold, and Lu Lai died as a dog.
Kardel Sharpeye couldn’t stand it, and bought a magic wand to prepare Dagong’s divine power.
Twenty-five minutes, the tower battle in Guards Road is full of ghosts and ghosts. phantom lancer’s crazy mask is exported. In the extremely cold field of Crystal Maiden, demon witch jumped the knife and the sheep knife blew itself up before the sheep lived in the battlefield. phantom lancer, a goblin engineer, killed demon witch, stabbed him to death and killed Crystal Maiden.
[Everyone] demon witch is afraid of sheep knives no matter how high his kung fu is
When demon witch wanted to shadow the sheep again, he found out that the magic shadow demon God killed demon witch with an elegy.
[Everyone] No matter how strong the shadow demon sheep knife is, it is afraid of the black emperor
After the end of the shadow demon, the ogre wizard’s ghost explosion cooperated with the echo of the earth-shaking god cow to kill him, but then the ogre wizard was assassinated by Kardel Sharpeye and taken away by energy shock. Kardel Sharpeye was quite proud.
[Everyone] Kardel Sharpeye is armed with Dagong musketeers.
Kardel Sharpeye’s words were just finished when he was killed by a blow from the equipment to strengthen the totem.
[Everyone] Shake the earth. The mind of the god cow is dark. Shake the earth cow
Ghosts came to take away the residual blood and shake the cow, and they were just rushed to the phoenix to pester the phoenix to escape. Ghosts chased phantom lancer Woods. Ghosts suddenly saw phantom lancer motionless. It was expected that he was elusive and didn’t enter the Woods, so he decisively chased into the developing dust, but he didn’t find anything. At this time, the "illusion" outside did not panic and walked slowly home.
[Everyone] phantom lancer is invisible and does not learn the abyss butterfly
Phantom lancer said that he bought a skull-crushing hammer and thought about it toward the abyss blade, but he felt inappropriate. Then he bought an ogre axe and prepared the black emperor’s staff. At this time, the phoenix blood was less blue and online reinforcements were too lazy to go back and simply the super star recovered.
[Everyone] phantom lancer Phoenix is replenished by changing eggs. You say you regret it.
Phoenix retorted immediately when he saw Kardel Sharpeye’s equipment.
[Everyone] The Phoenix Monkey has fallen out of the Black Emperor. Are you ridiculous?
For 3 minutes, the enemy shadow demon sold fake legs and flew shoes to brush money everywhere, but was repeatedly caught dead by demon witch here. The enemy Kardel Sharpeye saw that the line of soldiers was in the wild outside and was occupied by ghosts.
[Everyone] Kardel Sharpeye took three roads, brushed three roads, and was caught three roads.
When Kardel Sharpeye spoke, he didn’t notice that demon witch, the god cow, and phantom lancer were all close to him. demon witch directly jumped into the knife and stabbed to death. One finger shook the god cow and jumped into the knife, and the echo shot killed Kardel Sharpeye and grabbed the head.
[Everyone] Ghost musket thinks it’s better than being killed into a machine
Ghosts and ghosts descend heavily, harvest and kill the cattle that shake the earth. At the same time, Crystal Maiden, the shadow demon, comes to demon witch, and soon the guards flee.
[Everyone] It’s not a big fight between five people and five people in phantom lancer.
Ghosts refresh again. Ghosts harvest Phoenix heavily, complete three kills and pursue ogre wizards.
[Everyone] Ghosts, ghosts, anger, refresh the ball, collect the head.
Ghost Gu Chongsha didn’t know that he was a spent force, but he was slowly equipped with red blood. The ogre wizard added blood to himself. After the operation, the ghost shot a flame detonation 4 and directly ended the ghost.
[Everyone] The ogre wizard’s ghost is sharp, but it’s really not good.
Magina special article
1 minute natural disaster magina poor ghost shield went out, and the middle road was protected by the lich against the enemy Windrunner Road, and the bat knight was superior to the line Tauren Chieftain. The road light guard shook the ground and the god cow encountered the guards Druid, the shadow shaman and the tide messenger, who were afraid to make up the knife and barely mixed up the experience.
In 1 minute and 4 seconds, the enemy Windrunner was killed in the middle of the road, and magina got a blood. Then the shadow shaman tidal messenger bypassed the perfect position of the post-tidal messenger and killed the druid, the god of shaking the earth, and finally developed well in the state of freefarm.
In 5 minutes, magina is equipped with a tough ball, and three people near Wei Road want to consume Tanai light to guard the skills of shaking the earth and stopping the soldiers.
Minutes: Shadow Shaman Tide Messenger swims along the road, cooperating with Tauren Chieftain to kill the Bat Knight, and slightly dragging the Bat Knight out of the knife.
In 12 minutes, magina was equipped with a crazy tomahawk, constantly flashing in the wild areas of various lines.
In 13 minutes, the shadow reached level 6, the druid bear spirit resisted the tower, the snake guards attacked the light guards for strong AOE defense, and the natural disaster tower was still destroyed.
14 minutes, the bat knight is equipped with a jump knife, waiting for GANK.
A small-scale team battle took place in the middle of the road in 15 minutes, and the guard Windrunner was first controlled by the burning shackles of the bat knight. Subsequently, the 3 rd company of Tauren Chieftain was killed by natural disasters, and the lich was killed. At the same time, the druid was equipped with quiet shoes and shone brilliantly.
In 16 minutes, magina went out with a prosthetic leg and a crazy tomahawk, and bought a suppression blade to show the perfect FARM technology, which limited the enemy’s lines and hindered their promotion plan.
In 17 minutes, the Knife Jumping Bat Knight took the lead and killed the enemy Windrunner in the middle again.
1 minute Guards * * pushed off a tower in Natural Disaster Middle Road and soon pushed a tower along the road.
Twenty-one minutes later, five guards continued to advance crazily, threatening the second tower of Natural Disaster Road. A mass battle took place. Tauren Chieftain was first controlled by the Bat Knight but didn’t kill the other four people. He jumped over the tower to support magina to take the route tower, and then returned to harvest and finished the double killing. The guards retreated, but the second tower was still broken.
In 23 minutes, the strength of magina equipped with phantom axe increased greatly.
Twenty-five minutes later, the second tower of Natural Disaster Middle Road broke again, and the guards were already ahead of four defense towers.
29 minutes, the guards suffered from magina’s soldiers’ line containment, and the fog raided the natural disaster wild area. In case of natural disasters, everyone was first chased by the second guards, and the rest of the people were shaken to the heights. The gods decisively bought live and fought magina to complete the double killing again.
In 31 minutes, the druid was equipped with assault armor, and magina went out to the dragon heart