Most of the pilots in the Blood Dragon Base set an example for their captain, and the blood dragon stalker is also the strongest among several bases, so the choice of who will participate in the competition must be carefully considered.
In the quality of scouts, the first team of Blood Dragon must be the squadron of the explosion frenzy. Wang Tianping also learned the practice of the Heavenly Devil, and simply did not make a fuss about scouts. Among the last ten places, the sniper department occupied six.
The last four are scouts. Hu said, the squad leader of three reconnaissance classes, both thunderbolt and shadow ghost should be on the scene. Finally, a flurry team should be added. When the team was first built, the veteran team was also the strongest scout besides the three squad leaders. A nickname was called blue tears female player.
After confirming and handing in the appearance list, the two teams echoed at both ends of the battlefield. At this time, with the explanation, the introduction of the two teams was completed at the same time.
Unknown relic group bisects standard gravity sunny day
Actually, everyone in this terrain has some explanations. At this time, they are all a little awkward. I don’t know how to explain this terrain to the audience, and I don’t know who will have the advantage in this terrain.
Unknown remains group: this is the final part of the online hegemony team competition. The game maker has added several new maps. A special competition design is that there was no terrain in the individual multiplayer arena room before.
The overall foundation of this terrain is a combination of mountains and plains, but many unknown remains have been added to the mountains and plains, such as huge pyramids, huge temples, collapsed walls, eroded stone pillars and huge murals.
The biggest feature of these unknown relics is that they are as big as the places where giants once lived. Those houses that still maintain the original structure can let the mecha directly enter, and those broken walls can easily block the sight of the mecha.
Although this map has been added to the random terrain system since the first round of the group stage, there are already many maps in the random terrain system. So far, there has not been that battle in this terrain, and everyone is not sure who can take the advantage in this terrain.
Although you can choose this map for training or fighting from the multiplayer war room after the game, because of the limited time of many teams, ordinary players have had this terrain experience, but professional players and military pilots have not chosen this map yet.
Looking at the rapid ups and downs in the field in front of us, it is also a long time for Wang Tianping to build the terrain. The human imagination is really poor, so the terrain can also be made.
Of course, Wang Tianping has never fought in this terrain. In the future, although he has boarded several unknown planets, he has performed several unknown planet explorations and met several alien creatures, but he has never seen a foreign language.
In the future, human beings have colonized many planets and explored many unknown planets. Even so, foreign languages are still a white field, and human beings have not found the remains of unknown texts that create literature and possess wisdom. Naturally, they have never seen anything.
To fight in such a wonderful terrain, even Wang Tianping has to scratch his head and say that he doesn’t know, not to mention others, whose brains are already white at this time.
Although the terrain selection can’t see the influence on both sides, the latter two items are true. One half gravity is a great bonus for the pursuers, especially the scouts, which is obviously unfavorable to the reconnaissance squadron.
Sunny day is a meteorological environment that suits the appetite of the frenzy squadron. The best light can minimize the stealth effect of scouts and is more conducive to sniper aiming.
Generally speaking, there are advantages and disadvantages, and there are unknowns. To know which type of aircraft this terrain is conducive to, you need to personally verify it in actual combat before you can draw a conclusion.
Since this map was made, the first official competition was officially exhibited in KuangChao Squadron and Xuelong No.1 Team.
Chapter 272 Scout bodyguards
Terrain determines a general environment, and the specific map is handed over to the system for random completion, which means that even the same terrain is different in different competitions.
In this way, the two ways to participate in the competition are to know the details of the map before the competition, and to detect it by themselves during the competition, while the audience can see the whole landscape of the competition field from afar.
At the center of the map of the unknown cultural relics in the frenzy squadron and the blood dragon team 1, there is a huge circular square with nearly 100 huge stone pillars standing around the edge of the square, which looks like this cultural ceremony venue or sacrificial venue.
Further to the periphery, there is a circle of peaks and mountains, and there are several houses as huge as temples. Outside the temples, there are several pyramids, and further out, there are the main plains, but there are also the most corresponding buildings. There are not many temples and pyramids here. It seems that there are several ordinary houses mainly in residential areas.
After the two teams entered the venue from the initial location, they came to the outermost residential area. Even the mecha can easily enter this room. It is very good if you want this stalker to hide the location.
However, this is the periphery, and neither team has stopped too much. The fastest way is to cross these premises and move towards the midfield line.
The pursuers from both sides also quickly left the big army to accelerate and quickly left the residential area to the pyramid-covered area, where they started hiding and the pyramid bunker slowed down towards the temple area in front.
The seven pursuers of the Blood Dragon Team 1 are all scouts, and they are divided into seven directions to advance separately, while the frenzy squadron has ten pursuers, among which there are four scouts. At this time, they can be divided into four directions to conduct reconnaissance. The six snipers are not in the same line as the scouts, but one step behind and follow the footsteps of the scouts.
In order to make up for the lack of scouts, Wang Tianping took the patrolman and the three-person fire fighting team also charged. Although the patrolman was not hidden, he was not slow and flexible, and he could cope with all kinds of emergencies. Plus, if the three people were not low in level, even if the scouts of the Blood Dragon Team 1 found out that they would not take any rash actions.
The area all over the pyramid was quickly crossed by the frontline troops of both sides and everyone came to the temple area outside the central square, which is a very suitable place for scouts to meet. Although the terrain is not very complicated, there are many obstacles
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
Some temples, large and small, still maintain their original structures, some have collapsed, and some scouts from both sides of broken walls are quickly scattered in this area, some have entered intact temples, and some have hidden stone pillars on the walls.
Wang Tianping, however, did the opposite at this time. She didn’t do anything to hide a straight line across the temple area and rushed directly to the central square.
In fact, as early as Wang Tianping, three people crossed the pyramid area and came to the temple area, and their whereabouts were already discovered by the scouts of the first team of Blood Dragon. It is a way to avoid the detection of the mecha radar without hiding the patrol.
And they did take action, as Wang Tianping expected. They sent scouts at a certain distance to confirm the identity of the three people through visual confirmation, and they did not make a move and went to war directly.
And Wang Tianping’s action at this time is indeed beyond their imagination. It is too bold for the three patrolmen to come directly to the center of the venue, which is very easy to be surrounded.
But at the same time, it also has a great advantage, that is, it can easily detect those who are ready to meet the patrol behind the scouts of the first blood dragon team, so as to infer the scout position according to the patrol position
Wang Tianping knows this, and so do the scouts of the first team of Blood Dragon. When they saw Wang Tianping rushing to the central square, they moved the patrolmen to the farther periphery and completed a prototype of the encirclement at the same time. When they detected the position of the other scouts, they could panic in the three patrolmen after their own large troops were in place.
So what exactly is Wang Tianping’s three people coming to the central square so directly? Do you want to confront the enemy directly? Most of the audience thought so at the moment.
However, some careful viewers quickly figured out that the firepower of the frenzy squadron at this time was slightly weaker than that of the blood dragon team 1, and the key was the serious shortage of patrolmen. Now the frenzy squadron should not want to confront it head-on
Yes, although the frenzy squadron has one more arbitrator than its opponent, it needs four fewer patrolmen. Even if the arbitrator can stand up to two patrolmen, there are two missing ones, but three pursuers can’t make up for it. The frenzy squadron is not as good as its opponent in firepower, so Wang Tianping is definitely not trying to provoke a confrontation.
So what’s he doing? In this way, the three patrolmen will be surrounded, and because there are pursuers spying on the other side, the patrolmen and large troops will not easily appear on the radar of the three of them. From this point of view, the three patrolmen seem to be a burden without the slightest.
The audience didn’t find these three patrolmen, but the scouts of the first team of Blood Dragon have discovered their subtleties. These three patrolmen are not spying, but acting as scouts’ bodyguards.
On the quality of scouts, if the first team of Xuelong wins completely, then the frenzied squadron should consider that its own scouts have suffered after being discovered. Generally speaking, it is a very common method for the other scouts to pester and meet the patrol to speed up their arrival and eliminate them.
But now that the three patrolmen are together, the scouts of the first team of Blood Dragon feel at home, and while there is a bodyguard to protect them, the scouts of the squadron become courageous and wander around regardless of the danger of being found.
The scouts of the first team of Blood Dragon have already discovered these four enemy scouts. At this time, they are observing near these four scouts. By the way, they are also looking for the six snipers who are likely to be in this area. It is their advantage to confront the scouts, but now they are not good at taking a step.
Seeing this situation, the captain of the first team of Blood Dragon, a member of the body scout, made up his mind to wait for the big troops. When the patrol troops approached the central square and surrounded the three enemy patrols, they would kill them and drive them back. Without their interference with their own scouts, they could easily get rid of the other scouts and snipers.
A simple encirclement has been built around the square. When the patrolmen heard the captain’s order, they immediately charged toward the central square. It was not long before Wang Tianping’s radar appeared seven red spots coming from all directions.