"Lord Lin Ze Brad asked me to tell you that there is a lot of truth in the devil may cry, but there is a lie in it that will shake your heart!"
Small video is very clear, and this clear sound makes Linze sober.
"Brad nothing? Is it a constraint for Brad to sign a contract with me without understanding kendo? "
Lin Ze didn’t ask the devil may cry what the lie was. He paid the most attention to Brad. Brad came to help him this time. If he was swallowed up by the devil may cry, Lin Ze would feel very guilty.
"Lin Ze you don’t want too much! Lord Brad was ready before he came here. If you can defeat the devil may cry here, then Lord Brad will be even less fortunate after the devil may devour you. This is the decisive battle of all ghosts and gods, and you are the key to this decisive battle. No matter what the devil may cry says, you can’t be shaken at all … "
At the same time, when I heard the small shadow of Qi Ling say these words, a hint of Nai appeared on my face! What he told Lin Ze before was to convince Lin Ze of his most crucial lie! Nine out of ten words are the truth that can best convince others, but it’s a pity that Brad broke the devil may cry project through this device.
Originally, he hoped to shake Lin Ze’s will, so that his power would be greatly consumed now, and he could easily devour Lin Ze. Now, it seems that it is impossible for him to devour Lin Ze without real power.
Chapter 1263 Boxing
"Brad’s adult said Lin Ze you are not without understanding kendo heart! You already have the mind of kendo with ghost fencing, but you didn’t wake up as a blade master because Lord Brad didn’t have enough tacit understanding with you. Lord Brad didn’t get along with you for a long time like Lord Poorna, Lord Angel and Lord Plymount. It will take a while if you want to cooperate perfectly. That’s why Lord Brad didn’t appear! "
"In Lin Ze, when you released the" dark sky fluctuation eye "this paragraph, Brad’s adult has already reached a lot with your tacit understanding! But at the moment when your will is shaken, Lord Brad will raise the tacit understanding again. People who are not determined will also shake the kendo he abides by. You should stick to your own heart … "
Small audio and video is not big, but this sound has washed Lin Ze’s mind!
See Lin Ze to the small sized photograph nodded heavily, the firm expression once again returned to his face …
And small sized photograph in see Lin Ze will restore the firm, she also smiled and slapped the three pairs of Louis behind her slowly into the Ssangyong magic shadow sword.
At this moment, Lin Ze seems to feel the connection between his blade, ghost, ghost and Brad’s heart, and he has a feeling that it will be a while before he can awaken into blade master! But will the devil cry give him and Brad this long?
The answer is no, of course.
When I saw the small sized photograph disappear, I was already attacking Lin Ze …
"Tut tut brad is really my old enemy, but also disturb my plan at a time like this! It seems that this plan has failed again. "
Although the devil may cry is still smiling, anyone can feel the anger in the devil may cry! The plan has been debunked, and the devil may cry has come to Linze with all the purple flames …
It’s very simple. Directly hit the Linze purple flame with one punch. At this moment, it burns violently and defiles Lin Ze’s chest!
The pain constantly reverberates in the depths of Lin Ze’s soul. Being in the sea of silver knowledge, Lin Ze is not an entity. Like other ghosts and gods, he is in a spiritual state! The devil may cry purple flame can bring the most direct harm to Lin Ze, and Lin Ze can’t hide even if he wants to.
Besides, Lin Ze is now in a weak state and has no energy to avoid the devil may cry again …
Although Lin Ze is a spiritual body, the blow of the devil may cry still makes all ghosts and gods feel a feeling of hitting meat …
Is a punch belongs to Lin Ze spirit was scattered directly, although in a second Lin Ze body reunited again, but this mess has been revealed!
"Lin Ze, are you okay?"
All the ghosts and gods are worried, but Lin Zegen can’t respond to them! And these ghosts and gods have no power even if they want to help Lin Ze …
One punch, two punches, three punches …
The devil may cry is to make this common attack attack Lin Ze without making strong skills and fancy skills! He is such a punch, punch to break up Lin Zeling body.
"What a pity!"
Devil may cry while ravaging Lin Ze said with regret.
"In fact, you don’t bear these sufferings. If you just wavered, it’s all over! Will you insist like this? Aren’t you asking for it, Lin Ze? "
"I always thought you were a wise man, but I didn’t expect you to do such stupid things in front of me again and again. I really feel that I am deluded …"
"But also called! You used up half your soul force to release the’ dark sky wave eyes’, right! Just now, I scattered your soul six times, and there are seven times left. No matter how strong your will is, it will directly disintegrate, so that I can devour your soul without hurting your soul. "
"Lin Ze slowly enjoy your pain? Stop thinking about relying on these so-called comrades-in-arms. These guys can eventually become a drag on you, can’t they? If these guys hadn’t held you back, you would have run away, wouldn’t you? "
"Although the result of running away is only a period of time, you can at least meet your beloved daughter, right?"
"Ha ha ha-"
The devil may cry that fist with purple flame is still hitting Lin Ze’s body, while other ghosts and gods who can watch this scene are completely stunned by the words of the devil may cry. They know that now the devil may cry has an absolute advantage and he will not deceive them. Although they don’t know how Lin Ze can escape, Lin Ze chose to fight with them in the end, which is why they can recognize it.
Maybe they dragged Lin Ze down, but that’s just the devil may cry! They believe that Lin Ze would never think so …
"Cough … do you really think so? The devil may cry! "
At the moment of spiritual disintegration and reunion, Lin Ze spoke such a sentence.