It’s no wonder that female hooligans have so much confidence in Pepe when they look at the relaxed attitude of Pepe’s skeleton assassin! Don’t talk about a skeleton assassin. Yu Fan probably can handle it easily even if she is one.
As the saying goes, hooligans know martial arts, and no one can stop this Pepe, who is not only beautiful like a fairy, but also knows martial arts. This is going against the sky!
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36 The last BOSS [Chapter Words 349 Last Updated 21495 :6:11]
"hey! Why are you still standing there when you don’t come over and interrupt this skeleton Oracle Taoist skill? "
Just when Yu Fan looked at Pepe’s subtle attack and avoidance moves and became stupid, the female hooligan finally couldn’t look at it. She woke up like a pig teammate at this critical moment.
Ya Ru didn’t urge Yu Fan. She understood Yu Fan’s mood very well at this time. She thought that when she first saw that two sisters actually knew martial arts, it was much longer when she became speechless than Yu Fan.
Later, she learned through Dad that although science and technology are constantly improving, the Chinese martial arts heritage has never been broken, and the Dagu Wu family is also an ancient family and a behemoth.
All the previous games, no matter how realistic the picture is, stay in the finger-manipulation game. The simple hand-speed game is not attractive to ancient fighters.
The appearance of Yao Shi and the function of luxury game warehouse make all Gu Wu families shine at the moment, which makes the practice effect of luxury game warehouse twice as good as that in the real world, and the accumulated experience of fighting monsters in the real world is a valuable asset for an ancient warrior.
Usually, in reality, high-powered moves can’t or can’t be made in the family competition, but can be revived in the game, which also allows ancient fighters to fully enjoy the fun of fighting without considering the consequences or vice.
Almost all the ancient martial families sent their families into the game to train the real elite when Yao Shi was released.
Nowadays, the real master in Yaoshi is not necessarily the overlord of the former professional players’ charts, nor is it necessarily the figure who is in the charts now, but the elder brother who has inherited the ancient martial arts for thousands of years.
Of course, "Yao Shi" is a game after all. Since it is a game, it is full of variables. Anything can happen, and it is not impossible for an ordinary person to abuse his family.
Of course, these are not the same as ordinary people. Now he is surprised that Pepe can do martial arts, which makes him feel unreal and unrealistic, just like taking a picture.
"Martial arts" is that I have seen it in novels and screens. I didn’t expect it to actually appear in front of me now, and it was made by such a beautiful woman like a fairy, which made Yufan feel like dreaming.
Only when the female hooligan called Yu Fan did she return to her senses and ran towards the Oracle of the Skull, making the side kick interrupt the skills of the Oracle of the Skull.
At this time, the three female detectives finally succeeded in sharing the information of the skeleton Oracle Taoist and the skeleton assassin with the team.
Lu Xiu, the Oracle of Skeleton (Silver BOSS)
Grade: Grade 3
Life: 1763/2
Magic: 99/1
Physical attack: 6-
Magic Attack: 9-12
Physical defense: 4-6
Magic defense: 3-5
Skeleton general Gulen’s famous player Lu Xiu is an odd-level star. He failed to launch a coup with Gulen and was exiled here. The same ability has also been greatly weakened, from the odd-level strong to the third-level silver BOSS.
Skills: Blinking: Lu Xiu’s signature skill theory is very real in attacking or saving lives. With the physical strength, the skill effect is also greatly weakened. It consumes mana and makes the messenger instantly move to an Italian place within 6 meters of Fiona Fang, consuming 1 point of magic and 6 seconds of cooldown.
Bloodlust: Lu Xiu’s signature auxiliary skills can reverse the war situation. With the decline of physical strength, the effect of powerful group auxiliary skills has also been greatly weakened. Ten friendly units have increased their attack speed by 1% and attack power by 3%, while reducing their health by 1 point per second. It takes five minutes to consume magic, and it takes one minute to cool down.
Evil fanaticism: Lu Xiu’s signature auxiliary skills can reverse the war situation. With the decline of physical strength, the effect of powerful individual auxiliary skills has also been greatly weakened. The 3% attribute of the enchanted unit has been increased to dispel all negative states of the unit, such as dizziness, tearing, confusion, poisoning, hypnosis and deceleration. It takes five minutes to consume magic, and it takes two minutes to cool down.
Fanatical belief: Lu Xiu’s dark belief is firm, 5% chance of epidemic interruption skills, dizziness, confusion and hypnosis skills release success rate increased by 3%.
Skeleton assassin-blood moon (silver BOSS)
Grade: Grade 3
Life: 176/2
Magic: 42/45