This is also true. Cao Cao’s heart is just a total. This history is more important than the battlefield when it is in the right place
"Know the opportunity to arrange the residence of the historical hero first, and then decide the position of the historical hero after consultation with me."
O history line a gift with Feng Zhang talking and laughing and went out.
"Master this person can be as big! Really picked up a treasure! " Xia Houyuan’s numerous craftsmen are of great value to these outstanding rangers.
"Two treasures!"
"Two treasures?" They were all puzzled.
"Hey hey, isn’t it another treasure to have such a good daughter?"
Section one hundred and thirteen Tiger Whip
When updated, 2629 16:3:29 words: 2247
For a ranger, Lao Cao and others thought it was better to engage in assassination with high technical content, so after consulting with Jia Xu, they set up an organization code-named "Stinger", whose basic function was to spy on information and assassinate important people.
Shi Ah came out as the number one killer of the stinger and was directly controlled by Lao Cao, but it was Jia Xu who was in charge. After all, he was not 100% assured of Jia Xu Lao Cao.
For this kind of shady organization, although we don’t worry about money, its identity is a problem. If people in the organization want to wash their clothes one day, they must apply for Lao Cao’s nod through Jia Xu. This kind of talent is not easy to find.
Most people who always want to hide their identity will get married one day, and if they don’t give a suitable identity at that time, it won’t make sense.
The first one Shi received was to get Zheng Hun back alive, which was Feng Zhang’s meaning. Shi knew that the difficulty was to smile and take the monthly (life) and turn around and walk away without a word of nonsense.
Of course, it is not impossible to rob people, but it is difficult to bring them back alive. Zheng Hun is not a martial arts expert. It is not easy to bring a person back to Yanzhou from Yuan Shao’s eyelids alive.
Here, there are many businesses all over the world, and there are some businesses that do business as well as Cao Cao’s eyes and ears. It is natural to give people to them by dressing up as businessmen.
Of course, there is also a former Zheng Hun who must come back willingly, otherwise the road is likely to trip. Besides, it was Shi Ah who got people out of Zhang Cun at the beginning, which should be completed for him.
As for the locust army’s order to make trouble in Jizhou, it has also been reached. For the locust army, it is not an official reason, nor is it like the fact that ordinary troops must have sufficient logistics support before pulling out. They can leave at any time.
For the locust army, the risk number is too high, not to mention that Yuan Shao’s total strength is in Cao Caojun, and the locust army can’t be limited to expand due to some obvious problems, so the number has been limited to about 40 thousand. If there are more people and you don’t pay one, if you can feed these tens of thousands of people?
Feng Zhang made another suggestion to contact Liaodong to harass Lombardi together.
There are four counties in Liaodong: Liaodong, Chitu, Daifang and Lelang. In 19 years, Gongsun Du was recommended by his fellow countryman Xu Rong. After that, Dong Zhuo ordered Liaodong to be the satrap of Gongsun Du. After that, he enforced severe punishment and severe laws to crack down on the powerful forces, making the administration more and more prosperous. In the first year of Emperor Xiandi’s Chu Ping (19 years), Dong Zhuo in the Central Plains took advantage of the opportunity of Gongsun Du to stand on his own two feet, and Pingzhou herding followed by attacking Koguryo in the east and attacking Wuhuan in the south to expand the territory of Qingzhou. Recruiting talents, recruiting scholars, setting up museums, recruiting refugees to travel overseas, acting like the king of Liaodong. Because of Gongsun Du’s forge ahead and painstaking efforts, Liaodong region gained temporary peace in the war years of the Three Kingdoms at the end of Han Dynasty, which promoted the development of local production technology and feudal culture
Gongsun Du still has certain ambitions, so Feng Zhang won’t believe that he doesn’t want to make himself more powerful.
After consulting with the counselors, Lao Cao thought that the Feng Zhang case was still feasible, so he also agreed to his request
"Do you still need people to go with you?" Lao Cao was a little worried that Feng Zhang himself would be afraid of an accident, but he could not refuse the temptation of a powerful ally.
"General Xu Gongsun Du is an old acquaintance, and it is indispensable to be filial …"
Guo Jia was green with fear when he heard Feng Zhang name himself. Oh, my God, my bones are in bed. How many times can I wander around? If I go to Liaodong by boat, maybe I will be buried there directly.
Feng Zhang’s voice turned to "let Berning come with me because he is too weak to be bumpy."
Man Chong dequeued to Cao Cao with a gift of "willing to follow the general."
Cao Cao: "Are those three ready to start as soon as spring?"
When everyone left, Feng Zhang was still standing still. Lao Cao sighed and knew that he would not suffer. "Come with me."
As they walked, they talked about Zhang Feng. They stepped back a little and found that black people grow gray hair like Lao Cao.
"Do not hesitate to ask for anything." Lao Cao has dozens of white hairs on his temples, which are even more dazzling in the sunlight. "I knew you were too young to be so accommodating."
"Hey hey!" Feng Zhang first smiled awkwardly. "My father-in-law wronged my son-in-law. It’s important to know that money can make grinding and pushing ghosts useless. If it can make Gongsun Du behave?"
"too! Money makes the mare go? Ha ha! Interesting! "
"I think that Gongsun Du is also a small person. If we get him hundreds of pairs of armor, we will seal him up as a pastoral animal … hey hey!" Feng Zhang does have water in his stomach, and it is still bad water.
As soon as you listen, Lao Cao understood that Youzhou was in Yuan Shao’s hand but sealed it to Gongsun Du in the name of the court. Even Liu Chan would be tempted, wouldn’t he? Worry about Gongsun Du not remembering to play Youzhou?
"You are as small as a rape as a ghost! But it’s a good plan! I will talk to Liu Xie on the day … By the way, is your life still in the future? "
Is this ….. a compliment or a disparagement?
"Yes, I can’t let your charming well-proportioned son-in-law run to announce the decree with a general’s virtual title, can I?"
Speaking of which, I woke up Lao Cao. "By the way, did your body … find cure too much? How many tributes have I sent to the tiger whip and sent them to your house later? "
Words said Feng Zhang flushed and turned to flee.
Lao Cao shouted at the back, "Hey, say a few words and run! I still have a pair of velvet antler for you, right? "
I don’t know exactly what effect this tiger whip Feng Zhang has heard of. I cut a small piece that night and ate it for a long time without telling the daughters. As a result, I got a little velvet antler and it didn’t move when I arrived …
As a result, it was not until the clown that Zhang Feng realized that this stuff was like wine. After eating it, it was like taking drugs, and it was a hundred times more energetic. All the five wives ran around the room and still felt feverish, and their eyes were red. Or Linger held me in heaven. Who is heaven’s dedication? Feng Zhang fought to death and lingered until the morning. It was not easy to feel sleepy before falling asleep
Section one hundred and fourteen Set out