"What’s the matter?"
Also look down our eyes, I was almost a one-session consternation way
"No! This is the ethereal cave? "
Chapter DiYiLiu Vaguely
Who didn’t expect that a strange building made of huge crystal appeared in this towering Tianya Peak? Seeing this strange building, it seemed as if it were an inverted arrow with its end pointing at the sky. There was a huge black statue carved out of unknown material on all sides. It was actually a symbol of four elephants and four objects, namely, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu. It was even more surprising that these four statues were all black and were emitting a lot of clouds and gases with their mouths open wide. This white fog condensed in Tianya Peak and blocked the white clouds and blue sky.
Suddenly, my heart moved, and I looked back at the mountains at the edge of the highest mountain cliff in Motianling. I saw white clouds and smog rising and rolling, and the glow was brighter and brighter, and I heard our master mumbling.
"It’s no wonder that the three-dimensional map can’t capture the top view of Tianya Peak. It turns out that the cloud at the top of Tianya Peak comes from this black elephant! Black elephant? Black elephant? Not good! "
Suddenly our surprise, I’m too busy to accept the eyes confused way
"What happened to my brother?"
Our frowning again carefully looked at the misty peak and looked at the scenery around the Motianling suddenly with a sigh light way
"I didn’t think that Yin fiend was actually-"
He didn’t say I was a fool and asked.
"Why? What is he? "
Xiong didn’t look at me or answer my doubts, but pointed to a statue not far away.
"Wave, what do you think is strange about this statue?"
I stay carefully looked at some kind of wry smile way
"There are too many abnormal places. First of all, it is a very strange thing that these things appear in this Tianya Peak. Is it a unified setting? Or do the players do it themselves? Worthy of study; Secondly, what is the significance of these four black statues? Why do they spit out such a thick cloud and this cloud comes from everywhere? And this cloud seem to have been spewed out to cov up this arrow-like crystal building? What about this crystal building? "
Xiong listened silently and heard me stop and asked again.
"Is there anything else?"
I stay a quick way
"No, I haven’t found it yet."
Our light way
"Wave, have you ever heard of the mirror universe?"
I was surprised to say
"Mirror the universe? What is it? "
Our silent way
"The mirror universe is the opposite of our universe. It is obviously an anti-four-image array to arrange it here in form?"
"Anti-four-image array?"
I am even more surprised that our light way
"Wave, please take a closer look at the four elephant carvings and what are their differences?"
I’m busy looking carefully and then at the individual is bearing to surprise way
"It seems that the four elephant prescriptions are reversed. The normal southeast and northwest directions should be Qinglong White Tiger Xuanwu Suzaku, but now these four statues have become Xuanwu Suzaku Qinglong White Tiger’s elder brother! What does this mean? "
Our light way