Next to the West Lake, the flowers are blooming and the willows are shaded. Two people are standing on the green grass and eating candied haws while walking along Bai Causeway. Huang Rong seems to enjoy the scenery and don’t talk all the way. Looking at it, they are thinking about something.
"What are you thinking?" Ling Feiyang asked.
"Ling Dage, there is one thing in my heart that I haven’t had a chance to say to you …" Huang Rong suddenly stopped.
Chapter 12 Assassination of Shi Miyuan
"We’ll go to the Prime Minister’s Office later. If Shi Miyuan insists on an alliance with Mongolia, are we really going to kill him?" Huang Rong then asked.
"That’s natural," Ling Feiyang said. "At that time, I blocked his hand and guarded him. You killed him with my dagger!"
"When the time comes, I’ll stop the guards. Can you kill people?" Huang Rong some embarrassedly asked.
"You are the daughter of East Evil Huang Yaoshi, and you won’t even dare to kill people, right?" Ling Feiyang looked at Huang Rong strangely.
"Where I dare not! I don’t want to kill anyone again … "Huang Rong sighed and said," Since that time I killed Ah Xiang, I have always felt guilty … "
"Auspicious? Did you say it was the dumb servant? " Ling Feiyang couldn’t help but think of the dumb servant who wanted to hold him to death with Huang Rong in the sea the other day. Emei stabbed him in the shoulder and killed him at the bottom of the sea.
"Didn’t you once say that those dumb servants are all heinous?" Ling Feiyang said
"But after all, he served us for so many years. When I was a child, he played with me on the top …" Huang Rong said with a deep sigh and a few tears flowed out of her eyes.
"I didn’t expect Huang Rong, a female Han type character, to have a weak side … but at that time, she made such a choice to save me." Ling Feiyang was very moved at the thought of this place and couldn’t help but stretch out her arm and embrace her fine waist.
I found that Huang Rong didn’t immediately break away from Ling Feiyang’s exulting mouth and said, "In fact, Ah Xiang can’t be considered as your murder … You stabbed him in the shoulder at that time, but it didn’t make him fatal. It was the sea that really killed him …"
"Brother Ling, thank you for comforting me. What you said makes me feel much better …" Huang Rong gently twisted her waist away from Ling Feiyang’s arm, but the warm and soft feeling still lingered in Ling Feiyang.
The two men walked on and unconsciously came to the end of Bai Causeway. In front of them was a stone arch bridge, which was a "broken bridge" in the West Lake.
Huang Rong gradually became interested and suddenly sang Zhang Yan’s description of the broken bridge. "How many times can you go back to the boat after the broken bridge is broken?" Looking at flowers is the easterly wind of the year, and accompanying roses to live in roses and spring is even more pitiful, with a touch of wild smoke in the west. However, Wei Qu Cao, who is deeply covered with moss, sees the new worries and now goes to the gull’s side to continue singing and dreaming to cover the heavy door, and to be drunk and sleep, and not to be afraid of seeing flying flowers and listening to cuckoo. "
Ling Feiyang is not proficient in poetry, but after all, he is much better than Guo Jing in the original work, but he also recognizes the meaning expressed in this word, so he said, "In fact, people will always get old, hide behind the curtain, feel sorry for themselves and waste their time. It is better to do something when you are young and save yourself from moaning when you are old."
"Brother Ling, you must be struggling after this joint gold anti-Mongolian plan, but I will definitely support you until the last moment!" Huang Rong said firmly.
"With you, Zhuge, a female middle school student, helping me to worry about big things?" Ling Feiyang was overjoyed.
"I don’t want to be Zhuge Liang, who did his best and died. I want to retire Zhang Liang and Zhang Fang when I am successful!" Huang Rong walked over and said
"If you really succeed, can you not’ retire’ like Zhang Liang?" Ling Feiyang tentatively asked
"If I don’t learn from Zhang Liang, do I have to learn from Han Xin and be finally uprooted by you?" Huang Rong giggled as he spoke.
"You are so clever, how can I calculate you? Mostly, you finally uprooted me like Lv Hou … "Ling Feiyang said.
"Lv Hou is Liu Bang’s wife. Your case is too inappropriate!" Huang Rong micro Chen way
"Aren’t you going to be my wife?" Ling Feiyang said with the cheek
"Nice try!" Huang Rong said, "My dad asked me to test you, but you haven’t passed yet!"
"Then when can I pass?" Ling Feiyang asked
"I won’t talk to you!" Huang Rong said, "It will be dark in Tianma. Let’s go to the Prime Minister’s Office!"
Ling Feiyang and Huang Rong ate something casually in the pub near the West Lake and returned to the high wall of the Prime Minister’s Office. At this time, it was night when they used the shadow of trees to display their flying skills and jumped into the compound of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Indeed as expected, the magnificent style in the Prime Minister’s Mansion is no less than that in the Palace. Just from the scale of the building, we can see that there are some guards with knives patrolling in Shi Miyuan’s Mansion. From the walking posture, it seems that all of them are not weak in martial arts. Ling Feiyang and Huang Rong evaded these patrol guards. Seeing that the lights were still on in the lobby, they quietly sneaked over and jumped onto the roof of the lobby.
Ling Feiyang gently lifted the roof tiles and saw two people sitting face to face in the vestibule. It seemed that they were talking about something. Zuo Shouyi was nearly sixty years old, but his face was very ruddy and his figure was extremely fat. Wearing the Song Dynasty official, it should be the traitor Shi Miyuan, who was tall and thin, wearing a wide-brimmed fur hat and wearing a loose cotton belt and leather boots. However, his face happened to be blocked by a beam for Ling Feiyang to see.
"Shi Miyuan is really having a secret talk with Mongolian envoys!" Ling Feiyang can’t see this person’s face clearly, but it can be judged from the fact that this person must be a senior Mongolian official!
"What did the Prime Minister think about the history of the alliance between Song and Mongolia?" Mongolian envoy asked.
"Temujin Khan’s good pleasure veteran will tell the emperor. In fact, the veteran is also interested in Mongolia. It is up to the emperor to decide whether we will eventually form an alliance with Xu Jin Guo or you in Mongolia …" Shi Miyuan said.
"It seems that Shi Miyuan doesn’t want to easily promise to form an alliance, so he will put the blame on the bad king …" Ling Feiyang thought of this and said to Huang Rong next to him, "Let’s listen to what they say first and then make a decision!"