"I won’t appreciate your kindness, and I won’t let you say that by default. You and I are her own choice. I hope she won’t regret it. Don’t say anything about it. Do you want to take Rapier when you come here? Don’t you already have a heavenly sword? Aren’t you satisfied? "
I don’t know if I’m talking about him looking at my language for a while, but I’m too lazy to ignore it. I turned to look into the distance, and the two gang sneered at each other.
"Say more that we dragon people like Huan. Is it any better for these Westerners? Is it possible that Dalong people like to put down their bodies and ask others to put down their bodies? Excessive modesty is actually a kind of inferiority. "
I frowned. What did he mean by saying that? Are you implying something to me?
At this time, I suddenly noticed that the stone statue that looked like an old man just now suddenly sent out a blue and black light, which shone everywhere, and suddenly the stone statue more than two meters high in front of us trembled.
A moment later, the flag rising sun and I couldn’t help but be dumbfounded. This stone statue actually came alive and walked towards the center. Not only this stone statue walked past, but all hundreds of stone statues moved.
I heard Mike asked
"Old ghost grimm, what the hell are you doing? How did you get these guys alive? "
Green cold road
"Michael, how do I know?"
See two people to scold these statues have been around in the mouth continuously calling a word shout shout saya.
They all looked at each other and looked at each other. What does this "Lulu Hussaya" mean?
I suddenly felt a great shock in my heart, because the Mayan teenager’s memory has clearly told me that this word means that the elegant word "God People" can call out the Mayan gods at a specific time, but it must be Maya people to be effective.
I can’t help but tremble. Maybe the miracle will be lost, and the text will show its charm. The lucky one will witness a conflict between two brilliant texts that have disappeared.
It turns out that this temple of death does not belong to the Mayans, and it comes from another intelligent people.
Chapter DiErSiEr Atlantis Road
Good people bring gods; Evil people bring demons.
An ancient Mayan proverb
The ancient temple seals a passage of death, and the final destination of the passage is not Eden, nor heaven. It leads to a lost article, which is lost in the vast sea and shrouded by the devil’s forces. PaoShu, there is a glorious god shining and imprisoning this one, which imprisons a Rapier, which is the four sacred weapons that will never leave the earth.
These statues are attached to the souls of the Maya who lingered in the world and refused to leave. They must stay here and wait for the final judgment of their souls.
Unfortunately, a group of outsiders have disturbed their Millennium dream, and the road to death is about to start, and a long-lost text is about to reappear. This is the true builder of the Temple of Death, the Atlanteans, a group of warriors who believe in the sacred power …
It’s a pity that the ultimate power will inevitably bring ultimate destruction, and finally they are defeated by the Maya who believe in the wisdom god …
The Atlantean language perished in the vast sea with the Atlantis Empire, and they were waiting for an opportunity …
Mayan stone statues continue to call their gods, because they seem to have known that outsiders are about to make this road to lead the army of Atlantis Empire, which is a road of death and will inevitably bring power destruction …
God didn’t appear, I seem to feel the Maya youth soul nai act I silently way
Since I have some memories of you, I must be responsible for them. Since the Atlantis Empire has been destroyed in their power, let them be silent forever …
Suddenly, the whole day suddenly floated "Yi Ho!" "Hey!" "Hey!" These two strange and powerful temples of death, with my body trembling, finally revealed their true face, and a series of thrilling pictures appeared in the mysterious illusion screen …
A group of warriors with swords and flags swept across the whole American continent under the leadership of the ruler of Atlantis Empire, and the continent of Atlantis slaughtered all the ancient empires. The magic led the army of Atlantis back in triumph, and one of them got Rapier from the vanquished. The Rapier was actually made by the Mayans, who advocated the power of Atlantis.
Heaven and earth? That is to say, the so-called extremes meet, and powerful forces can destroy the enemy, and they can even destroy themselves. When Rapier, a symbol of Tiandao, is displayed, the decline and destruction will inevitably come with it. Let’s go to the bar and read the latest novel …
In the past years, the road to death has opened a door, and two completely different roads have appeared in the gap, one of which says strength; And another one says wisdom …
At this moment, power and wisdom seem to be in complete opposition. Those Chinese and western players who were just facing each other rushed in and chose the power road. They firmly believe that power is the ultimate heaven.
Around the heroic extraordinary male sink a way
"I must go in. Would you like to go with me?"
I shook my head and smiled
"Eldest brother, please don’t want to go in now."
The flag rising sun frowned and looked at me doubtfully for a moment and slowly came to the screen. I hesitated for a moment in front of two completely different roads and finally stepped on the road of strength.
No one noticed these Mayan souls calling for the gods. I stared at them and suddenly smiled and said to myself
"The guests don’t care what the host will look like when he is in a mess after eating and drinking."
The flame of the altar in the distance gradually dimmed, and the magic snake became more and more crazy. If there were no temples and temples scattered around, realgar powder would still be wandering here at this moment, and I would definitely be a chocolate candy in their mouth.
A girl chuckles and floats in the world, floating in this strange dead island snake group. It’s suddenly quiet, and my heart is quiet, because I finally wait here for the real owner Maya girl Tian Yue.
In the middle, her virtual shadow flashed in a strange halo. Without that temptation door, there was a lovely doll. I couldn’t believe it. I looked at her with that doll in her hand and smiled bitterly. She said
"What are you laughing at?"
I coughed a few times.
"Miss Tian Yue, we really have a fate. I didn’t expect to meet again so soon."
Tian Yue airway
"Who is decree by destiny with you? I told you to knock on the temptation door every time, but you closed it and said, "Why don’t you go in and get Rapier and wait for me here?"
I smiles to say
"I want to ask you a few questions. I wonder if you would like to, miss?"
She smiles to say