Followed by tears, like a broken thread bead, they fell big and big.
No matter Mo Zihan, the evil spirit leader, was short of breath and sat by the stream and cried bitterly.
This face has been blown up after her underestimation, and even after the magic bullet, it will leave a bumpy mark. How can she face the holy spirit?
It’s been her wish for decades to keep a perfect face and see Sheng Lingtian once in her lifetime, but now that Yan is gone, she is farther away from him …
Peter said that Nangong Jin took Mo Zihan’s running all the way to take off the mat, and it didn’t take long for him to take off and suddenly stopped.
"Stop running"
The Nangong Jin stopped when he heard the words. At this time, he also realized that this peach forest was weird.
"Don’t run?" Mozihan looked strange and asked.
"If I guess correctly, we should be under the illusion that we can’t break this illusion root, even if we run for a day, it’s just spinning around in the same place."
Taking off the words made Mo Zihan’s heart suddenly sink to the sea.
She only saw the illusion when she was watching, but she really didn’t think there was illusion.
It seems that there are really many things in this world that she doesn’t understand, such as methods of poison, such as this illusion, such as there are no strange insects in her world.
Just now, she thought this peach blossom forest was strange, but she thought that the scenery could be changed according to the mood of the evil spirit leader, but she didn’t expect it to be illusion
The difference between illusion and blindfold is that blindfold means that the eyes can always get out of the blindfold area according to the sky and the north-south direction.
Magic is different. Magic not only sees that things are made by the artist, but if people in magic can’t break this magic, they will always be trapped in this magic and never get out.
In illusion, the magician is the master of the whole scene and the whole world, just like a god. If she lets you have you, she will have you, and if you let you die, you will die.
Sit cross-legged and close your eyes. "Nangong Jin, protect Haner. I’ll find a way to break the array."
"Don’t worry, I will protect her even if I die."
I don’t know whether to say it to Tuoli or to Mo Zihan or to myself. Nangong Jin swears that it is generally guaranteed.
Take off your hands and make lotus-shaped hands. The surrounding gas phase is distorted and the true qi expands rapidly.
After being surrounded by such true qi.
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Chapter 622 [22] Evil spirits and magic teachings
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His fingertips were light, and his eyebrows were gilded with gold, leaving a flash of blood between his eyebrows.
Pulling at your fingertips and flowing with the true qi will slowly surround the true qi, and the red blood and light blue true qi will merge like a beautiful glass.
"My blood is broken …"
In her mouth, she kept saying that she couldn’t understand the spell. Generally, there was more and more eyebrow blood, and the true qi around him also expanded more and more greatly, so that she and Nangong Jin had been surrounded by Fiona Fang for ten meters, and a huge and beautiful glass cover appeared.
Mo Zihan can clearly see that they are stepping beside the grass within the range of ten meters. The roots are not peach trees, but ordinary flowers and trees.
The ten-square-lush whole gray-black peach forest forms a fresh contrast, and it feels like a sudden emergence of lush life in a dead mass, which makes people’s spirit cheer up.
Worried to see constantly pulling blood out from the eyebrows, Momozihan’s frown was almost folded.
"Don’t worry, he didn’t bleed much between the eyebrows. Now what you see is just an illusion. His loss is his strength."
Mo Zihan listened to Nangong Jin’s words and observed his face in a take-off. He didn’t look pale because of a lot of blood loss, so he was a little relieved.
See mozihan so worried about taking off the nangongshan Jin heart slightly astringent.
With the increasing scope of detachment and destruction, more and more real scenes are highlighted, and the peach blossom forest is rapidly distorted, just like the colors in soap bubbles are constantly changing.
It is still very difficult to break the array with rigid force and true qi. Later, the more real scenes are restored, the faster the illusory scenes disappear, and the more comfortable it is to be in the center of the array.
The speed of the original peach blossom forest in Yuanwang is shrinking rapidly in the process of breaking the array.
After running for a while, it was far away from them, and now the evil spirit leader can see it not far away, crying at the stream.
Mo Zihan turned to look around. It turned out to be a mountain platform about one square mile, and the scenery outside is generally the same. The only difference is that there seems to be a cliff not far away from here, because Mo Zihan can’t see it clearly.
Finally, after shouting "broken" in Tuoli, the distorted peach blossom forest was completely covered with real flowers and trees.
Originally, I cried while taking photos by the stream, and the evil spirit leader slowly got up because the stream suddenly disappeared.
"Take off the inside and walk"
Mozihan stretched out his hand to help Tuoli, but his feet suddenly stumbled.
Although the detachment is very strong, the evil spirit leader’s practice is really higher than their level. It will take a lot of mind and effort to break her array.
Take off the fear at this time is a spent force.
But they can at least see a little hope after the broken array, can’t they?
MoZiHan is almost half holding off word ran towards the rear cliff.
"You ruined your seat. Can you still let you go alive?"
A resentful sound sounded around, although it was not big, but it made Mo Zihan hear it clearly through force.
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Chapter 623 [23] 623 Evil spirits teach
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Ignoring the evil spirit leader’s threat, Mo Zihan helped Tuoli to escape quickly.
There are still about 3 meters before they can jump off the cliff. Although they are more dead than alive, there is at least a little hope. Now we can’t miss a minute. Once the evil spirit leader chases them, it will be extremely difficult to run even one meter more.
It seems that the evil spirit leader doesn’t intend to chase them. Mo Zihan ran for 2 meters with her hands, but she didn’t chase them.
"Want to jump off a cliff to escape? I dare not go to the evil spirit pool on that side. If you want to jump, jump! "
The original also followed Mo Zihan to protect her in front. Nangong Jin suddenly stopped running and slowly stopped. At this time, they were less than 5 meters away from the cliff.
Mo Zihan looked at the "evil spirit pool" in Tuoli doubtfully. She had never even heard of it.
"Evil Spirit Pond says that there are many dead pools where the water does not exist, even the leaves will sink, and this water is a natural and highly toxic substance. If you touch it a little, you can’t live, and all living objects around the evil spirit pond can’t live."
Taking off the words made Mo Zihan’s heart sink again, but then he said to them, "It’s better to go than to die at the hands of an old witch."
Two people almost without hesitation immediately follow mozihan ran to the edge of the cliff.
"It’s not that easy to jump off a cliff!"
The evil spirit leader was completely angered and displayed almost like a god’s flying skill. It was in an instant that he stood in front of Mo Zihan.