It’s a little interesting for everyone to look at each other. Is this to make Taina miss Kim?
Chapter six hundred and sixty-one Kim coax
Update the latest chapter of the evil king’s favorite imperial doctor’s concubine!
Chapter six hundred and sixty-one Kim coax
Of course, the dowry is sent to the husband’s family for no reason, so who will be willing to donate money?
Of course, it is also possible for the husband’s family to spend money.
It’s a good idea for all the rich businessmen to look at each other. "It’s a good thing that you can get a lot of money if you get a great beauty for no reason."
The first one will be sent in, and the second one will be there. There are countless benefits to blowing pillows.
"I think it’s good too. You’re fighting too hard outside and need someone to wait on you."
In the squire, the officers get along with each other without saying a word. They know that there is a toffee in their hearts.
Send a letter to the capital as soon as you have it, and choose the best one to send to the toffee.
However, people don’t dislike it, but feel very good. Their military supplies are all spent by the toffee, and many lives are saved by the toffee.
The toffee’s first aid method and alcohol saved the lives of several soldiers, which made them deeply respect the strange girl as far away as Beijing.
Such a good girl can’t be let down.
Duguye looked at everyone coldly and looked ugly. "Are you trying to persuade the orphans to sell themselves?"
"…" Everyone was stunned. Kim’s father and daughter were again surprised and afraid of being at a loss.
The reaction was beyond their imagination and they didn’t know what to do.
Just now, the speaker knelt down in fear and begged for mercy. "I’m sorry."
Duguye swept a few eyes and it happened to be ten people. "One million bears food and grass, and each family is divided into hundreds of bears."
This is an order, domineering and strong, and no one can resist it
The wealthy businessmen are regretful when they want to give up.
"Too kind, we are poor, and the rebels stole a lot of things."
"Our Li family was also cleaned by the rebels. If you don’t believe me, you can send someone to search for valuable things and you can take them away."
Everyone cried in unison, and tears came, as if they were really poor.
In order to protect wealth, it is also a fight.
However, Du Guye once again made them feel at a loss. "This time, it’s interesting to regard loneliness as a poor relative who has a windfall."
Although he smiled, there was a murderous look in his eyes
Everyone is so scared that they are so cruel that they really kill God. "No, no, no, no …"
General Li said, "I told you so long ago that I would be polite to them and drag them out and cut them down."
One and two pretend to be poor when they are stupid.
Too good at doing uncertain things? It must have been investigated beforehand.
Master Jin was angry, angry and afraid of "too much kindness if everything we say is true"
Du Guye sneered, "How to judge the enemy?"
Li, the "genocide", has a murderous look on his face.
In the battlefield, people are frightened and murderous enough to make these rich people feel weak.
Duguye slightly headed "do it"
Before the enemy, he is doing things more and more watertight.
Jin Yan ran over and hugged Du Guye’s thigh pear flower with rain, delicate and touching. "Great grandfather, my daughter is willing to donate the dowry, please give us a break. My father is too old to stand this blow, please."
Duguye lives in Gao Lin. Look at her, frown, cry, and make eyes at a beautiful Bai Lianhua flower. That’s right. Women are liars.
Bring it here. He wants money, not people.
"Too" Jin Yan smiled with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, you are a great person."
When she can enter the harem, her heart rises with pride and she can’t wait to step on everyone’s feet
Who is Du Guye who saw through her mind at a glance and shook his head in disgust? "Jinfu, you have two women. Is this big or small?"
Master Jin is so surprised that he knows his own situation like the back of his hand. What does this mean?
He replied cautiously, "It’s a little girl."
Du Guye’s eyes flashed a hint of enlightenment: "It turned out that I was born, so it’s no wonder I can’t work on the table."
There are two daughters in the Kim family, and the youngest is from the concubine room.
He hates those concubines. They are not good things, which will make the house restless.
He looked at his hand. "Which one of you wants it?"
Several famous officials came out with smiles on their faces. "Please give it to me. I am willing to share your worries."
"I can also sell myself."
If you want to fight hard for Tai Tai, he won’t treat people around you badly.
Jin Yan is stupefied and pale as paper. Is this to give her to someone else?
How can this be? She is going to be an imperial concubine!
Her tears are dripping and she is heartbroken as if someone died at home. "I would rather die than wait on other men. Great grandfather Yan Er has you in her heart."
Du Guye sneers at who is this nonsense lying to?
It seems that I am tired of living in front of him.
Master Jin is utterly confused. He is more capable than he thought.
What else can we do now that it’s done?
"Great grandfather, my daughter is infatuated with you. You can’t let her down."
Live up to? Everyone smiled and laughed so sarcastically.
Duguye couldn’t help shaking his head and being stupid without knowing that he was the best at calculating the Kim family’s fortune.
He’s already killed!
"She is not worthy to shine the shoes of Toffee."
Jin Yan was trembling with black gas at the moment.
She bit her lip to suppress that gushing jealousy.
A cold voice suddenly sounded, "That’s enough. This is the home account and the silver ticket …"
A girl in red came out with a pile of bills and sent her hands to Du Guye.
The girl in red is bright and angular, which is very stubborn.