"Who said my emotional intelligence is low? Is that you? Roffman! " Huo Ran walked into the players’ meeting room and said.
As soon as the hemp rat finished speaking, he went to Roffman and stretched out his hand to scratch Roffman’s waist to tickle him
Roffman’s waist was scratched by the horse and he surrendered in pain. "Don’t ~! It itches! Ha ~ ha ~! It itches! "
The hemp rat scratched and answered, "Are you ticklish?"! Let you taste the consequences of speaking ill of me behind my back! "
In the players’ meeting room, the two men made fun of each other and made a crowd around [watching the game]. The teammates looked up and laughed in the room, showing that the players were in a relaxed state just after the holiday.
Marmot and Roffman are still fooling around. Kabi smiled and interjected, "Marmot is not only low in EQ, but also low in IQ."! Ha ~! "
A player’s meeting room laughed even harder.
Hearing this, the hemp rat stopped fooling around with Roffman and said to Kabi, "Ah ~? You idiot! How bold! Ok! See how I can clean you up when I come over! "
As soon as the words were finished, the hemp rat immediately rushed to Kabi to clean up this little mess, and Kabi’s smirked hands blocked his waist to take precautions
"Cough ~ ~! Yo! It seems that everyone is very relaxed after the holiday! " A sound that all players are familiar with.
It was coach Coboni who came, followed by the assistant coach.
The appearance of coach Coboni not only interrupted the players’ laughter, but also stopped the play of the rats and saved Kabi, so that Kabi escaped the attack of the rats.
The players laughed quickly, and the meeting room quickly became quiet.
Coach Coboni went to the front of the conference room to give a lecture and immediately spoke without stopping.
"I don’t care where you went on vacation! What did you play! What did you eat! When you always return to the team, you must have a mentality of preparing for the war. I advise you not to recall the good times of the holiday again, because that is when you are waving at me. "
The meeting room was horribly quiet, and Kabi clearly heard his breath.
Coach Coboni’s eyes swept away and he was very satisfied with the quiet level of the meeting room.
"Everyone knows that I gave you a holiday because I wanted you to take a break on the eve of the hard battle, and I didn’t want to see a player say that he was tired ~ white ~!"
"white ~!" The players replied in unison, word for word, and seemed confident.
"Good ~ ~! You vernacular! Don’t wave! All the players give me a horse and run to the training ground!
Coach Coboni said, pointing to the door of the conference room.
How dare the players run out of the meeting room and go to the training ground quickly, led by captain Tusk?
Kabi was ecstatic and knew that he could finally practice.
In less than two minutes, the players are in the middle of the training ground, and coach Coboni and the assistant coach are about to arrive in six seconds. Everyone is rushing out of the meeting room at a breathtaking pace.
Coach Coboni walked to the middle circle and choked, "Stop it, everyone! First run around the field for twenty laps to warm up! "
The assistant coach immediately blew the whistle and shouted, "Move quickly! Come on! Come on! Quick! "
One lap is 4 meters, and 20 laps is meters.
Although it’s past the end of autumn, the sun is burning very badly in the training ground today.
When Kabi just ran about 5 meters with his teammates, he was already sweating like rain. He looked around at the running teammates and found that everyone was the same.
At this time, the assistant coach handed the timer in his hand to coach Coboni, who suddenly scolded the players who were still running laps after seeing the time displayed in the timer.
"Tell me! What’s the matter with you? Ah ~ ~? Just finished the 5-meter race, it was 2 seconds slower than before! Want to be lazy? Ok! Let you be lazy! Give me ~ add ~ five ~ laps ~! "
Plus five laps, that’s a total of 25 laps, exactly 1 meter!
Chapter 52 Crazy unexpected decision
The players’ throats are burning, their breathing is out of rhythm, and the sailors are sweating like peas. They slowly slide from their foreheads, cross their noses and lips, and drip from the end of Pakistan.
Drip on the training ground grass
Kabi is following his teammates around and will soon finish the 9-meter run. Although he is sweating wildly, he firmly believes that it is not difficult to cope with the remaining 1 meter.
If you can finish 9 meters, how can you survive the remaining 1 meter without biting your teeth? Kabi can’t help thinking like this.
He suddenly shouted to his teammates, "Come on! Be sure to run! "
This teammate suddenly got excited, and then made a final effort to bravely run this 1 meter, but the hemp mouse jokingly choked, "Fuck you! What kind of leader? "
Kabi ran and said, "Save your energy! We will run quickly! "
Run in front of the captain, Tusk, shouted, "Kabi is right! Come on, everybody Be sure to run 1 meter! "
"~ ~ ho ~ ~ ~"
The players shouted loudly, and the sound was particularly loud. Seeing this, Kabi’s heart was pounding and his feet were running wildly, silently shouting, I want to beat 1 meter ~ ~ ~!
At this time, in the middle circle of the training ground, coach Coboni shouted, "I am glad that you are willing to persist!" But ~! You can’t finish the 1 meter in 30 seconds, then I’ll add five laps! "
These players are completely crazy. Coach Coboni threatened to add five laps. On the one hand, they gave impetus, but on the other hand, they caused resistance. Think about it. If you run five laps, you might as well let Coach Coboni shoot them directly. Anyway, you can still suffer in this training ground.
There are fifteen seconds left, and the players still need fifteen meters to finish the race.
Kabi shouted "Quick ~ ~!"
Together, despite the burning sensation in the throat and the chaotic rhythm of breathing, the teammates are still reluctant to exert their strength again, with half despair and half hope to feel that they are heading for the finish line.
Fortunately, when the last teammate ran past the finish line, Coach Coboni looked at the timer in his hand and said, "Hmm! Not bad! There is no timeout! "
None of the players here are either lying on the grass or sitting on the grass and pouring water into their throats crazily again. It feels like meeting an oasis in the desert, cutting despair in half and then feeling hope happily.
It’s a good thing that Kabi didn’t lie down or sit down, but bent over with his hands on his knees slightly.
He thought to himself, "How exciting!"
Coach Coboni said coldly when he saw that the players seemed to be dying, "Take a break for ten minutes and then train" and turned and walked.
Kabi wanted to communicate with his teammates about the feeling of finishing the 1 meter, but when he saw his teammates all bowed their heads and breathed heavily, it would be white. At this time, he should not disturb others during the rest. After all, he completed the pain in the 1 meter with his teammates, and he knew it well.