Lin looked at the 22nd and said, "Yes! Now I’m afraid it’s impossible for you to live a few more minutes. "
"Yes, my life has entered the countdown." In the 22nd century, I couldn’t even open my eyelids, and a horse had to close my eyes.
"It’s a pity that history has changed. You can get here if you say so!" Lin regrets way
The 22nd took a deep breath and said the last sentence in his life, "No! I said that it is not over, it is just a new one! "
After the 22nd century, I completely closed my eyes and never opened them again.
"Shit!" Lin looked at this situation and scolded 1 in his heart, "When did I become so brave that I was not afraid of death … Wait, just now he said,’ He said it’s not over, it’s just a new one’"
"How could I not guess this?"
"That is to say, he created the 23rd World Forest under my nose!"
"No, if you really created the 23 rd century, it’s not a new one, but a new one … that is to say, he created the 21 ST century or an earlier forest."
"Earlier … that is to say, his memory has a backup!"
"But the backup memory does not include this world’s 22 nd memory is the new one!"
"Forget it. It’s impossible for me to find a new one … when I have nothing."
Lin shook his head and went to the door of the conference room. When he reached for the door, the feeling of death suddenly appeared … It was so sudden.
The door of the conference room was directly blown up by great force. Yes, it was blown up. It was a bomb.
Mixed in the iron gate that was blown to pieces, Lin’s body pushed the life combustion technology to the limit state … The body was broken and his head was not complete, but he was still in a certain thinking consciousness.
Lin saw it.
A woman, a woman in a blood-red robe and a bloody mask, came in from the position where the door was smashed, and went straight to the body position of the fallen 22 nd without looking at the direction of Lin’s broken head
Life burning is really a terrible skill to keep Lin alive and conscious for more than ten seconds.
This woman walked up to the body of the 22nd century and looked down. "The real death is not willing to ask me for help until it happens … The gap between you and me will get bigger and bigger!"
Gradually, Lin’s sight blurred and then disappeared completely!
When the line of sight is clear again, Lin has returned to wearing armor and looking at the armor screen in Time.
"It’s over!"
"It turned out to be such a way to end …"
"What is that woman? How could you … kill me when my life was in danger and I didn’t even react! "
"I’m dying and I don’t want to ask for help … What does this sentence mean?"
"The gap between you and me will get bigger and bigger … What does this sentence mean?"
Chapter five hundred and thirty Everyone wants to find her!
Four years is indeed 24 years for Lin … I suddenly feel a little unaccustomed to manipulating my armor.
Step by step, Lin looked back when he was about to step out of the virtual training room for special training … This is in an area with 69 times gravity, and the base is not very small, which is the size of an ordinary primary and secondary school.
"The game is a game, not a reality, but a reality modification … Otherwise, how can there be a virtual training room in this high-gravity area!"
Didn’t see Lin one foot out of the virtual training room door.
There was a sound from the side door! You really kept me waiting! "
The familiar sound is too familiar to stop at the familiar sound forest and turn to look at the dark king sitting on a steel seat. "Diablo … why are you still here?"
The dark king got up and went to Lin and said, "Waiting for you!" "
"…" Lin suddenly said, "What am I waiting for?"
The dark king said, "I’ll wait for you to go out with me!" "
Lin leng moment received "wait for me to go out? What should I go out with? "
The Dark King said, "Guess!"
"…" Lin brain immediately moved. What is the dark king waiting for him to go out with? What is very precious to the dark king when waiting for him? The roots should not be waves. We should get more and better weapons and equipment to enter a gravity area and prepare for a special training with his knowledge of the rebels in his mind.
But the dark king just waited for him here … As scheduled, the dark king was the sixth special training, which means he waited here for more than two years.
More than two years … More than 24 years have passed in special training, so more than 4 years have passed in reality.
"eh!" Lin didn’t continue to want to look at the dark king and paused. "It’s been four years. Since you’ve waited so long, it’s not bad. Wait a little longer and I’ll go first."
Four years!
Lin has not seen his wife and children for four years … What else should he do besides this at this time?
Lin didn’t give the Dark King a chance to say a word, and just disappeared in front of him.
The dark king looked at Lin and disappeared in front of him for a long time before he vomited, "Nima!"
After that, the dark king is also online.
A month later!
Lin once again was startled by the sudden sound! You really kept me waiting … "
It’s the dark king again. There’s a little nai in his familiar voice and anger
"Shit!" Lin turned to look at the dark king and said, "I didn’t keep you waiting … eh! You can’t get out when I wait! "
The dark king shouted, "nonsense, how could I wait for you here if I went out!" "
Lin said, "If you can’t get out, then I can get out?"
The dark king shouted again, "nonsense, how can I wait for you here if you can’t get out!" "
Lin thought for a moment and said, "I’m sure I’ll go out, otherwise you wouldn’t wait for me here … but you’d better talk about the situation outside first. What’s the arrangement, tight encirclement?"
The dark king said, "smash the bomb!" "
"How many?" Lin eyebrows a wrinkly, but also immediately thought that he was able to get four virtual crushing bombs. How could those players not get them, even for a short time? It’s been four years, and it’s strange that they can’t get them again.
The Dark King said, "Not many!"
The topographic map of the base emerged in Lin’s head, saying, "That means there is a crushing bomb around the base!" "