She doesn’t know whether what she is doing is so right. She didn’t grasp an idea and make a decision differently. At first, she wanted to combine the information she had read and then contact her predecessors today to ask for advice on writing about S, but when she started writing, she didn’t want to do it.
That method may indeed be the one that she thinks is the most secure and the easiest way to approach the unpredictable examiner’s mind. She is confident enough that she can make a satisfactory answer here.
But when she thought about this afternoon, the chubby manager Zheng said with a look of relief that "young man who impressed him" had been lingering in her mind to wake up the "sexual orientation test", she suddenly felt that she should give up this seemingly safest way.
If everyone thinks carefully and studies carefully, they will get the result. Why should they write?
Speaking of combining information with close observation and writing what they feel, this simple summary is probably written by anyone. So is that the kind of person they need in S?
Is that what they, who are thinking, are doing and being chosen?
Zuo Tangtang does not believe it.
A blank sheet of paper from which she wants to show her own thoughts.
That’s how she decided.
There is still a little more paper in my hand.
Looking at the messy paper, almost graffiti-like, Zuo Tangtang spat out his tongue and looked at it. After a while, he picked up the pen and wrote his name very smartly.
Thinking of obsessive-compulsive disorder, I tearfully recited the history of development. After the original answer, I looked relaxed. Zuo Tangtang was unwilling and picked up the pen and wrote in the white place …
I’m really sorry for not writing. Things are so frequent today that I …
Zuo Tangtang pouted and thought of being unfinished.
Ps cylinders! I, Mr. Bean, have come back again! (That’s right! Not Hu Hansan! In these short six days, I have been drinking tea every day without thinking about food (it’s not because a bean has gained weight recently that I want to lose weight! Absolutely not! ) I don’t miss you all the time ~ hey ~! Come on! Give me a kiss ~! Pour Qin Jun’s body made a bean very upset, so a bean decided to draft more. Well, if you add one hundred words a day, you will get one more chapter a month! (Star Eye ~) Haha ~ Not much nonsense ~ Today, I will continue to update at 10 o’clock every night ~ A bean has gone away!
[31] Chapter three hundred and thirty Slightly hot ears]
"Ahhh! ! !” Sue orange threw the bag aside and shouted, clutching her hair with a full face of pain. "It’s crazy! Going crazy! "
Calm and carefree, Zuo Tangtangmen sat beside the small stool in the shoe cabinet and slowly took off his shoes.
"Ah!" I don’t know when I held a pillow and Su Orange sat on the sofa. She was very dissatisfied and stared at Zuo Tangtang. "I said how easy you are!"
"Aren’t they all finished?" Zuo Tangtang put the key aside, yawned lazily and turned to the refrigerator. He took out a box of yogurt and poked it with a straw for a long time. After poking it, he said to Su Orange, "I can feel at ease to play games."
Sue orange stunned watching while drinking yogurt, kicking and pulling slippers, walking towards the bedroom with a full face of indifference.
"I said! Is that the damn game except that game in your fucking head? !” It’s just that she didn’t say a word to her all the way home. Look at her hurry. What else happened to her? As a result, Nima’s feelings are different from procrastinating early. Just go home quickly and play games?
"… huh?" Zuo Tangtang stopped and turned his head and looked at Su Orange with eyes full of serious muses.
Just when Su Orange was going to tell her about the last written test, I watched her waiting for an answer, but I didn’t expect …
"Well, in addition to that game, it’s still the damn game in my head now." Zuo Tangtang nodded his head with a full face of koo.
"ah! Ah! You live for me! " Looking at Zuo Tangtang relentlessly preparing to turn away from being answered, I was so angry that my lungs were about to explode. Su Orange hurriedly shouted that Zuo Tangtang stared at Su Orange with a look of "I want to play games if you have something to say quickly". Su Orange was depressed in an instant.
What’s her competition with this pig!
Don’t you think it’s stupid that she’s still angry after knowing Zuo Zhu for so many years?
Pat the sofa next to Sue orange motioned Zuo Tangtang.
"Gee, you know I can’t help you, can I?" Zuo Tangtang seemed to sigh with emotion, so he approached and sat down. A word made Sue orange goose bumps get up in a bad cold.
"You … hey!" Is full of abandon shake shake arm clap chest dispersed Zuo Tangtang this puzzling words cause discomfort.
"What’s the matter with you? Don’t like it? " Zuo Tangtang shrugged his shoulders holding yogurt nai. "Don’t you like this tune best?"
"ah! When do I like this! " Su orange is fried.
"When I went back to nothing, I turned over that face. It seems that the chairman Wen Nan said so!" Zuo Tangtang recalled for a while and then replied
"…" Su Orange was silent for a long time and determined to say "I’ll throw those away later"
I didn’t say anything else about Su Orange. "Left pig, my heart is still seven. What is the so-called standard in the end?" Will we be chosen? I don’t even know what I wrote on that piece of white paper and there was an hour … "
The more you speak, the deeper you get.
Zuo Tangtangsong has been biting a straw and patting Su Orange on the shoulder. "Well, well, the result has not yet been decided. What are you so worried about now? Didn’t you say it was two weeks later?"
"But …" Sue orange or some stutter want to argue.
"But what?" Zuo Tangtang interrupted Su Orange’s words, "Let’s just relax and have a good time in these two weeks. What do you want to do if you think too much? Can’t you learn from my good qualities! "
"Excellent quality …" When I heard that, Sue Orange could not help but leave the pie mouth and muttered, "I don’t know who used to study, but I was nervous after every exam. I was afraid to answer the question, but I also said with a tragic face that curiosity killed the cat …"
"Ah!" It’s Zuo Tangtang’s turn to be dissatisfied. "You don’t slander me! I don’t have your stinking problem! I always have a good time after the exam and worry about what I didn’t do! "
"Play? Hum, are you going to play? " For example, I don’t know what I thought. Su Orange said grumpily, "It’s also noisy in the classroom, and it’s impossible to resist the sound of the answer. Hum, but someone is smiling in front of you and covering your ears. We mortals didn’t rush to join the army of answers, but we were drowned by pink bubbles!"
Zuo Tangtang was still smiling and pouting, pretending to complain. At this moment, he seemed to be as motionless as he was being smoked. He couldn’t see a trace of expression on his face. He stared at the ear in front of him and was still in a trance. Sue orange mumbled because of nervousness.
Ear burns badly.
It’s as if someone once set out to cover her ear in the cold winter, and it seems that you can still hear that person jumping "Are you a pig?"! Riding a bicycle to the earmuffs but hanging on the neck? "
Zuo Tangtang’s eyelids blinked and sat up straight. She slowly stretched out her right hand and touched her ear …
"ah! What are you doing pulling my ear! " In my memory, the girl asked with anger, but there was a trace of hiding crying in her voice.
"Who told you not to listen!" That person seems to be very angry, too. "I’m almost wronged to death for an answer!" Are you still going? "
"The answer came to my ears!" The girl pleaded with a little injustice, "I also want to have fun, but …"
Girl’s words haven’t finished, so I can’t say them anymore.