"Being original want something, will get it. What killing and looting is just as simple as eating and drinking for being poor. " Wang Guang casually pointed to the flower and said, "Although it is not appreciated, it also has some functions, so there are always people who need it. Like being original, no one will appreciate it at all, and it has no effect. Presumably, no one will need it. "
The little girl didn’t understand what Wang Guang said. She just opened her eyes and looked at the road flyover carefully, and then ran away with a low smile. She still has a lot of things to do, and she can’t chat with Wang Guang here for a long time.
When Wang Guang saw the girl leave, he didn’t say anything. He just nodded and smiled, and continued to cross his legs and sit beside his spiritual field to watch the exotic flowers and plants that had never changed.
In this one, when the Taoist priest was still addicted to this world for dozens of days, a charm was passed, but someone was calling him.
"It’s really a group of things that don’t know life and death." After reading the contents of the talisman, the Taoist priest suddenly became furious. "It seems that being original is not killing, and no one puts being original in the eyes. I really think that being original is a soft persimmon. Whoever wants to pinch it? "
This fellow frowned and thought about it, and soon made a decision. After tidying up my things, I didn’t fly, let alone fly, but just walked down the mountain step by step.
When this fellow came to the foot of the mountain, he saw nearly a thousand practitioners around his Lingshan, and some practitioners who were attached to him for planting were on the alert with a nervous face. Watch out for those who surround the mountain.
"Infinite Buddha? Aren’t you afraid of being punished by Zongmen when you come here to make trouble? " Wang Guang separated the crowd and appeared in front of those who were looking for something with a face of disdain.
"Good you diabolical, killing stuff the other day, aren’t you afraid of clan punishment? You know, the practitioner you killed was an inner disciple. " A young practitioner jumped in front of Wang Guang with a ponytail and scolded him loudly.
"Being original and killing, never afraid of punishment, even the dark clouds between heaven and earth have never cared." This fellow grimaced, his fingers flicked, and his scarlet nails clanked and said, "The original nails were as white as jade, but it’s a pity that there were too many killings, and the nails were dyed red with blood. What do you think I am afraid of? "
The words came down, but the practitioners who surrounded the mountains were stopped.
"You stop the same door selling goods, being original; You kill people who depend on planting for a living, regardless of being original; But when you come to surround the peak of the poor road, you have to take care of it. " While speaking, a nail fell off, and then it turned into a scarlet light and pierced the leading practitioner.
Fortunately, the practitioner knew Wang Guang’s character, so he didn’t panic and threw a palm-sized turtle shell at random. The tortoise shell rose against the wind, and before the red light came, it had changed to three or five feet in size, blocking it in front of the red light.
"Ding", the inch-long red nail was nailed to the tortoise shell, and the tortoise shell was torn to pieces in the blink of an eye. Only after such a stop, the nail didn’t have the strength, and was randomly rubbed out by the practitioner to blow it into powder.
"Wang Daoyou, I’m not here to fight with you today, but to make a deal with you." The young practitioners, led by Wang Guang, were distressed and surprised when they saw a nail and destroyed the magic weapon of top-level defense that they had managed to get. What hurts is that the magic weapon is destroyed, and I don’t know when I can find another one. Surprisingly, Wang Guang’s tactics were so tough that he was very jealous.
"With such means in just a few decades, I’m afraid even those students who got the help of Dan Shi don’t have this ability." After thinking about it at random, the young practitioner hurriedly said his purpose.
"I’m waiting for everyone, and I’m invited to negotiate with you by the orders of 36 gang leaders under Zongmen." After seeing that there was no change in Wang Guang’s expression, the practitioner was relieved. "All gangs believe that the rent of Lingtian cultivated by Wang Daoyou is too low, and the price should be increased by three to five times. Moreover, the practitioners who plant here should be allowed to sell all their goods to 36 gangs at market prices, so as to reduce market chaos and avoid causing clan turmoil. "
"Infinite Buddha" saw that the other party was not talking about anything, and Wang Guang suddenly sneered: "How is your head constructed? How did you come up with such a suggestion? Being original sees that your brain structure is not good. How about not using it to help you repair it? "
While speaking, without waiting for the trainer to talk, Wang Guang jumped to the trainer with his hands in claws and grabbed him hard on the shoulder.
Since the practitioner dared to negotiate with Wang Guang, he never lacked a lot of means. I saw this practitioner with a face of anger. After yelling at him, a layer of pale golden light condensed from him to escort him, and then a huge golden hand grabbed Wang Guangying.
Wang Guang, the "golden claw", instantly recognized the origin of the other party’s condensed golden hand. "Is that all you do?" This fellow looked at me with a strange smile, and his hands didn’t try to escape, so he collided with the golden claw abruptly.
I only heard a loud noise, and the palm of my hand with the size of 35 feet hit the normal palm. I only heard a loud noise, which only made everyone’s ears buzzing. Golden claws were broken again, and thousands of flames were flying around, which made some practitioners go to avoid those golden flames in a hurry.

Chapter one hundred and thirty-four Update change pay attention to watch
Chapter one hundred and thirty-four Update change pay attention to watch
———— Update a chapter at eight o’clock every night in May ————— Cultivate for a few days—
After tearing the claw of melting gold, Wang Guang was so unreasonable that he shook his body and scratched with his hands empty, only the practitioner who caught him resisted falling into the wind. (Niu Wen’s novels ~ reading novels online) Some people don’t like Wang Guang’s rampage, so they jumped up and joined forces to fight with the demon road. The Taoist priest saw it but didn’t panic. He repeatedly called hello and fought with them.
Three people kill each other, and one claw flies up and down, shaking from side to side; A dusting fiddle, silver wire trembling; Finally, the last person carries a long knife shield and resists left and right.
Claws flying and shaking, leading to evil wind bursts, combative, red light flashing everywhere; Blowing dust and shaking, shaking out the cold wind, awe-inspiring gas denounced heaven and earth, filar silk silver rolling around; The knife and shield are handled by hand, and the knife rolls back like a waterfall, and the shield shakes like a mountain peak, resisting the murderous look and inspiring the spirit of awe. Condensed out a virtual shadow.
The three of them tinkled into a ball, their nails clanged like long knives, and their silver wires cut like surprises. You turn left and I’ll go right; You attack the upper plate and I’ll get the lower plate. Three people killed very lively.
The two sides add up to almost 2000 people, and they are all staring at the three people fighting. When they see the highlights, some people still applaud in a low voice. Seeing the danger, someone lost his voice, as if he were fighting among them.
After dozens of rounds of fighting, Wang Guang was impatient. This fellow found an opportunity, flicked his fingers, and his nails fell off and turned into red light to puncture the practitioner who brushed the dust. Practitioners who use a knife and shield jumped over to resist with a shield, while the practitioners who cast dust on their faces were ferocious, spraying a mouthful of mana into the dust, which soared like a dragon and wrapped around Wang Guang.
"Madness" Wang Guang’s head flashed, and the long hair on his head soared by 35 feet, like hundreds of millions of poisonous snakes winding around the dragon. The poisonous snake twined tightly around the dragon. The ten nails into time, also hit on the shield.
The shield is broken like glass; The trainer was frightened, waving a long knife like a horse in his hand and tinkling, and finally stopped Wang Guang’s ten nails. Even so, this fellow was scared out in a cold sweat.
"Come here to be original." Wang’s head flung back hard and roared loudly.
"I won’t give it to you." Practitioners who are carrying dust in their hands also drag hard towards the back, and don’t want to give up their weapons at all. While the knife bearer took the opportunity to step forward and waved a long knife and rolled it over Wang Guang’s head.