Lena took me flying fast for more than 20 minutes before finally reaching the middle of the mountain range, carefully lowering the height and observing carefully. Now I don’t know how many levels this place is strange. Yaka is in the way, and all the boss are out of the way. This is the center, and maybe it’s close to even reaching the holy level. We can’t help but be careful.
"Lena’s body gets smaller and protective magic is on at any time. This place is not safe and I don’t know what it is."
"hmm!" Lena was very obedient and slowly reduced her body to three meters long, and then the ice armor was petrified and the hurricane shield was protected by the holy light. It was silver. At this time, I didn’t particularly punch a hole at night, but this skill suddenly became a lamp. I was about to wake up. There was a roar in the huge valley of the main vein and branch of the mountain range. I don’t know what it was. It was a bit like a wolf, but it was a bit different ~ But one thing was that we were discovered ~ "They found us ~" Lena said.
Well ~ I see ~ Nai ~ "We don’t know what’s on this side yet. Let’s wait and see if there may be a guy who will come directly."
"Oh ~" The little female dragon didn’t seem to realize that it was actually because she was very careful to protect herself that she attracted the attention of the guy.
Sure enough, this time I guessed well. Ten seconds later, a group of guys with big bodies in little wings flew from the mountain range at a very fast speed. I swept over and saw the attributes of these guys. Nima is really a cow. Ten guys with long wings are all level emperors, wings, demons, demons, physical attacks, super speed and several remote skills.
Calling out Kim, I also flew from Lena and shouted at Lena, "Let’s deal with it separately. Try to be as fast as possible. You deal with three and I’ll leave it to you."
After shouting, I directly flashed out the magic shadow, the ring, and the skills came out. Three people, like me, flew out of the body in three directions. Lena and Jindu were one leng and seemed to have no reaction.
Not only Lena and Kim didn’t react, but the ten emperor-winged demons didn’t react and rushed to our bodies. Then two emperor-winged demons rushed to Kim, two to Lena, and the remaining six came to me and busy.
See the emperor wing magic has rushed to Lena also quickly rushed to her two emperor wing magic attack gold this little guy seems very excited to now more than 60 levels haven’t let him fight? Yi Long Yin is a head toward the two emperor wing magic costume.
I didn’t delay giving the three busy people the attack instructions, and then I lifted the staff to add petrochemical armor to myself. Then a god of death kissed an emperor wing demon and released it. The emperor wing demon seemed to despise the root and didn’t have any intention to protect it. Of course, even if he didn’t protect it, the guy was tragic. The kiss of death took him away in an instant, and the guy’s body was almost planted in the forest.
Although I have 3% of the three busy attributes, my attribute 3 is lower by more than 2,000, and my spiritual attribute is definitely higher than that of ordinary level 6 wizards. The key is that the skills are exactly the same as mine, which is not the disadvantage that ordinary wizards can face compared with several levels of emperor wing demons, but they will not show it at all.
The three emperors’ winged demons approached me and approached me. The three guys were shrouded in the field, and one by one they tore and appeared constantly, and occasionally a cut was made, while I kept flashing in the field, and all kinds of intermediate and high-level skills were smashed out in turn.
It wasn’t long before the three demons rushed to my emperor’s wing, and they were bleeding all over. It was not far from death, and I continued to release my skills. I looked in the direction of Lena Kim and three busy people.
Lena is also going to be reimbursed for dealing with the two emperors’ winged demons. The gap between the level inferno and the level 95 dragon is not a little bit, but the most efficient one is not Lena, but gold. This makes me very surprised that this little guy is only level 64 to deal with the level 2 emperors’ winged demons, but he is not inferior at all, and he has already killed one left and one root. I watched it for more than ten seconds, and the emperor’s winged demons were tragically torn off by the golden dragon claws directly ~ Holy shit ~ The golden dragon, the strongest body of the dragon royal family, is really a melee enemy! Look at this guy Jin, except for the left wing, it seems that a few pieces of Long Lin’s blood loss have not reached 30,000, and it’s really scary to reply at a high speed. More than 20,000 attacks and more than 10,000 defenses. What’s a normal guy? After the two emperors’ wing magic departments over there are solved, they quickly rushed towards a busy man with me, chasing the emperors’ wing magic, which seems to be very exciting. Snack fighter crazy ~’ Poof’ ~ Then it’s impossible to chase me. The emperor’s wing magic was attacked by this guy
In just over two minutes, the Ministry of Magic of Emperor Wing hung up, and I didn’t delay it. I greeted Lina Kim and three busy people directly and rushed to the forest and landed on the ridge just high in the valley. Boom!
We just got through the trees and fell to the mountain. Suddenly, the whole valley was like pouring a ladle of water into a frying pan, and all kinds of calls came and went. It seems that there are quite a few monsters in the valley.
Shit ~ then what am I waiting for? We haven’t cursed for a long time. The terrain of this valley seems to be very good. I don’t know if I can kill it if I give you a landslide.
"Lena Kim and all of you should be careful. Kill me if you come and give them a big one!"
"Are you going to release the curse?" Lena asked.
"Well, this terrain is just right for me to give them a landslide. I don’t think there will be anything left!"
"Good you, my silver dragon field will cover this place!" Lena murmured a few words in a low voice, but I couldn’t understand the dragon language.
Silver dragon field? Isn’t Lena the magic field of metropolis? But a combine field? That seems to be better than a single field, right?
Chapter 421 magic dragon, the prince
The silver dragon field started to blink and brought up a hurricane around me. Lena flew and circled half over my head, and gold also rose rapidly. Three busy people were scattered around me.
There is already a lot of light in the valley, from the valley to the ridge and hillside, and the green spots are constantly approaching the top of the mountain. I don’t know what it is
To be on the safe side, I summoned the ape emperor and guarded him. I rose to a dozen meters high school to prepare for landslides. It would have taken 3 seconds to prepare for the equipment and features, which would have shortened a lot. I hope I can come!
One second, three seconds and five seconds later, the green spots on the hillside are getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain, and there is a lot of pressure coming at the top of the mountain. I can’t help but feel nervous
Seconds, the green light spot has partially washed up the ridge, and I have seen what these guys are! Hell’s ghost dog By hundreds of hellhounds with a length of more than two meters, the level is 65. Two dogs with a length of more than three meters have two heads that are level 7 guys. There are a large group of trolls behind hundreds of hellhounds, and there seem to be other monsters behind them ~ Holy shit ~ so many strange things! Baptism silently prayed that Lena’s three doppelgangers must resist. When the spell is released, I will slowly pick up these guys. Don’t be trapped by these guys before the spell is released.
Roar ~ Just as I was anxiously preparing my skills, a dull roar came from the valley, and then a huge figure rose rapidly from the valley and seemed to come here! Come on ~ ~ Lena and three doppelgangers have already smashed the scope magic crazily, and rushed ahead. The ghost dog of hell has approached the silver dragon field! The ghost dog of hell is attacked by Lena and three doppelgangers, with black liquid flowing and its mouth wide open. We keep yelling at each other, but it can corrode the balls one by one. Such a painful skill can’t break the protection of the silver dragon field, but a piece of magic keeps erupting among the helldogs.
Gold this guy is not good at magic and shining golden light, so he rushed towards the ground hell’s ghost dogs. This big tank is also unambiguous. He strode towards the hellhound and rushed into dozens of hell’s ghost dogs. They were covered with ice crystals and armor, and the field of flying snow was also instantaneous and violent. The lethality of a slam on the hellhound was not lower than that of a dive to instantly throw down a piece of gold.
There are Lena and Golden Ape Emperor, as well as three doppelgangers. It’s already 12 seconds when preparing for the attack, and there is no ghost dog in hell to take care of me for the time being!
I already feel the big earthquake! Soon ~ soon! I kept shouting in my heart, if it’s not good, there will be big trouble! Hell, the ghost dog troll, these guys are scum. We’re not worried yet, but those flying guys who have rushed to the top of the mountain are the trouble! If we don’t release it, we probably won’t feel good ~ That huge figure of Nima’s roar is not a simple role. I never expected that there would be this thing in this valley-magic dragon in hell! That guy has brought a large group of emperor-winged demons, a few dark unicorns, and a few petite little black things with bee wings and rushed towards us ~ Near ~ I stared at the huge figure and quickly approached our side for 1 meter ~ meters ~ Hell, magic dragon Tapes, 9 grades almost reached the level of God! Shit ~ it’s over! That guy is not the point. The point is that there is still a guy hiding behind that guy-the blood wing demon king level 1!
Roar ~ magic dragon staples in hell rushed towards Lena, who was constantly releasing magic, while the blood-winged demon king appeared at Kim’s side with a sharp scream ~ Then, a series of things seemed to go by in the past, but it was actually a blink of an eye when I found magic dragon staples in hell, and it was only a second before Kim was attacked and injured by the blood-winged demon king ~ I have been awake enough to Kim and Lena for this second, but my skills have not been released yet, so there can be no mistake.
As luck would have it, Tapes pounced on Lena’s blood-winged demon king and attacked Jin Instantly. The whole valley shook violently and thundered, and it was released from the mountain. Tapes has also bumped into the silver dragon field and hit Lena.
"Lena, look out!" I shouted and moved to Lena’s side in an instant, and at the same time, I waved my hand to collect the gold that had been attacked by the blood wing demon king ~’ bang’ ~ A loud noise. I instantly felt like I was hit by a high-speed high-speed train, and my whole body was like it was broken, but it wasn’t over yet ~ After being hit by a high-speed train, I actually hit the city wall ~ There was a bang in my head, and there was a broken sound of a magic shield, but it didn’t teleport ~ Holy shit ~ Why didn’t the guardian? After that, Tong Shi just let me go, and we have already hung up ~’ Bite the player flying, you are fatally injured by magic dragon Tapes in hell, triggering the Dragon God’s protection effect to restore health to 1, please restore health when you need it!’ Holy shit ~ directly killed us? Nima is too fierce ~ I can’t even afford the guardian effect! I was just thinking about it. The guardian finally got up. There was no chance. There was only a little blood left to give me a teleport, and Lena was facing hell. magic dragon Tapes had dodged for a while, but he was still drawn by Tapes’ dragon tail and uttered a painful dragon song.
I teleported my horse and was ready to open my mouth to tell Lena to hurry up. But I just opened my mouth and suddenly a lotus flower flashed in front of me. I didn’t feel anything. Then the horse recovered and there was no blood-winged demon figure in front of me. This guy has already flashed to other places, and the unified indication also sounded again ~’ Ding players fly in the sky, you are attacked by blood-winged demon king and die, triggering the resurrection of God in place!’ Shit ~! I haven’t hung up since I entered the game ~ but I hung up twice in succession today ~ I still hung up without any response! If it weren’t for the dragon god’s protection and the effect of god’s protection, we would really lose our virginity!
When has Nima ever been so wronged? Hell, grd, the demon king of Staples Blood Wings in magic dragon, is always with you today! I quickly shouted at Lena, "Lena, come to me. Be careful of the blood-winged devil. He’s too fast!" "
"Ga ga ga ~ not dead? Interesting! " The prince of blood wings heard me in the distance and said with a smile, and then rushed towards my side again rapidly.
"Lena, come to me quickly!" I was so anxious that I shouted md, I’m fine after hanging up a few times. At best, I’ll be demoted and lose some equipment at most, but if Lena dies, it’s over! But if she comes to our side, we can guarantee that nothing will happen in one second, and one second is enough to do a lot of things!
When I called Lena, she came to me in a flash regardless of Tapes’ attack, and the Blood Wings Devil had reached a distance. Although it was not as fast as Lena’s teleport, it was already fast. My eyes looked a little flowery!
"Destiny enchantment! Kai! " I shouted that the destiny suit comes with the destiny enchantment to instantly display the absolute defense effect to resist all attacks of the high-order spell. I don’t think I should worry about the attack of the Blood Wings and Tapes in this second!
Poof’ Blood-wing Demon King just hit the enchantment in an instant, and the result was that he brought up a ripple in the enchantment, but he was quickly bounced. Seeing the enchantment, I was relieved and didn’t dare to delay immediately. "Rena is ready to leave magic! Come on, this enchantment can stop for 1 second! "
"good!" Lena should prepare magic after a while, and I’m not idle. We’re not afraid of your attacks for the time being, so we have to do something to make you two guys white. We can’t just knead it!
"Spiritual lock!" Instantly transform the soul mage profession and raise your hand to the hell. magic dragon Staples lost a spiritual lock and then the staff shouted "Death Kiss!"